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Is it all right to pay for sex from a friend?

By messybuu in messybuu's Diary
Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 09:08:32 AM EST
Tags: Nice guys, whores, ethics, kuro5hin (all tags)

McNugent's post about paying his friend for sex got me thinking: Would it be right to pay my friends for sex if they were willing? I couldn't do it myself; as much as I want to bang a lot of my friends, I couldn't pay one for sex without the whole affair distorting and damaging our friendship. If I really wanted to help them and didn't want to give them a handout, I'd make up jobs that I needed done around my house and pay them exorbitantly for them. But that's just me.

What would a nice guy do? To find out, I attended a meeting of nice hopeless romantic types at the campus last night.

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"Nothing wrong with it," one nice guy said. "Women are already sluts; might as well get paid for it."

"True dat," said another. "It's less demeaning than your average bitch getting on her knees for some asshole jock."

"Women are fucked up," said one with a No Fat Chicks shirt on. "If they weren't, we nice guys would be the one with them, not these jerks they always end up fucking."

"I'm a nice guy," said one that smelled even worse than the rest. "I've never beaten or raped anybody. Why can't I get a girlfriend?"

"Because they're stupid bitches who only like assholes. Not nice, respectful gentlemen like us."

Before I left, I asked them a follow-up question: "What kind of phones do you have?"

"An S3."

"An Evo."

"Droid all the way. Droid does, baby!"

"So none of you have an iPhone?" I said. They burst out laughing.

"We're not dumb bitches. Only girls buy that shit." Receiving enough data, I was ready to leave, but they were so busy ranting about "dumb sluts who only like jerks"  that I couldn't get in a goodbye, and I didn't want to be rude. I texted my friend on campus to help me. She's the heartless bitch type who doesn't mind being rude to others when she needs to be.

A few minutes later, the door opened and there she stood. "Let's go, Billy," she said. The nice guys started drooling over her, reeking with desperation and the stench of pizza. They were ready to woo her, but I quickly interjected that she's my girlfriend, which sent them back into their seats muttering "asshole jock" beneath their breaths.

"What the hell were you doing with those losers?" she asked.

"Research," I said.

"I have the fat one in one of my class."

"Which fat one? They're all fat."

"The fattest one. He's always staring at me, and I could hear him breathing from across the room. The girl who sits in front of him told me he keeps touching her hair."

"He seems like a nice guy," I said.

"He's a fucking loser. They all are."


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Is it all right to pay for sex from a friend? | 11 comments (11 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
that's kinda sad, until you ask about their phones (none / 0) (#1)
by mirko on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 09:25:20 AM EST

Finally I managed to make the decision that I would work on it. - MDC
we had to huddle together - trane
No. Next question please $ (none / 0) (#3)
by Enlarged to Show Texture on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 10:16:43 AM EST

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." -- Isaac Asimov
Sure! (none / 1) (#4)
by ksandstr on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 10:46:20 AM EST

However, if she inquires, the correct answer is "not for cash, but I will fuck you for pussy".

McNugent doesn't pay a friend: (none / 1) (#5)
by Wen Jian on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 12:15:17 PM EST

That's just a comforting self-deception.
It was an experiment in lulz. - Rusty
The only legit way to hook up is in an elevator $ (none / 1) (#6)
by Pentashagon on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 12:59:11 PM EST

a friend in need: (none / 1) (#8)
by Del Griffith on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 01:23:55 PM EST

is a friend to exploit for sex.

I...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me

i c wat u did there (none / 0) (#10)
by Ignorant Motherfuckers on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 06:49:45 PM EST

recasting the thesis of Das Kapital in a way the yutes can understand, I got my eye on you McNugent!

Is it all right to pay for sex from a friend? | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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