First is the greatest dump of programming knowledge of the era, the Microsoft Programmer's Library featuring:
* MS-DOS 3.3 Programmer's Reference
* MS-DOS 4.0 Programmer's Reference
* The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
* Advanced MS-DOS Programming
* The New Peter Norton Programmer's Guide
* MS-DOS Sample Code
And of course, what good is all of this without the exceptional operating system.
I looked around for damned near every version I could find. I didn't both were non english shit, as really who cares? Also this is ONLY MS-DOS, none of that faggy IBM, or Digital Research ButtHurtDOS.
Bask in the glory or what was the greatest OS, of all kind. Windows only tore it down because of incompetent shithead sound dorks like Paul Radek. I mean FFS we had Doom, Quake1, and Duke Nuke'em 3D all on Watcom extended MS-DOS.
But I guess none of it could hold a candle to Midtown Madness.