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Maleficent: Dial M for Misandry

By Angelfish in Angelfish's Diary
Sun Jun 01, 2014 at 02:27:24 PM EST
Tags: Disney, Misandry, Maleficent, Red Pill, Trigger Warning (all tags)

Trigger Warning: This article deals with a movie that promotes misandry!

Misandry is the greatest epidemic to hit the world since the Cold War. Masculinity is treated like a disease, feminazis are (symbolically) castrating men who do not act like manginas, and chivalry is called creepy. Disney, a company that once made great movies with wholesome family values like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, has betrayed its most loyal fans and sold its soul to the feminist agenda, making movies that promote misandry such as Beauty and the Beast, Brave, Frozen, and now Maleficent.

Maleficent is a liberal revisionist retelling of the story of Maleficent, the villain from Sleeping Beauty. It fails to capture any of the magic of the source material, but it succeeds at offending chivalrous gentlemen such as me and the rest of the atheists at my Google Glass User Group.

Maleficent's first mistake is in how it changes Maleficent from a heartless villain into a tragic victim betrayed by a man. What is this? Lifetime? I'm sorry, Miss Jolie, but am I supposed to believe that men exist who would betray women they love for power? As my friends on the PUA and MRA forums will confirm, it's women who manipulate others. Besides, even if a man were to hurt a woman to become king, isn't that what women want? If women didn't want men to act like assholes, then they'd stop dating black men assholes and date nice guys like Elliot Rodgers!

No man is presented as sympathetic in this movie. Sure, Maleficent's feathered familiar is as well as the prince who Sleeping Beauty meets, but they both act like manginas and therefore do not count. The real men in the movie, Stefan and the king who wants to destroy the moors, are treated as villains even though they do nothing wrong.

Fortunately, real men like Kofi Outlaw of Screen Rant recognize the inherent misandry in a film that suggests that men who physically violate women they drugged are somehow villainous. Unfortunately, the movie is doing very well in theaters, proving that misandry is all too real. Men are the new minorities.

Nice guys finish last. Maybe I should be an asshole. Take the red pill.

(This post has been sponsored by Cancer and Wixel Pixel, the two most chivalrous and supreme gentlemen of kuro5hin. Despite that they are gay lovers who ram each other's asses each night because women would never touch them, they personify everything real men should be: chivalrous toward the fair maidens who are members of their online communities.)


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Maleficent: Dial M for Misandry | 22 comments (22 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
Let me understand this? (none / 0) (#1)
by Cancer on Sun Jun 01, 2014 at 02:58:01 PM EST

She is some mystical magical fairy creature with wings and magic, and some man with a sword cuts off those wings so she curses his daughter to become Sleeping Beauty?

How could a normal man cut off the wings of such a powerful creature such as her? She isn't even human? I'd imagine she had some kind of magical force field spell and could at least fry him with a fireball spell?

Seems legit, Disney is braindead since they bought out Disney and Pixar.

I had a few friends who worked as artists for Disney, Disney has a political agenda and if you don't go along with it, they fire you for no reason. They gave up being artists because of how Disney treated them.

Underneath Disneyland and Disneyworld is a series of underground caverns and passages that they put people who misbehave. Some of the Jonas brothers ended up there along with some other teenage and tween pop stars. Artists end up there who refuse to put penises into their artwork and other stuff.

I am amazed that Disney made this (3.00 / 2) (#3)
by localroger on Sun Jun 01, 2014 at 06:11:23 PM EST

They went for over 20 years without re-releasing the animated Sleeping Beauty presumably because Anne Rice squicked them with The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, and now they make this with known dabbler in the scary sex arts like cutting Angelina Jolie in the lead and on the poster? What's next the Disney version of Justine?

I can haz blog!

This Chivalrous Knight Asks (none / 1) (#6)
by Wexel Pixel on Sun Jun 01, 2014 at 10:58:24 PM EST

Why is Disney ignoring Princess Leia? Why can she not join the pantheon of fair beautiful Disney Princesses?
Trolling is the answer to all the world's problems.-- Edmund Blackadder
Maleficent: Dial M for Misandry | 22 comments (22 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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