Fact-checking Romney on "borrowing money from China"
By Edmund Blackadder in Edmund Blackadder's Diary Wed Oct 03, 2012 at 10:55:20 PM EST Tags: politics, economics, debate, debt, foreign debt, intragovernmental holdings, debt doesn't matter, modigliani-miller theorem, reagan proved it, japan's 200% debt to gdp (all tags)
Near the beginning of the first presidential debate, Romney said (transcript):
What things would I cut from spending? Well, first of all, I will eliminate all programs by this test, if they don't pass it: Is the program so critical it's worth borrowing money from China to pay for it? And if not, I'll get rid of it. Obamacare's on my list.
But only 7% of the debt is held by China.
Wikipedia article on US debt:
At the end of September 2012, debt held by the public was approximately $11.311 trillion or about 72% of GDP. Intra-governmental holdings stood at $4.848 trillion, giving a combined total public debt of $16.159 trillion[4][5] [6] As of July 2012, $5.3 trillion or approximately 48% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were China and Japan at just over $1.1 trillion each.[7]
[7] U.S. Treasury-Data Chart Center
Japan's debt-to-gdp ratio: 229%
US vs. China money supply growth (M1)
US vs. China money supply growth (M2)
Conclusion: China creates as much or more money than the US, and Japan has over twice the debt-to-gdp ratio that the US has; both continue to buy US govt bonds because the US is a great investment. Also, their holdings are a small fraction of the money the US borrows, about a quarter of which are intragovernmental lendings.
Fact-check status on Romney: Pants on fire.