Back in Australia, or ho-jew as the locals here like to call it, things were fairly good. Except - Adelaide - where the water is unusually bad. And I think maybe in Sydney it's a bit iffy. But Melbourne's was fine and in my hometown of geelong it didn't even have flouride in it (let's not get sidetracked into a debate about someing as shit-arse mundane as flouridation - it the kind of thing dakani would diarise about) . So the warter there could well be drunk out of tap or hose or whathaveyou.
Here is the informational part of the diary. If it's drinkable it's called potable -- that means you can drink it out of a pot or other recepticle such as cup, jar or trough.
Here, it's not potable; impotable. It's a real dip in the quality of life stuff. Sure, there are water filters everwhere but it impinges on freedom. It means that people fucked shit up and it'll probably never reverse.
So how about it? Is the water where you are potable?
I've heard that the water table in England is so poluted that with hormones from women taking the pill for the last 55 years that the men there are now wearing dresses to work at least twice a week.