Today in Kuro5hin
By nostalgiphile in MLP Fri Mar 28, 2014 at 07:24:03 PM EST Tags: MLP, rusty, media, open tab (all tags)
This is amazing: I had no idea that our Benevolent Founder was the Monarch of Malinformation and maintained such an awesome media presence on the webs. There it is in the interview: CAPITAL: You run the very popular Today in Tabs daily newsletter, a sort of anti-digest of the day's various hate-reads. While of course informative and enlightening, its knowing/slapdash/snarky voice is a lot of its appeal. How did you come to find your Today in Tabs voice?
FOSTER: OK, first of all Tabs is just now creeping up on 3,000 subscribers, so it's far less popular than people imagine. It's just ubiquitous within a small pool of media people. I occasionally see it lumped in with much bigger more established newsletters and it feels weird when I know how small my list is.
In other words, this new site has about 2990 more regular users than Kuro5hin.org. What's more, I was not invited ☹ , albeit I'm not very Media People. But really, we are a bit confused by the total disconnect (not a single blurb!) between Today in Tabs and your 'gated dysfunctional community' here. Rusty, why hath thou forsaken us?
Okay, so what, you basically made a franchise out of MLPs full of twitter links? Bizarrely enough, people pay your for this, but that doesn't hurt so much. No, what hurts, #milord, is that you don't even give a single nod or tweetout to your ole pals at K5. Not a single tl;dr about our History or even a "I founded this KURO5HIN.ORG" in your hatereads micro-bio. Wherefore this spite, oh Twitter Man? We are good, "knowing/slapdash/snarky" internet people too! No?
PS: that's you on the Kuro5hin Yacht, isn't it?