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Ask K5: Julian Assange for Senate?

By Ezra Loomis Pound in Ezra Loomis Pound's Diary
Sun Feb 17, 2013 at 09:11:32 PM EST
Tags: Julian Assange, Australia, LilDebbie is dangerous, ask k5 (all tags)

Does anyone think Mr Wikileaks can do it? I have no idea what Australians living in Australia think about this, but the ones ive met around here seem pretty pessimistic about his chances. What do k5 aussies (pic related: http://i.imgur.com/A8f61.jpg) think, can he get into your goberments? To me he seems obviously too much the introverted nerd for politics.

LilDebbie: predatory masturbator or impotent asexual?

I have nothing else to say.


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o Mr Wikileaks can do it
o http://i.i mgur.com/A8f61.jpg
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Ask K5: Julian Assange for Senate? | 9 comments (9 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
Won't happen thanks to (none / 0) (#1)
by Enlarged to Show Texture on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 02:26:35 AM EST

The Empire $

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." -- Isaac Asimov
thanks to propotional representation (none / 0) (#2)
by Marvin Suggs on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 05:47:58 AM EST

he has a very good chance. I think there's enough people who think he's been done wrong by the gummint to get some sympathy vote -- kind of also like there being enough peofple who think voting him in couldn't hurt.
Like putting jedi on ur sensus form.
   .0. gimme a bitcoin: 1M9vApgDo5Dw45Awfem75mrVtMJvaMKpjy
I don't think he has a chance ... (none / 0) (#3)
by mumble on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 05:55:05 AM EST

at all.

I'd be up for the LOL'z if he did though.

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lildebbie: Predatory Asexual (none / 0) (#6)
by greengrass on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 08:59:34 AM EST

It all depends (none / 0) (#7)
by sholden on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 10:00:16 AM EST

How many single issue candidates deivering him preferences has he managed to also get signed up?

The world's dullest web page

LILDEBBIE: YES! (none / 0) (#8)
by tdillo on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 10:57:08 AM EST


A place to Dump kuro5hit.
We're talking about you behind your back right now.

if muh dick has anything to say about it (none / 1) (#9)
by LilDebbie on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 06:06:28 PM EST

yeah definitely a predator. just this yesterday i enjoyed my usual weekend bathroom beat off (the preparations take too long for my weekday morning routine, and a shower must immediately proceed it). the temperature of the water i dunk my nuts in (advanced level technique; do not try this at home without adult supervision!*) was in the goldilocks zone and i spooged too early as a result. excuse me a moment while i hit the bong.

that's better. anywho, last time this happened i was able to achieve some interesting results with the inevitable follow-up wank that results from failed execution.

i should point out that i was using a dry technique when i made that amazing discovery so i wasn't 100% certain i could achieve the same results in the shower. the follow-up wank creeps up on you and by that time i already cleaned up the bathroom and proceeded to wash my gorgeous body.

sadly, i failed to unlike my chakra or whatever the fuck happened and merely had a sub-par secondary spooge after beating the hell out of muh po' dick.

tl;dr: muh dick.

* public airport bathrooms are still perfectly safe to fly solo. emphasis: solo.

My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden.
- hugin -

Ask K5: Julian Assange for Senate? | 9 comments (9 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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