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"Does 'Sleep Gas' exist?" or "Ethnic Cleansing in the US"

By tilly in Politics
Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 08:21:04 AM EST
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This article describes harassment and barrage of assaults I have been experiencing on my body during the past five months.  

I am an American citizen, an immigrant of Middle Eastern origin.  I have been living in the US for 35 years; I am non-religious; my politics tend in general towards left-of-center.  Around the beginning of the Iraq war, years 2003 and 2004,  I expressed on Internet forums - mostly on this site - my opposition to the Iraq war in strong language and talked about George W. Bush in unflattering terms which are commonly heard now but were not so commonly heard then.

The precise beginning date of the series of events I will talk about is uncertain because only towards the end of November 2007, I realized that I was being drugged and walked backwards in my mind and traced the start of this approximately to the beginning of that month ...

To explain:  During a normal night of sleep, one goes thru a process.  The precise instant one falls asleep is not clearly marked to one's own consciousness but one is aware of the different stages of sleep one goes thru during the nite.  There are periods of deep sleep and no apparent consciousness, and periods of dreaming and times of semi-awaking and becoming aware of such things as the bed and sounds coming from outside etc and then falling asleep again and going thru these stages possibly several times.  And in the morning, because of the awareness of having gone thru these stages, we are aware of time having passed thru the nite.

By contrast: I have been operated on under general anesthesia two times.  The experience of general anesthesia is not like sleeping at all; it is total absence of awareness; one might describe it as destruction of time; it is as if one did not exist during the time while one was under.

Somewhere towards the end of November, I said to myself, I am not going to sleep; I am being knocked out.  This had been going on for several weeks but it did not hit my consciousness because the possibility of such a fantastic thing as noxious gases being injected into my living space was so totally outside the horizon of my expectations.

Because, if somebody had talked to me a year ago in the way I am writing now, I would have said this guy sounds like a paranoid nutcase.

Going back to the past four months, unfortunately, I have not kept a diary and can only give an account of events in inexact time specs.

I believe the assault on my body started with a test on me as a guinea pig of a "sleep gas".  This is only one of the things I have been subjected to in the past 4 months.  Let me list them:

1)  First, more details on the "sleep gas":  Once I became aware of it, I paid attention to how it worked.  A typical situation:  I am walking around totally awake and not tired, then I sit down to watch TV for a bit in my usual spot on the couch.  I may or may not feel a faint draft of air on my face; then, quite suddenly, I feel tired and sleepy.  Then, the effect depends on how I respond to this.  If I take this as a signal that it is time to go to sleep, I actually do go to sleep and this is what I had been doing the earlier weeks of November.  (Parenthetically, throughout most of my adult life, I suffered from insomnia and going to sleep had been a big struggle for me, that is, until November 2007!)  
   If, on the other hand, I quickly get up and move away from the spot on the couch, the effect dissipates; I am back to being awake and untired again!  Now, in my experience, this is a neat trick.  One might shake oneself out of sleepiness with coffee and cold fresh air etc but tiredness does not go away so easily.

2)  Now the waking part:  I seem to breathe cold air, or more precisely, I experience what feels like a splash of cold air on my face and this is followed by palpitations in the chest.  This is how I was woken up.  Also, this is how I was prevented from resting.  Another typical situation:  I come from work eager to read a magazine.  I set up my pillows on the bed to rest against.  Then, the light blinks, I feel the cold air against my face followed by the palpitation in the chest.  I get up and leave the bedroom.

3)  When I was still using my bedroom, I remember waking gasping for air and running to the window and being able to breathe only with my face out the window.  It was as if something other than air had been filling my lungs.  This happened only for one or two times after which I stopped using my bedroom.  For the past 2-3 months, I sleep in the living room on my desk; this puts my head on a level against the open window and I use a fan to drive in fresh air from the outside against my face.

4)  "Dirty air":  Not that I can see the dust or anything but I feel an accumulation of gunk in the back of my throat and on my tongue.  During the times I was subjected to this particular torture, the furs on my cats were covered with a shiny gunk and they kept licking their tongues.

5)  A particularly severe attack:  I believe it is administered via an injected gas; it may start with something like the bursting of a bubble on my temple.  Followed by a sickness lasting from a few hours to a day.  Symptoms:  finding myself forced to breathe fast, numbness on the extremities, for long periods afterwards, feeling my lungs constantly with discomfort on each breath and chest pain that sometimes take over entire one half of my chest.

6)  Equally severe, administered via my car (not in my townhouse).  Burning in the lungs, pain with breathing, feeling as if I am about to faint.  This also lasts several hours.  And I actually have a sample of the substance that caused this.  I found an object that looked like a piece of sponge in front of my garage.  I picked it up; it was covered with a soot-like powder.  I brought it near my nose to see if it had a scent.  Subsequently, for several hours, I experienced the above symptoms with one additional symptom:  the skin on my finger turned white in an area the size of a dime where I had touched the stuff.  This was not a case of the skin being covered with dirt or powder; the skin itself turned white and remained so even after washing for several hours.  I imagine, about half a dozen times, such a piece of sponge was placed on my engine allowing the piece to burn with the heat of the engine with the vapors wafting into the passenger compartment.  In one of these occasions I had a movie theater staff call the medics and they found nothing except that my pulse rate was and stayed at a high level.  This was attributed to my being excited even though I was not so.

7)  Tinnitus:  Ringing in the ears.  Now, this is not internally generated.  I believe this is achieved by some sort of electomagnetic wave or near-inaudible sound wave.  The reason:  the effect is localized to specific spots I tend to occupy in my home, for example, sitting in front of the computer.  If I move away quickly when the ringing starts, it subsides over half a minute to a minute of time.  

The general strategy seems to be not to throw all of these at me at the same time but to sort of alternate between different types of torment.

I never thought I was that important but somebody seems to have seen it fit to spend an awful lot of concentrated effort and money to displace me.  All these occurrences are not the work of an ordinary person and the team that is harassing me has access to locksmith expertise, veterinary expertise, electricians' expertise and and air-conditioning expertise.  I will spare the reader details on all of these areas for now.  

The overall goal seems to be to drive me away and, if that fails, to drive me crazy, and if that fails, to make others think me crazy if I start to talk about this admittedly fantastic stuff that is happening to me.

There are other effects that are difficult to distinctly describe.  There is a lot here that I have not written about.  This has been my life in the past four months.  There are days when it feels like I am walking around feeling drugged and wearing a helmet of a headache.  It may just be a general unwellness resulting from living under torture.  


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"Does 'Sleep Gas' exist?" or "Ethnic Cleansing in the US" | 178 comments (162 topical, 16 editorial, 1 hidden)
Same thing happens to me too (2.87 / 8) (#1)
by yellow shark on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 07:34:18 PM EST

except I get transported to a sorority house at some Big Ten university and get probed by hot chicks.

I wake up (but I wasn't really asleep) and all my private parts are sore.

is this a joke (2.80 / 5) (#2)
by Linux or FreeBSD on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 07:36:50 PM EST

Hah (2.75 / 4) (#5)
by LittleZephyr on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 08:30:20 PM EST

I would normally recommend you to see a psychiatrist because you are a paranoid freak, but it would be interesting to see if you can come up with proof. Post pictures of that black spongey substance you found. Your townhouse might have a toxic mold infestation or or some form of sick building or legionnaires disease.
(\♥/) What if instead of posting that comment,
(0.-) you had actually taken a knife and stabbed
("_") me in the eye? You murderer. ~ Rusty

symptoms of the gas much like reading this story (2.75 / 4) (#6)
by lostincali on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 09:18:41 PM EST

"The least busy day [at McDonalds] is Monday, and then sales increase throughout the week, I guess as enthusiasm for life dwindles."

This story niiice (1.50 / 2) (#7)
by Hiphopopotamus on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 09:19:57 PM EST


I'm In LOVE!

Paranoid but with a grievance (2.66 / 6) (#8)
by jimrandomh on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 09:52:02 PM EST

Yes, you are paranoid. But you've also hinted at some real issues in your environment, which you can track down and fix. Finding the real cause of your discomfort would set your mind at ease. Also, you should strongly consider therapy.
  1) It's hard to fall asleep if you're nervous, and if the reason you're tired is because you've been sitting still for awhile then getting up and walking around will wake you up. You mentioned a history of insomnia, which means you're probably sleep deprived, which means that suddenly feeling tired, especially on the couch, is completely normal.
  6) Sounds like mold. And if there's a piece of it in your garage, it could be growing in your walls. That would explain 3, 4, and 5 as well. You should have your house checked for mold; it'll cost a few bucks, but inspectors do that sort of thing all the time.
  7) Cheap electronics sometimes make a high-pitched sound, right at the limit of human hearing. It's localized to the spot near the device that's making the noise, and turning it off will make it go away. Try turning off your TV, computer monitor, computer, and whatever other electronics you have around until you figure out where it's coming from.

CalcRogue: TI-89, 92+, PalmOS, Windows and Linux.
by circletimessquare on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 10:54:13 PM EST

The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.

not funny. (none / 0) (#14)
by chlorus on Sun Apr 06, 2008 at 11:39:36 PM EST

Peahippo: Coked-up internet tough guy or creepy No, not funny ... by tilly, 04/06/2008 11:49:48 PM EST (2.50 / 2)

I hope you die! (2.00 / 3) (#17)
by j1mmy on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 12:46:37 AM EST


Hate to be the one to break it to you, but... (2.66 / 6) (#23)
by mirleid on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 08:51:16 AM EST

Because, if somebody had talked to me a year ago in the way I am writing now, I would have said this guy sounds like a paranoid nutcase.

...you still sound like a paranoid nutcase now...Maybe we've been somehow transported 1 year back in time, who knows...

Chickens don't give milk
Just leave a candle burning (2.75 / 8) (#24)
by GhostOfTiber on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 09:08:42 AM EST

Candles are proven scientifically to burn sleep gas and only emit pure oxygen in the process. You should look it up.

[Nimey's] wife's ass is my cocksheath. - undermyne

This reminds me of an article a few years ago. (2.80 / 5) (#26)
by BadDoggie on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 09:29:30 AM EST

You're otherkin.


"Eppur si muove." -- Galileo Galilei
"Nevertheless, it moves."

MTV, -1: sorry (none / 1) (#27)
by ksandstr on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 09:45:04 AM EST

But this kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated of a subject. Please remain where you are, the collection unit is en route to gather your presence and transportinificationize it to the spiritinifical cleanizecator.

Some things that may help you (3.00 / 22) (#29)
by rusty on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 10:09:50 AM EST

First of all, the government is not gassing you in your sleep, or to sleep, or in general poisoning you on purpose in any way. This is a delusion, and the tighter you cling to it, the more you will appear to be paranoid and possibly schitzophrenic. If you can, try to let this idea go. It's not true. When the government wants to harass you, they will come and take you to Gitmo, and it will be blindingly obvious that you are being harassed by the government. They are not subtle, and have no need to be. And they won't do this to you anyway. You are not important. Sorry, but it's true. Let go of this idea too, if you can. You're basically stitching together a lot of relatively ordinary occurrences with the delusion of personal importance and persecution by larger forces. This is the classic definition of paranoia.

Second, I agree with others here about mold testing. If you're not in fact suffering from a mental illness (although it's pretty clear that you are) this is the only thing at all likely to produce symptoms like you describe. From what you say though, it could just as well be dry air in the house, or ordinary dust. I often wake up feeling like I have an accumulation of gunk in my throat. It's just dust. Cats lick themselves all the time. That is not an indication of anything unusual.

So finally, please seek psychological assistance. This place will not really help you, unless you take my advice. Just find a counselor and talk to them about this stuff. Your doctor can probably recommend one, if you have a doctor. Otherwise many towns and states have free help lines you can call. If there's nothing wrong with you, then no harm will be done by it. But it does sound like you at the very least have a sleep disorder of some kind, which may be throwing off your cognition enough to produce the other sensations you're describing.

I really can't stress this enough. Please, please talk to a psychiatrist or a counselor about all this. If you haven't read it, this might be of interest as well.

Not the real rusty

WELCOME TO K5 (2.71 / 7) (#30)
by ray eckson on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 12:06:58 PM EST


wampsy: hey ray why don't you start up a site. you could call it ray5.
rusty: I gotta fix that stupid cancel bug.
booger: How's that for daring to get ray eckson all sniffy, you cow?
poopy: Not that I'm gay or anything, but for you I might make an exception.
"thru" is not a fucking word (2.66 / 6) (#37)
by nostalgiphile on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 02:33:27 PM EST

stop using it THROUGHOUT.

Also, this was an X-Files episode:"Pivotal". Might want to watch it again to figure out what to do next.

"Depending on your perspective you are an optimist or a pessimist[,] and a hopeless one too." --trhurler

consider this: (2.57 / 7) (#38)
by loteck on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 03:14:37 PM EST

what you think is happening may very well be precisely what is going on. governments have historically perpetrated far more elaborate schemes against dissenters in the past, and we both know that this current administration is doing its fair share of illegal operations behind the curtain.

if it was so, they likely want you to know that it is happening so that you will go and express these concerns to others, who will of course think you are absolutely crazy. this diminishes your credibility without the government having to directly attack you.

if they can just keep you constantly drowsy and at the same time let prolonged exposure to the gas begin to cause you more serious problems, they can ultimately discredit you when you start telling people about it.

you should inspect your cat for any sign of intrusion or espionage, because poisoning you or recording you via a surgical implantation in a house pet is not an uncommon way for secret government agencies to operate. if you have doubts, some have gone as far as to feed the pet to a microwave or a blender in order to obtain incontrovertible proof of their theories.

you may just want to leave your house completely and live on the street for awhile. the cat would be likely to follow you, though, so i would say blend him first and sift through the remains to find any microchips or transmitters. if you don't have a blender, try the garbage disposal.

good luck man, and dont let the brainwashed government sheep around here try to discredit your intuitions by claiming that you are paranoid or unstable. remember a quote from one of my favorite people of all time: "paranoids are just people who have all the information".
"You're in tune to the musical sound of loteck hi-fi, the musical sound that moves right round. Keep on moving ya'll." -Mylakovich

Not what you think it is (3.00 / 8) (#39)
by pyro9 on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 03:26:26 PM EST

You should know that this is likely not what you think it is. As a sufferer of insomnia, you may not be familliar with the normal process of falling asleep, but the points you mentioned in 1) are perfectly normal.

That is, if you stay awake in spite of being tired, when you do go to bed, you tend to drop right off and have little memory of it. If you then get up at the usual tinme in the morning, you'll have little or no recollection of your dreams.

OTOH, by going to bed at first sign of tiredness, you'll fall asleep more slowly and are more likely to vividly recall dreams.

Most people will start to get drowsy if they sit down and relax when tired. Moving about will temporarily wake them up. If the tiredness is more mental than physical, it is indeed easily dismissed at first.

Oddly enough, all of this could be nothing more than a fairly sudden resolution to your long-standing insomnia.

As for point 2, that is called a "panic attack". More properly, it is just a 'glitch' in your sympathetic nervous system. Most everyone has that happen from time to time. If the sensations are passed off as meaningless or something harmless ("shouldn't have had that 3rd hot dog"), they will remain infrequent and fade quickly. If significance is assigned to them, they will be more frequent and are often mis-interpreted as fear. This is what many phobias are made of. A major objective of cognitive therepy is to explore those sensations and break the association of them with fear or physical distress.

Same for point 3.

As to point 4, I get that gunk in my throat when I sleep with the window open on a cold night or when my nose is stuffy. It's just partially dried mucous.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! The headaches and odd sensations could also be from carbon monoxide, you should get a detector just to be safe. Combined smoke/carbon monoxide detectors are widely available. As others have pointed out, toxic mold is also a possability.

It wouldn't hurt to see a doctor just to reassure yourself. I wouldn't go into the causes with him, just describe the concerning symptoms and see whet he concludes. If you do have a medical problem, you may find a doctors explaination to make a LOT of sense.

The future isn't what it used to be
I am at my lunch break now ... (none / 0) (#40)
by tilly on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 04:15:38 PM EST

I will answer some of the comments when I come back from work. I am thankful even for abusive comments so eager am I to shine some daylight on this long nightmare.

STFU and go get cleansed already (2.50 / 2) (#46)
by undermyne on Mon Apr 07, 2008 at 08:46:08 PM EST

You sleep soundly, smoke too much, need to open a window at night, and have an ear infection.

And possibly a furnace or other such appliance in need of service as you are probably suffering from CO2 poisoning (by your own hand).

I suggest removing the rag from your head and hanging yourself with it.

"who in his right mind would hand over political power of an entire country, armed with nuclear weapons, to someone with a clitoris?" - Sounds like 1930's Germany alright ... -nt by tilly,
04/07/2008 10:12:24 PM EST (none / 1)
Sounds like a troll (2.00 / 3) (#55)
by jnana on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 12:47:55 AM EST

The tone of your story reminds me of the time a college friend called the Art Bell show back in '97 or so, complaining that he had taken part in a university psychology experiment, after which he started losing time and waking up in strange places, and how when he went back to the psych department, they disavowed any knowledge of the experiment or the student. Art lapped it up, of course.

Your average kurobot though is a lot more skeptical than Art Bell, as you've already discovered.

If you're serious, you should recognize that every year people develop mental problems for the first time, and the chances of that being what's happening here rather than the government wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on a nobody who knows nothing and has done nothing are extremely good (I mean no offense, I'm a nobody, and don't expect the government would waste much effort on me either). Get your house checked out, and if is sound environmentally, see a doctor, get a physical and have basic bloodwork done, and then see a psychiatrist.

Be seeing you (none / 1) (#60)
by ensignyu on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 04:56:20 AM EST


+1 FP, not enough CIA hits on Kuro5hin (2.66 / 3) (#62)
by Wen Jian on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 07:55:35 AM EST

Furthermore, too many crackpots, we need Tilly to level things out.
It was an experiment in lulz. - Rusty
See a professional (2.00 / 2) (#69)
by Xoder on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 04:32:35 PM EST

These are classic signs of mental illness. Please, please, please go see a professional before anything more severe than these delusions begins to appear.

Lately I've been hearing that god's on our side But rumor has it, there's one on their side too So what I'd like to know is, when it comes down to it, can my god kick their god's ass or what?
thats just brain cancer man (none / 1) (#70)
by agreedymonkey on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 04:35:49 PM EST

Assuming you aren't a troll (none / 1) (#71)
by jubal3 on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 05:10:58 PM EST

PLEASE go get some help.

I'm not being an asshole, I don't know anything about you. I DO know however, that "lost time" sensation is a BIG warning sign of several forms of mental illness, most of which are treatable.

Go get some help, have the place tested for mold, as Rusty suggested, but FIRST go see a qualified psychologist or Psychiatrist.

***Never attribute to malice that which can be easily attributed to incompetence. -HB Owen***

Perhaps (none / 1) (#72)
by tweet on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 05:16:54 PM EST

a double bluff with a filing under 'Fiction' would've worked better. Keep working on those poor trolling skills tho (th0?,thoug?,thuuuuu?)

Not everything in black and white makes sense.

LOL n/t (2.00 / 2) (#73)
by anaesthetica on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 06:11:59 PM EST

—I'm the little engine that didn't.
k5: our trolls go to eleven

so you're tired, having panic attacks.... (2.75 / 4) (#76)
by Linux or FreeBSD on Tue Apr 08, 2008 at 10:59:58 PM EST

but holy shit your cats are licking their tongues!? how the fuck?

This really feels like a troll (2.80 / 5) (#85)
by Sgt York on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 09:41:15 AM EST

But it's a convincing one, convincing enough to say you need to get some help.

OK, how's this. Proof or STFU. You have a sample. I assume there is a pet store somewhere near you. Get some mice and conduct a few experiments. Be sure to videotape it and post it to youtube with links here. Just be sure to do it all at once, don't want them knocking you out and taking/altering the tape.

Here's your method: Get 6 mice and two cages, set up 3 mice to a cage; do all six mice at the same time. Any glass, or Lexan (plexiglass) box that you can cover will work as a cage. Avoid plastic; it's too reactive. Airtight is probably not necessary as the stuff works on you in a large, relatively well-ventilated space. Point a video camera at both cages. Put three mice in each cage. Drop the sponge thing in there, see what happens.

If you think the stuff needs to be heated to liberate the gas, get 2 saucepans, 2 metal funnels that are about as wide as the saucepans, and some plastic tubing. Rig the two saucepans with the funnels over the top, with tubing leading to the cages. In one saucepan, put the sample. In the other, put nothing. Turn on the exhaust fan over your stove and turn up the heat on both.

Mouse respiratory systems are pretty damn similar to our own. Due to the size differential, an anesthetic dose enough to knock you out may kill the mice.

There is a reason for everything. Sometimes, that reason just sucks.

gay gas (1.00 / 2) (#87)
by Perianwyr on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 10:48:59 AM EST

Look on the bright side; at least they aren't using the gay gas on you. I hear they have problems with that in Finland.

  • Ok by 138, 05/02/2008 06:44:50 AM EST (none / 0)
Sleep apnea? (none / 1) (#96)
by rpresser on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 01:15:48 PM EST

Would explain drowsiness and panicked awakening.
"In terms of both hyperbolic overreaching and eventual wrongness, the Permanent [Republican] Majority has set a new, and truly difficult to beat, standard." --rusty
FUCKIN LOL (3.00 / 2) (#100)
by ray eckson on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 03:11:38 PM EST

I love it.  K5 the internet loony bin

wampsy: hey ray why don't you start up a site. you could call it ray5.
rusty: I gotta fix that stupid cancel bug.
booger: How's that for daring to get ray eckson all sniffy, you cow?
poopy: Not that I'm gay or anything, but for you I might make an exception.
This might sound funny (2.66 / 6) (#102)
by the77x42 on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 03:59:55 PM EST

But I actually work for the government. I am against what we are doing, so I thought I should let you know before it goes too far. They have tracked you down to this site and story and as a result, are about to administer lethal doses of the nerve agent to you sometime this weekend.

You must kill all of your cats. The nerve agent was biologically inserted into them the last time you brought them to the vet. The lethal dosage of the nerve agent will be passed into the cats through some food left outside your residence. You must kill them now!

"We're not here to educate. We're here to point and laugh." - creature
"You have some pretty stupid ideas." - indubitable ‮

WHERE'S THE HIREZPRUF? (none / 1) (#103)
by LittleZephyr on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 04:25:06 PM EST

tilly, several people have asked for you easily providable evidence. Where are the photos of the black spongy substance? Where are the disassembled light fixtures with gas tanks?

(\♥/) What if instead of posting that comment,
(0.-) you had actually taken a knife and stabbed
("_") me in the eye? You murderer. ~ Rusty

He might sound crazy to you.... (2.00 / 2) (#105)
by meridian on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 05:32:37 PM EST

It is right at the moment when you are about to fall asleep that the shock in your chest occurs as if someone knows you are about to slip into sleep and does not let you even get 1 second of it, perhaps to pissing you off/pay you back and torturing you not allowing to let you get to sleep?

Have you possible pissed of someone like one of the major software company which huge resources? Just out of interest (I will mention what I did).

I experienced the same thing for a long time. I have moved to somewhere that is not a "permanent residence" and is on the ground floor so they can not simple stand under me in the room below. If I go and sleep back at my mothers house it will start again. If I don't sleep at my mothers house for a long time they give me hell when I return as if they have been waiting to play with me. It is hell I know what you are going through. I assume they will not bother to dig anything out from under here.

Consider if you have a fine line at the bottom of your rib cage and also a fine line right around your throat.


Yes everyone will tell you you are crazy. Where I am now is not so bad. I will move again when it becomes so.

  • ow well by meridian, 04/09/2008 06:14:23 PM EST (2.50 / 2)
    • and... by meridian, 04/09/2008 06:20:21 PM EST (2.50 / 2)
When the cancer finally kills you (none / 1) (#111)
by sllort on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 07:02:47 PM EST

You're going to wish you could feel so fucking stupid for writing this.
Warning: On Lawn is a documented liar.
  • Hey by meridian, 04/09/2008 07:33:13 PM EST (none / 1)
oh sorry. I was smoking a blunt in your Backyard (2.66 / 3) (#113)
by wastedyears on Wed Apr 09, 2008 at 10:41:53 PM EST

and the smoke wafted in your window.

WWW.ROFLKING.COM The King of wierd pictures.

Singular occurrence I: The Case of the Shaved Cat (3.00 / 2) (#114)
by tilly on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 02:51:58 AM EST

Jeez! Here I am ... I put up the story in order to publicize my experiences. It was my intent that it would be posted. But now, finding it on the front page, I realize how much part of me hoped it would be dumped. So, if you would cut me some slack, I am going to start slow ...

One day about 3 months ago, I notice while playing with one of my cats what appears to be a shaved area on its neck. This is roughly a rectangle 1 - 1.5 inches accross and twice that long down. The top and the sides are fairly straight; the lower edge is not - it is wavy. There is a little fuzz growing there so it must have been a while since the fur was removed. And there is, in the middle of the rectangle, what appears to be a needle mark with a tiny scab on it.

I immediately take her to the vet - there is one in the neighborhood where you can drop in:

"Somebody drew blood from my cat!", I say.

"No, it cant be!", she replies.

She explains that it is probly the cat that clawed out its fur. She mentions how difficult it is to draw blood from a cat.* She also notes that this does not look like a neat shave. I, for my part, do not point out that one argument sorta voids the other. I am happy; I am relieved. Because I do not want to face the horror of thinking thru the implications of somebody sneaking into my house and drawing blood from one of my cats in the context of the all the other things that is happening to me that I described in the story.

So, I am leaving the place with one hand on the doorknob and the other holding the carrier with the cat in it when

"Although", she says in a voice that has just turned high-pitched, pained (even whiny?), "it is right on the spot."

I walk out without saying a word.

* Anybody who has tried to even pill a cat will realize how true that is. Just imagine the skill involved to stick a needle into the neck of a cat, find a small vein, draw the blood with the cat fully awake. In my experience of couple of decades of owning cats, I know of only one vet who did this right in front of me. Usually, they take the animal to a room in the back where one skillful individual - maybe the only one in that hospital and not necessarily the veterinarian - performs the procedure.

by tomlord on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 03:01:17 AM EST

Tilly is not crazy in his technological imaginings. If spooks wanted to get on his ass subtly, for whatever reason, it could easily come out sounding like that. I don't quite believe in "sleep gas" as the mechanism but, close enough.

But, I sincerely doubt that that is really what is happening to him. Either he's trolling and it's BS or, a bit more likely, there's some real health issue.

When I read the comments earlier, lots talked about mental illness or sleep apnea. I'm no physic but the hypothesis that struck me is a cardio-vascular problem.

Point being:

Tilly, assuming you aren't trolling:

Get out and make some friends who can give you feedback more closely. A web site won't help without also hurting.

Get thee to a doctor and describe your symptoms (but tone down the scary hypothesis that it is spooks after you -- mention that you "feel like it is someone doing something to you" but don't go further). You need a work-up to test your heart, lungs, blood pressure, nervous system, blood chemistry, etc..... the whole nine yards.


Chances are... (1.50 / 2) (#117)
by meridian on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 03:13:03 AM EST

Chances are it just got in a fight.

The trouble is, when there seems to be alot of strange things happening anything out of the ordinary seems to be another sign it is happening and it is really hard to be able to step back and say "OK so i feel really ill, I think someone is trying to hound me by making me think I am crazy and they are doing things to people/things around me to make me more paranoid or for their own reasons"

Firstly if it is happening you will never be able to prove it. If someone was doing something you will never have the resources comapred to them to prove it is. You seriously just need to do eveything you can to get your life back in order.

Serious, you will send yourself more insane trying to figure it out and it is easier to just accept that noone will believe you, perhaps its not real, and do ANYTHING to make the issue go away rather than die trying to figure out what/who is causing it.

I'd advise these things

  1. Move. Move somewhere this is unlikely to happen, where the same chemicals are not around, where you know the neighbours/trust them or move somewhere that "the evil bastards" (as I used to call them) can't or are less likely to do anything.
  2. Get a phychiatrist, take medication he recommends and dont take any other drugs or anything even stay away drinking alot. Eat helthy and exersize.
  3. Dont bother trying to seriously explain it to anyone. Accept noone will believe you. I cant do this so now just make a joke out of telling everyone how insane I am. Its much simpler. Take the medication for a while. Stop it when you feel things are better if you need to. Dont take any anti-depression shit as it can just cause mental instability itself. If your taking anything its probably going to be antipsycotics, eg olanzapine, it wont hurt if your not crazy just make you sleepy and a bit stupider. 5mg is plenty, try only take 2.5 (of course if your doctor recommends)
  4. Make new friends, get out have fun. Worry about serious stuff further down the track, whether working too hard and stres has caused it or is just a cause of it, seriously you need to have some fun and get over it.

And stop posting anything negative about your goverment even if its true. They have much deeper pockets than you and if they want to make you think your insane as punishment you wont be able to stop them! Just move somewhere the govertment is less of a bastard like China or something :)
I just moved a few suburbs and that worked pretty well after a few tries and some time.

Test It (none / 1) (#120)
by cronian on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 01:40:32 PM EST

If you think there is gas, why don't you get a sensor, and check the the composition of your house's air, and determine if anything is there, or where it is coming from. Even if someone is after you, you offer no proof that it involves the US government. When the evidence is vague, it be needs to be carefully tested, and documented.

We perfect it; Congress kills it; They make it; We Import it; It must be anti-Americanism
Small critters are your salvation. (2.33 / 3) (#121)
by xC0000005 on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 03:50:08 PM EST

Follow Mr York's suggestion, he knows more about the airways of mice than any man I know. Now, given that mice airways are not likely to be a widespread fascination that's not saying much but his point is correct: If it's dosed heavy enough to hit you it'll do a number on mousie. Get a cage of them and tape them constantly. Have an instance, and play back the tape. Did the mice get knocked out and revived too? If so, call the health inspector. Carbon Monoxide poisonin would be similar. If not,listening to the small voice in your head is just fine as long as the voice belongs to a psychiatrist, and it traveled through your ear to get there.

Voice of the Hive - Beekeeping and Bees for those who don't
Simple ways to check (2.50 / 2) (#122)
by MrPeach on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 04:58:11 PM EST

1) invite someone over for a couple of days. 2) Go stay in a hotel for a couple of days (or with friends) Seriously, everything you wrote smacks of cuckoo, but there are simple ways of telling. FYI. I go to bed and drop right to sleep and seldom remember my dreams. Have been for almost forever. My wife OTOH has trouble sleeping and the slightest thing wakes her. I recently bought a jaw splint to cure my snoring (was waking wife) and now I tend to remember my dreams more. Sleep is a crazy thing, and even scientists don't understand it. I'm voting for you having a snoring problem that manifests itself in a number of ways. One of which may be a feeling of paranoia.

Singular occurrence II: The Case of the a/c Unit (none / 1) (#127)
by tilly on Fri Apr 11, 2008 at 04:03:57 AM EST

Singular occurrence II: The Case of the a/c Unit That Fixed Itself.

I have been using for while a window-mounted air-conditioning unit, a generic model, Sears brand. If you look thru the louvers of this model, you can see it has a chamber in the front. The chamber goes about 10 inches deep into the unit and its sides and back are made up of a single shaped styrofoam piece. Embedded in the styrofoam in the back is a circular metal plate which, when turned by the Closed/Exhaust knob, reveals a pie-slice-shaped sieve-opening thru which you can see the grating on the side of the unit and the outside of the building.

But, you see, I learned all about this mechanism only about 3 months ago.

But, you see, I had the unit installed in 2004.

The unit that the contractor who worked for Sears installed had no styrofoam piece, no rotating metal plate. All you could see when you peered thru the louvers was a dark void. The Closed/Exhaust knob was a dumb knob; it made no difference either in the the quality of the air the machine blowed in or in the sound the machine made while operating. I always suspected that he installed a used machine with missing functionality. But it cooled the room alright and I spared myself the energy of making a fuss.

Then I come in one day 3 months ago and I notice the white styrofoam chamber behind the identical front panel. And the Closed/Exhaust knob with regained functionality.

I immediately had the unit removed.

It is sitting in my garage ... I am not looking forward to the hot summer days.

  • Dude. by DavidTC, 05/02/2008 12:34:07 PM EST (none / 0)
Where is MC? (none / 0) (#129)
by waxmop on Fri Apr 11, 2008 at 12:12:28 PM EST

This is one time when he could link to his schizoaffective disorder story and nobody would object. Where is he?
there are few things more badass than a lost cause. nailgun
You're fucking wacko (2.33 / 3) (#130)
by godix on Fri Apr 11, 2008 at 02:23:20 PM EST

Assuming that you aren't a troll.

First I'd suggest seeking psychiatric help. But others have suggested that and if you're going to ignore it then my repeating that won't change anything.

Secondly you seem to have a sleep problem. The way you describe waking up sounds like it might be sleep apnea. If so it's probably repeatedly waking up you in the night and affecting the quality of your sleep. The extreme reactions to not getting good sleep can be delusions, irrational thoughts/actions, and paranoia. So if you refuse to consider that you may need mental help perhaps you might consider the need to a doctor specializing in sleep disorders.

If you refuse to seek outside help there's still a few simple things you can do. Invite a friend to sleep over at your place. The next morning ask if they had any weird issues sleeping. Similarly, sleep at your parents, a friends, or even a hotel. See if you still have the same problems. If not it's probably an environmental issue and the mold tests and carbon monoxide detector are good ideas. Perhaps check for radon as well.

You mention feeling a 'blast of air' on your face. So get a cigarette lighter. When you feel the air flip your bic and see if the flame indicts if there really is an air current and if so where it's source is.

Get the black sponge stuff checked out if you still have it.

Next time you get tinnitus at your computer instead of getting up try turning the computer and monitor off and stay there to see if it goes away. It's possible one or the other is producing a sound that causes you problems, especially if either are cheap pieces of crap.

Also something to keep in mind, our government is pretty bad at stuff like this. A simple break in and tapping a phone turned into a months long front page news story that eventually forced a president to resign. We can't fly a few political prisoners from one place to another without the news covering it in detail. Our secret plans to eliminate Castro was an exploding cigar. There are many words to describe our government but competent isn't one of them. Even if you're right and there's people doing this to you, it ain't the government.

- An egotist is someone who thinks they're almost as good as I am.

Russert/Hayden on Meet The Press (2.50 / 2) (#131)
by tilly on Sat Apr 12, 2008 at 06:33:13 AM EST

This comment is only tangentially related to the story above.

Did anyone notice the Dr. Strangelove-like tic on CIA Director General Hayden in the recent "Meet The Press" interview? The reason I mention it is to bring up the following Dr Stranglove-esque portion of that interview:

Mr. Russert: Did you go too far? Did--were innocent people targeted?

Gen. Hayden: That's, that's a great question, and it brings up the whole purpose of, of intelligence, all right? Intelligence isnt about guilt or innocence. Intelligence is about learning things that can protect the American people. So that, for example, if you're to go up on, on an intercept, on a communications path, on, on a communicant,and, and you cover that communicant, and after 30 or 45 days you havent found anything of interest, OK, that doesnt say anything about the innocence of anybody. It may say an awful lot about their operational security.

Tim Russert at this point nods his strong/appreciative agreement.

In other words, innocence does not exist. Once, you come under these people's radar, you are there forever. The more they dont find anything on you, the more they conclude "Wow, this guy hides so well whatever nefarious thing he is up to."

This of course is insanity; what is sane, is to understand what the person is about and what makes him tick and then make a decision as to follow up on him or turn one's resources to other, more productive directions. Resources, however, is not their problem; their problem is something quite the opposite.

I acknowledge the validity of the argument coming from the other side that one needs to err on the side of caution when what is at stake is averting a terrorist act involving WMDs. But I think the dynamic at play is not about erring on the side of caution as much as it is about the major concern of a bureaucracy being to justify its own existence. You have gillion-dollar government bureaucracies charged with fighting domestic terrorism with little to do because terrorism is such a rarely-occurring phenomenon.

Remember the case of the dirty bomber, the Padillo guy? All that fanfare about the dirty bomb? I did not follow the case but I read in a Garrison Keillor column that the only concrete thing produced in his trial was a filled-out application form.

Then there is the case of Los Angeles plotters where you have 4 nobodies - one of them an informer probly egging them on - venting their anger and frustration at society by dreaming together about blowing things up. Now you know these guys were not going to do anything because it they had shown the slightest inclination in that direction, they would not have been rounded up at least until they began to acquire some materiel.

So, Rusty, it is not a question of one being important or one being not important; it is a question of: They need something to do!

The simplest explanation (none / 1) (#132)
by maniac1860 on Sat Apr 12, 2008 at 12:43:51 PM EST

Is that you're dehydrated when you go to sleep and extremely sleep deprived as a result.

"I was here" Mind-Games (none / 1) (#137)
by tilly on Sun Apr 13, 2008 at 03:17:57 PM EST

I tell the person I am living the house with, "Let's keep the fan in the window going to keep the air circulating." After having given her a ride home, I come back to find the fan turned off.

A day after having a light fixture worked on in the bedroom, I see a small hole in the ceiling near where the work was done. (No, the electrician did not do any drilling!) I straighten out a wire hanger and stick it into the hole to see how far up it goes. (It goes all the way to the attic which in itself is not so important because I dont have an airtight separation between the room and the attic to begin with.) On the third day, I find the hanger wire bent into a neat zig-zag pattern.

On a day after leaving a large number of shoes strewn around the foyer floor, I find the front panels of all my four shoe bins rolled open. (An attempt at humor? "Keep your shoes in the shoe bins!")

Any one of these in isolation, one can just shrug off but, through certain stretches of time, I find something weird happening just about every day.

Lights left off I find turned on and vice versa. Locks left locked I find unlocked (and sometimes vice versa).

Double deadlocks on outer doors, bars accross doors, combination lockpads, Zone-Alarm alarm all defeated ...

Das Leben der Anderen (2.00 / 2) (#144)
by tilly on Mon Apr 14, 2008 at 09:29:20 PM EST

This comment is meant to be only tangentially related to the story:

We learned much about the inner workings of the East German Communist Society after the Wall came down and the documents of the East German intelligence became public.

The superb movie "The Lives of Others", based on this knowledge, showed just what it was like to live in a modern, industrialized unfree society.

I read an interview with a dissident targeted by the East German Intelligence. In addition to more serious skulduggery, they would have teams of agents follow the target and play pranks on them such as deflating the tires of their baby strollers. The woman was saying it felt silly to complain about this. Of course, this was the intended effect; she would be taken less seriously claiming that her daughter lost her job at the university because of her dissident activities if she also had been heard saying "Stasi let the air out of my tires!"

  • precisely by tomlord, 04/14/2008 10:27:14 PM EST (2.00 / 3)
    • No. by DavidTC, 05/02/2008 12:46:18 PM EST (none / 0)
Tilly UID 37885 (none / 1) (#157)
by ShiftyStoner on Wed Apr 16, 2008 at 10:00:44 AM EST

I expressed on Internet forums - mostly on this site - my opposition to the Iraq war in strong language and talked about George W. Bush in unflattering terms which are commonly heard now but were not so commonly heard then.

( @ )'( @ ) The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force. - Adolf Hitler

. . . dude. (none / 1) (#158)
by Vainamoinen on Wed Apr 16, 2008 at 10:38:12 AM EST


Two possibilities (none / 1) (#159)
by stuaart on Wed Apr 16, 2008 at 11:02:34 AM EST

Since you appear to be totally unwilling to respond to any suggestions that don't fit with your existing theories, i.e., that your paranoid conspiracy gas story is true, there are only two possible results:

  1. You are a troll;

  2. You are genuinely ill mentally and/or physically and need to seek professional help.

In case (1), I applaud the well-craftedness of your posting and the response it has generated, and the level of uncertainty over which way to respond (i.e., that you're ill, or you're just a troll). Well done!

In case (2), please take some advice. I know that this is hard because essentially people here are suggesting that your theories are incorrect, but you must at least attempt to consider the possibility that you are wrong.

Where's Crawfish when you need him eh?

Linkwhore: [Hidden stories.] Baldrtainment: Corporate concubines and Baldrson: An Introspective

  • Or 3. by Joe Sixpack, 04/17/2008 01:11:21 PM EST (3.00 / 2)
    • Shhh! £ by stuaart, 04/18/2008 12:56:28 PM EST (none / 0)
three options (2.00 / 2) (#160)
by CodeWright on Wed Apr 16, 2008 at 05:18:05 PM EST

1. buy a gas chromatograph and test your atmosphere

2. light candles in your home (most knockout gasses are flammable)

3. admit you're schizophrenic and need help -- please seek your local community mental health

A: Because it destroys the flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top posting dumb? --clover_kicker

Allergies (2.66 / 3) (#162)
by Rahyl on Thu Apr 17, 2008 at 01:40:44 PM EST

Almost every symptom you've described is a classic symptom of seasonal and/or mold allergies.  It isn't uncommon for such allergies to develop as one gets older.  As far as the coldness on the face, you may want to see a cardiologist.  It's happening as you lay down and get comfortable.  Normally, one's body temperature will drop when you lay down and get comfortable.  Considering you lose the majority of body heat through the head, laying down will accelerate this heat loss.  If it's extremely pronounced, you may have a circulation problem that a doctor should know about.

finding myself forced to breathe fast, numbness on the extremities, for long periods afterwards, feeling my lungs constantly with discomfort on each breath and chest pain that sometimes take over entire one half of my chest.

Another reason to see a cardiologist and/or other health care specialist.  This could be asthma or another example of an extreme allergic reaction, possibly to mold.  It could also be a blood clot but assuming you're still alive, it's not as likely.

The sponge with powder on it, likely pollen and/or mold.  Bringing that right up to your nose was asking for trouble, especially considering the time of year.  The whiteness on the fingers could be your own immune system at work trying to expunge whatever material it was.

There are so many causes for ringing in the ears that it's hardly worth going into.

All in all, it's extremely unlikely that anyone with such expertise would spend that kind of time and effort to 'drive you away', especially since doing so would have no affect on your ability to post your opinions.  All of your symptoms can be explained by high concentrations of allergens and possible developing health problems.  Anxiety alone could also cause some of them as well.

I'm not going to call you paranoid or crazy, not yet.  Go ahead and approach the allergy angle and have a specialist come to your place and test the air for mold spores and pollen.  Air that's thick with these materials is difficult to breath even for someone without allergies which would explain how nice it feels to open the windows.

As someone who works in the medical profession (none / 1) (#164)
by SpaceMonkeyGrif on Fri Apr 18, 2008 at 01:33:18 PM EST

Sounds like you may have sleep apnea.

Google it.  

Sleep deprivation and lack of REM sleep does wild things to you.

I speak from experience.

Hi (none / 0) (#165)
by bact3rio on Wed Apr 23, 2008 at 06:04:00 PM EST

Hi, I think you might be experiencing a psychotic episode. This affects your mind and the experiences you have are exactly the same as they would be if they were real.

If you have a psychotic episode there are good treatments nowadays for this. Don't waste your time asking for advice online, go and see a psychiatrist or your family doctor and tell them what is happening to you.

Hope everything goes well.

Hey Tilly (none / 0) (#167)
by meridian on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 07:38:18 PM EST

They get past your alarm system? That sucks. I've considered putting one in but I figured it would be no point anyways.

Just to say after I made my posts I had issues for the next few nights and was unable to sleep with voices occuring. Don't know if they are reminding me they are still watching or its was  my own paranoia. Either way its gone after a few days.

Doctor (none / 1) (#172)
by deadplant on Sat May 03, 2008 at 09:15:45 PM EST

I am struck by a lack of any mention of visits to a physician.

Have you described your symptoms to your doctor?
This would seem to me to be a necessary first step.

Ringing In Your Ears (none / 0) (#177)
by DavidLJ on Mon May 19, 2008 at 09:00:19 AM EST

Ringing in your ears is a perfectly normal result of stress or worry.

Don't worry about it: that's redundundant. :-)

The heavy breathing in bed in the morning is also a common thing. Culturally it's called being "hag-ridden," because people used to think it was a witch sitting on their chest when they woke up in the morning. Again, it's a simple stress reaction.

The solution is all the obvious things. Eat more green vegetables; relax with a beer; identify obvious problems in your immediate controllable life, and solve them; take a long walk three times a week; eat more green vegetables; relax with another beer.

No problem, buddy: you're in fine shape.

"Does 'Sleep Gas' exist?" or "Ethnic Cleansing in the US" | 178 comments (162 topical, 16 editorial, 1 hidden)
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