Pre-employment personality surveys make me want to hr murder managers and the pseudo psychologists that make these tests. Here are the first 3 "questions," where the applicant must answer whether they SD (strongly disagree), D (disagree), N (neutral), A (agree), SA (strongly agree):
Coworkers would describe me as someone who follows the rules. What the company wants to see: SA. Honest answer: D or SD.
I think everyone should obey those in positions of authority. What the company wants to see: SA. Honest answer: D or SD.
Coworkers would describe me as being obedient. What the company wants to see: SA. Honest answer: D or SD.
When I read those three questions... I just fucking lost it, I don't even want to submit the application anymore. There is of course no room for nuance in such a test. They are merely trying to weed out sociopaths, but more importantly, they're trying to figure out who the sheep are. So you could say I failed the test before I even started it, and now you ktards will say 'look thats pruf the test worked lol'
They say these tests are not pass/fail, but that's a goddamn lie. If you don't meet a certain threshold, the company's message to the hiring manager will be 'DO NOT HIRE ANYONE WITH A SCORE FROM 0 to 15' or some such shit. I speak from personal experience.