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NEW POLE~~~K5's family relationship to the internet?

By Ezra Loomis Pound in Ezra Loomis Pound's Diary
Fri Mar 29, 2013 at 08:30:01 AM EST
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yea so this reminded me of you guys -- i dont know why, maybe the midgets are redditors, the cock and balls are kurons?

what happened to MRS HOLLYHOPDRIVE? is she in jail too?


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best metaphor of K5's family relationship to the internet
o K5 = the shy gay uncle of the internet 0%
o K5 = the racist cousin of the internet 0%
o K5 = the 40 yr old aunt who's still a virgin of the internet 18%
o K5 = the 12 yr old nephew who gets beaten up at school every day of the internet 18%
o K5 = the grumpy, drooling grandpa with 3 teeth left in his head of the internet 18%
o K5 = all of the above all of the above all of the above all of the above of the internet 45%

Votes: 11
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Related Links
o this reminded me of you guys
o Ezra Loomis Pound's Diary

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NEW POLE~~~K5's family relationship to the internet? | 9 comments (9 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
No. Next question please (none / 1) (#1)
by Enlarged to Show Texture on Fri Mar 29, 2013 at 09:43:05 AM EST

Also, I love my big gay son

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." -- Isaac Asimov
Kuro5hin.org is (3.00 / 4) (#5)
by tdillo on Fri Mar 29, 2013 at 06:04:53 PM EST

The very studious, clean-cut, well-respected (High Google-Juice) brother of the super-geek (Slashdot) that made good grades and all until he left home and started hanging with the wrong crowd. Staying out late, doing drugs, experimenting having unprotected gay sex with Anonymous. Kuro5hin.org wakes up these days, can't remember what happened the last 72 hrs. Has a bad rash and boils heroin out of old cigarette butt filters while masturbating to My Little Pony cartoons and writing suicide poetry.

A place to Dump kuro5hit.
The *hottest* spot on the net. No Cover and No Minimum. Makes 4chan look like a monastery. Introduce your Mojo to our Karma! Orangered up in this B-otch!

No, I'm here. (none / 1) (#8)
by HollyHopDrive on Sat Mar 30, 2013 at 09:20:44 AM EST

I drop in most days.

I make too much sense to be on the Internet.

NEW POLE~~~K5's family relationship to the internet? | 9 comments (9 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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