Jetset Psychopath Pleads Guilty
By N0574 in News Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 07:33:26 PM EST Tags: FNH, murder, death, media, serial killers, news (all tags)
From the New York Times: Joran van der Sloot, the Dutchman who became notorious as the prime suspect in the disappearance of an 18-year-old Alabama woman in Aruba in 2005, pleaded guilty in a Lima courtroom on Wednesday to the 2010 murder of a Peruvian woman he met at a casino. The case of the American woman, Natalee Holloway, who vanished during a senior class trip, remains unresolved despite being the subject of several books and television programs, as well as many lurid tabloid headlines over the years. The Peruvian woman, Stephany Flores, 21, was strangled in a Lima hotel room five years to the day after Ms. Holloway's disappearance. "I am truly sorry for this act," Mr. van der Sloot told the judges on Wednesday, according to The Associated Press. He bowed his head as his lawyer argued that he had killed Ms. Flores in a state of "extreme psychological trauma" brought on because he was "persecuted" during the Holloway investigation. Prosecutors have asked for a 30-year sentence.
There's a partial transcript of Van Der Sloot's confession here. Basically he caught her reading an email on his PC, elbowed her in the nose and strangled her to death.
It appears he was psychotically paranoid, and that could be related to the torrent of accusations that he murdered Natalee Holloway. Or, it could just as easily be evidence that he is pathologically violent when it comes to young women.
Since 2008 Thailand has been investigating Van Der Sloot's involvement in illegal sex trafficking, selling Thai girls into prostitution in the Netherlands for $13,000 a head. Several of the women he dealt with went missing while he was there. In 2008 Van Der Sloot claimed he sold Natalee Holloway into slavery for $10,000.
This guy is truly a weirdass global phenomenon: Van Der Sloot's "guardian angel," Dr Mary Hamer, has yet to comment on his guilty plea or confession. The Florida divorcee is apparently in love with the murderer, has paid $20,000 for his legal fees, and has released a CD of her "Songs for Joran" to help support his defense. She calls him "Buddha", but am I the only one who thinks he looks like Dexter? (See my poll).