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The Declining Quality of Mathematics Education in the US

By Coryoth in Op-Ed
Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 07:02:59 AM EST
Tags: math, mathematics, education, science, usa (all tags)

Mathematics education seems to be very subject to passing trends - surprisingly more so than many other subjects. The most notorious are, of course, the rise of New Math in the 60s and 70s, and the corresponding backlash against it in the late 70s and 80s. It turns out that mathematics education, at least in the US, is now subject to a new trend, and it doesn't appear to be a good one.

To be fair the current driving trend in mathematics education is largely an extension of an existing trend in education generally. The idea is that we need to cater more to the students to better engage them in the material. There is a focus on making things fun, on discovery, on group work, and on making things "relevant to the student". These are often noble goals, and it is something that, in the past, education schemes have often lacked. There is definitely such a thing as "too much of a good thing" with regard to these aims, and as far as I can tell that point was passed some time ago in the case of mathematics.

A couple of prime examples, in terms of textbooks and material for instructors, are brought up and suitably lampooned in a YouTube video by a Washington state weather presenter who encountered, and was appalled by, these particular teaching programs. The material in question is the TERC Investigations "Investigations in Number, Data, and Space", and the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project "Everyday Mathematics". The focus of the YouTube video is on these math programs complete aversion to teaching students the classic methods for performing multi-digit multiplication and division. Indeed, these programs not only fail to teach such a method, they go so far as to actively discourage the method ever being taught, preferring that students didn't learn it outside class either. What sort of methods do they teach? Well, for example, to solve the problem 26×31, a student might use the following approach: we can write 26×31 as 20×31 + 5×31 + 1×31 since 20+5+1=26; Now we know that 10×31=310, and 20×31 should be twice that (620) and 5×31 should be half that (155); so the solution is 620+155+31=806. Note that the student could break the problem up differently, and thus there is no single approach that consistently works on all problems; each new multiplication is an entirely new problem. To be fair the methods they do teach, such as the above, are interesting, and I myself tend to use them (or variations thereon) for quick mental calculation. My complaint is not so much to the methods taught, but to the failure to first provide a solid grounding in traditional systematic algorithms for performing multiplication and division. Indeed, in my view, the real problems run much deeper than this particular symptom.

At this point I should perhaps provide a little background as to who I am to complain. I am a mathematician, currently completing my Ph.D. in mathematics. My interest in math is mostly pure math and philosophy of math, but extends to math education and popular mathematics. I've been a TA for many years and have plenty of experience dealing with students. And I am not alone in my concerns with the current direction of math syllabuses, plenty of other professional mathematicians who actually look into the syllabus are taking issue too.

So what do mathematicians see as the problem? I would say that it is, in essence, that the individuals writing these new math programs have lost sight of the core skills that early math education should be instilling. In the drive to make the material "relevant to the student", what is being taught has become too applied. In the new programs there is a a focus, almost to the point of exclusivity, on teaching mathematics via real world stories using pictures, blocks, etc. Indeed arithmetic is done using blocks, and fractions and fraction arithmetic using "fraction strips". While such props and aids are useful in motivating the mathematics, it should be just a beginning. A key skill in mathematics, if not the key skill, is abstraction: the ability to abstract away from real world objects, and manipulate these abstractions to draw deep results, is vital. Abstraction is fundamental to mathematics; it is what gives mathematics both its power and its scope; it is the mechanism by which higher mathematics is built upon elementary mathematics. Abstraction and abstract thinking is one of the core skills that mathematics education should be imparting - and yet it is completely ignored by these math syllabuses.

Equally, in an effort to nurture students and foster creativity there is an effort to eliminate rote learning, and emphasize that there may be many ways to arrive at a solution, and letting the students invent their own procedures. Often these invented procedures are very problem specific - they may work for the particular problem at hand, but fail to generalize to other cases. Ultimately this, combined with the very visual (as opposed to symbolic) approach results in the students having limited exposure to consistent, systematic, algorithmic approaches. Again, a core skill that mathematics education should imbue, logical structured thought and a systematic approach to dealing with abstract objects, is being ignored. This is particularly poor in light of the ever increasing importance of skills in algorithms and computation brought about by the needs of modern computers.

The real tragedy is that, because mathematics is a heavily layered subject, each new topic building upon the previous ones, once students fall behind catching up can be a nightmare. Indeed, students often meet a rude awakening in late high school or at college when their limited mathematical repertoire fails to provide the necessary tools to fully grasp the next topic. Even worse, by failing to impart the core skills of abstraction, and logical systematic approaches to dealing with abstract objects, we are denying students the very skills necessary to even begin to expand their mathematical toolkit. At its heart mathematics is about abstract and logical thought, and without these core skills no student can hope to succeed in mathematics.


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Is Mathematics education headed down the wrong road?
o Yes 85%
o No 14%

Votes: 21
Results | Other Polls

Related Links
o YouTube video
o TERC Investigations
o University of Chicago School Mathematics Project
o not alone
o my concerns
o Abstractio n is fundamental to mathematics
o Also by Coryoth

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The Declining Quality of Mathematics Education in the US | 248 comments (243 topical, 5 editorial, 6 hidden)
My math skills were so bad... (2.37 / 8) (#2)
by mybostinks on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 06:08:31 PM EST

from high school and middle school that when I went to college I had to take a summer of remedial algebra. It sucked having to do that but it was worth it. I ended up with a tutor that taught it in a way that the light finally came on in my head.

+1 FP

What is the matter with you? (1.78 / 14) (#6)
by United Fools on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 06:50:06 PM EST

Knowing 1+1=3 is not enough for you? What do you want from us?

We are united, we are fools, and we are America!
Declining? (1.78 / 32) (#7)
by kitten on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 07:00:22 PM EST

As far as I can tell, math education has always sucked in the US. My experience going through school began with utterly boring, rote reptition of fifty or more multiplication (or division, or subtraction, or whatever we were learning at the time) problems per night. Big surprise -- I was quickly bored by this mindless endeavor and learned to hate math.

In high school I took the usual algebra courses where I was taught such useful concepts as the quadratic formula, something 99% of humanity will never, ever need in their lives -- and because of its uselessness, most people will promptly forget it, just like taking a year of a foreign language and never using it means you'll barely be able to grunt out more than a few words a couple of years later.

During this, I did what was expected: Memorize the formula, look at an equation, plug the numbers in and grind through the process. It was nothing more than performing steps to a dance on command. I had no idea what a quadratic equation really was beyond a vague "something to do with parabolas", nor why anyone would ever use this. Nobody made any attempt to explain, either. It was just something you had to learn, so shut up and learn it.

(I did learn and memorize it, but naturally, today, I couldn't do it if my life depended on it. I, like most people, have never encountered it outside of a classroom, nor any of the other concepts I learned after about sixth grade.)

Despite the bleating assertions by math geeks, there's no evidence that math somehow teaches abstractation or logical thinking. The way it's taught now certainly doesn't, because it's presented as just a bunch of crap to memorize without understanding.

But if the idea is to get kids to start understanding logic, there are better ways than to teach them math and hope that they gain an understanding as a side effect. Pure logic as a class -- why not? It's something people will actually put to use, whether they think of it or not, as opposed to linear regressions, which they will never use.

Though you bemoan the notion that kids mayh never succeed at mathematics, you never stop to pull back and ask why they should. It's a serious question that is rarely addressed: So what if someone sucks at math? Beyond basic four-operation arithmetic and simple fractions/decimals, few people will ever have call for mathematics. If someone grows up without the ability to factor a quadratic equation, what does it matter?

Not everyone likes math. Few have a use for it. Not everyone is good at it. The notion that people should be dragged kicking and screaming through a discipline for which they have no interest and no use strikes me as utterly silly.

And now, to make things worse, you want to take away any attempt at making this (largely irrelevent) material at least seem relevent to the kids, and go back to.. what exactly? You don't seem to offer a solution. All I know is, if we go back to what I had to go through in school -- endless repetition of multiplication problems -- you're going to wind up with a bunch of people who think math is boring.

While I respect your devotion to the discipline, you seem to share a propensity that most mathematically-inclined types have, which is the inability to see that math isn't all that useful to most people. They aren't the ones designing bridges or developing encryption schemes or calculating orbital trajectories or proving theorems or even just measuring areas. They're just cab drivers, politicians, ranch hands, businessmen, lawyers, factory workers, managers, deliverymen. Math is of professional use to a select few, of personal interest to a few others, and useless to everyone else.

If it's not something they'll ever need, and not something they're interested in, does it really matter if they suck at it or not? Does it matter if they even learn it or not? Does it even mean anything to say they "learned" it if they never use it again, and thus forget it after a year or so?
mirrorshades radio - darkwave, synthpop, industrial, futurepop.
My experience (1.91 / 12) (#8)
by QuantumFoam on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 07:20:01 PM EST

I went to a mediocre elementary school and then moved to one of the best school districts in the state for junior high and high school.

I was in the advanced programs in school from the get-go. We went faster than other classes, but the style of instruction was pretty much the same. I excelled in math at first, but quickly became bored. I started covering topics on my own before we got to them, learning division when the other kids were still on multiplication and so on. I taught myself Calculus in high school and in my personal studies was usually one level of science ahead of the class.

The upside was that I learned how to teach myself things. The downside is that I usually don't learn them the way the authorities want us to, which was fine in high school, but in college has come to bite me in the ass. I've been a senior for four years now...

I often thing I would have been better off being home schooled, but I did learn some important lessons about authority. In the fourth grade I did a report on nuclear weapons that was too technical for my teacher's tastes, and she sent me to the school shrink.

- Barack Obama: Because it will work this time. Honest!

Great article! (2.16 / 6) (#9)
by GreenYoda on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 07:34:46 PM EST

Well written, and the YouTube video was a real eye-opener.

Another significant problem with math teaching might be that the teachers who teach it don't understand it very well.  You might want to check out an interesting book: "Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics: Teachers' Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics in China and the United States", by Liping Ma.  Seeing some of the simple concepts that elementary school math teachers don't understand will shock you.

Good article (1.16 / 6) (#15)
by debacle on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 08:13:23 PM EST

On an important topic.

It tastes sweet.
Just... (1.33 / 6) (#16)
by gr3y on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 08:17:08 PM EST

one editorial comment: "multiplications and divisions" = "multiplication and division." Otherwise, spot on.

I am a disruptive technology.

mathe vs. music (2.44 / 9) (#18)
by sye on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 08:20:25 PM EST

I offer a somewhat different view point. Mathematics and music composition used to belong to the same and highest branch of human intelligence. In US, more people can afford to spend their adulthood career in making and playing music which is THE measure of mathematical civility in a developed country. In Asia, GO/围棋 is another purest pursuit on the beauty of abstract representation of human intellect life.

We shouldn't let politicians define what is 'proper' mathematical education for us when we experience injustice to what ought to be abundant and enduring human life at the cost of human reason and human calculation...

commentary - For a better sye@K5
ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in crypto-cash
rubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL
Hey! at least he was in a stable relationship. - procrasti
Enter K5 via my lair

mindless commentary propagation (2.50 / 4) (#27)
by oilmoat on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 08:47:32 PM EST

I'm sure you can find this tidbit on bbc from a year ago or so: in the UK A level math applicants are dropping. For gender equity, the grading of math solutions was changed to partial credit versus binary grades for correct or incorrect proofs. Which turned off guys but helped women since they are more what's-the-word, persistent/consistent.
I have IBPND. (I believe in people, not disorders.)
Rote symbolic manipulation (2.33 / 12) (#31)
by I am teh Unsmart on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 09:25:25 PM EST

isn't mathematics, either. There's also far too much time devoted to learning arithmetic and a lack of rigor in subjects at the secondary level. Thanks to New Math backlash, sets are introduced too late, proofs are frequently elided, and most textbooks feature pictures of children every 1-3 pages while having maybe one page of exposition spread across three pages with worked examples and several pages of clustered rote exercises. Useful subjects such as statistics are often electives, and many people seem to graduate thinking trigonometry and calculus sans proofs are the height of mathematics. When people that aren't spending USD120k to write papers about sentimentality get to college, a year is wasted teaching many of them Calculus without a short bus. Subjects like Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, and Calculus 2 get turned into 'gateway classes,' where a decade of brain rot must be corrected.

There's too much pandering to the laziness of U.S. children in most subjects, because parents don't pay attention to their children if they can help it, and learning cuts into their television and Playstation time.

This is a surprise? (1.90 / 10) (#40)
by HackerCracker on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 10:01:06 PM EST

The masses sent to volkschulen aren't supposed to be given anything more than they need to either a) punch a cash register, b) fill out a form, or c) follow orders.

Declining math scores means absolutely nothing--nothing, that is, to people who are running the show.

interesting subject..well done imo..+1FP (1.33 / 12) (#45)
by dakini on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 10:17:48 PM EST

" May your vision be clear, your heart strong, and may you always follow your dreams."
proofs are gay. (1.42 / 14) (#50)
by the spins on Thu Jan 25, 2007 at 10:29:38 PM EST

suck it, mathboy.

( )

I've never been much for classroom learning (2.00 / 9) (#57)
by Morally Inflexible on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 01:05:26 AM EST

But I'm currently trying to change that; I'm going back to school, and will be getting at least my undergrad in math. I'm preparing by reading through the classics; I started with G. Pollya's "how to solve it" (an excellent and extremely accessible introduction to the topic) and am now halfway through book one of "The Elements" (the Heath translation) - We will see how it turns out, but really, I fail to see why we don't use a translation of "the elements" (supplemented perhaps by commentary that is less historically focused than the volume I am reading- also, the references to non-Euclidean geometries probably should be reserved for the AP class.) to teach Geometry; The book seems quite a bit more clear than anything I was given in high school.

I didn't take proofs in high school, so learning those is currently my big goal; It is difficult for me to restrain the 'intuitive jump' and complete the proof. I've got a book titled "how to solve it" around here somewhere; I can't find it, so I can't give you the author.

But really... my problem with high school math was not the curriculum; it was the motivation. I just didn't see why I should put in the effort at the time. I think this is the problem most Americans have with Math.

see, there is no respect for learning; a liberal arts degree is generally considered as good as a math-based degree. Socially speaking (especially in the high-school environment, but also in the wider American pop culture to a lesser extent) math types are at the bottom of the pile. To some extent this is inevitable (I mean, if I'm spending all this time learning about math, that's less time I have to spend learning about being popular, right?) but I think this is worse in America than most other places.

In places with a larger wealth gap (places with a real wealth gap; places where being poor means you have to work hard just to survive.) the advantages conferred by the larger income granted by the math education can overcome this, but in places like America, in high school, at least, it seems irrational for anyone but those that are already too damaged to have a normal social life to pursue a mathematics education at all. This, I think, is the real problem that the US school system has, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Now, once you get out of high school, and can choose to largely ignore the people that don't value learning, things change dramatically, but that is non-obvious when you are in high school.

The Declining Quality of Grammar Usage (2.38 / 13) (#60)
by memetomancer on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 01:39:16 AM EST

I hate to say it coryoth, but your article shows a converse relationship to the inverse of improperly formed English Sentence Construction, or ESC. Your sentence structure, comma usage and paragraphs are all a-whack. It is a common shortcoming of specialists in other fields besides Grammars.

Perhaps I'd even go so far as to say that the individual writing this new math article has lost sight of the core skills that early education should be instilling.

I'm not sure whether my observation illustrates some withering irony or instead bolsters your point somehow, so don't be alarmed if you suddenly realize that all education everywhere has always been horribly terrible. Those idyllic times of yore you hear about are lies. The students may have performed better, but the only applicable difference between now and then lay in attitude, not technique.

Well, next thing you know, (2.00 / 11) (#70)
by i want plentiful cheap gasoline on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 03:55:21 AM EST

we'll have pig farmers posting here telling us how important they and their jobs are, making all kinds of demands on the education system and whining about their social status.

sp math - > mathS (1.15 / 13) (#73)
by A Bore on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 07:37:31 AM EST

It's short for mathematicS you illiterate worthless yank skunks.

the value of mathematics (2.20 / 5) (#74)
by circletimessquare on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 08:38:17 AM EST

rests not in remembering the quadratic equation. 99.999% of us students will learn how to solve ax2+bx+c=0 in the seventh grade and then never, ever use the skill again in their entire lives. the value of mathematics rests not in many of the bs middle school kids learn (cosine, sine, tangent, etc.)

the value of mathematics is similiar to the value of learning to play a musical instrument, another skill that is quickly lost in adulthood: music and math create intelligent minds. simply put, the value of a math and/ or music education is that exposing young minds to them makes the brain grow. that's really about it. so math is important for kids in an indirect, but very important way

The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.

Interesting topic.. (2.33 / 3) (#78)
by tweet on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 10:06:43 AM EST

though not particularly well-written.  Maths can be a tough subject to teach and learn, and I speak from experience.

The hardest, but most rewarding, group I have to teach are medical students on an A-level-style course.  Hard because they have absolutely no flair for the subject and rewarding because they work so hard to improve themselves.  

I'm not sure about the other stuff we teach, but stats is a necessity for them - clinical trials, drug dosage etc.

Not everything in black and white makes sense.

Observations (2.50 / 6) (#83)
by LilDebbie on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 12:13:23 PM EST

As a graduate of one of the best math education programs in the world (or was; my calc prof took time off his summer vacation to hurry a few of us through the program before it followed the lead of the rest of the country), I feel compelled to comment.

First as a bit of background, I started UMTYMP in 8th grade with algebra and finished a standard four semester engineering calc cycle in 11th. My final project for the program was the derivation of the Heisenberg Inequality from Plank's law. I don't mean to toot my own horn so much as to point out the relative difficulty of the program.

The aspects of the program that made it so successful (which, sadly, have largely been abandoned) were actually quite simple and, dare I say, conservative. First, though this wasn't universal, I had the same professor throughout the calculus cycle. Obviously this isn't a tenable solution for most educational institutions, but nevertheless it helped immensely in understanding the material. Second, and this is the most trivially easy change in mathematics education to effect, was a ban on graphing calculators (all calculators, for that matter). Problem sets were designed with minimal arithmetic, allowing us to better focus on the abstract. Later, I would ace the SATs using only a four-function calculator (for time) in a classroom filled with TI-XXs.

Anywho, my $0.02.

My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden.
- hugin -

Aye (1.50 / 4) (#97)
by Aneurin on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 03:28:57 PM EST

However, as a previous comment mentioned, attitude is the most important thing. The desire to abstract isn't something that tends to be 'taught' in school. My experience of mathematics has been a strange one since the UK is pretty abysmal. In secondary school each teacher had a totally different style which made it somewhat hard to follow-- these styles of teaching fell between complete apathy or total strictness; each missing the point that to be doing something, you must want to be doing it in the first place. At one point, I had three teachers for one class; all of them subsitute and with no ability to relate to the class. No surprises that nobody gave a fuck whatsoever.

Eventually I decided to pick up a textbook and, shockingly enough, teach myself. And my how things have progressed...
Just think: the entire Internet, running on jazz. -Canthros

With that multiplication method... (2.25 / 4) (#105)
by sholden on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 05:33:14 PM EST

It'd be really tempting to make the final exam consist of:


The world's dullest web page

the problem with all these 'we're in decline' (1.83 / 6) (#106)
by trane on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 06:06:03 PM EST

hypotheses, is that average IQ scores have been consistently increasing for several decades.

Just different (2.33 / 6) (#112)
by tthomas48 on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 06:53:46 PM EST

I fail to see how this is any worse than the old way. You're still taking an algorithm, breaking down a problem and attacking it in small chunks. Who cares if I line it up vertically and add or subtract in vertically, or if I break a problem into tens and solve it horizontally. I think it's funny that you're even attacking this when as you say this is what most people do in their heads (heads not being so great at keeping 3 or 4 rows of vertically stacked digits in place). And this seems like the essence of algebra. You are basically breaking down a problem and simplifying it before attempting to solve it. I dunno though, I'm not a mathematician.

no math skills (1.00 / 3) (#118)
by Phusion on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 08:06:54 PM EST

Yeah, my math education was poor at best for as long as I can remember up through high school. I'm in California of course, the ed. is pretty messed up here. I'd blame the hippies, but they'd clobber me with a bong. That wouldn't be too bad.

Fighting The War, On Drugs
Drug Info, Rights, Laws, and Discussion.
i am not (1.66 / 6) (#125)
by wampswillion on Fri Jan 26, 2007 at 11:25:03 PM EST

a math person.   i hate math. i hate numbers. i use them begrudginly because i have to.   i have since the 3rd grade when they introduced the new math in my elementary school.  suddenly what seemed easy to me up til then, seemed entirely insane.  and i tuned the hell out and just started reading books instead.  words were comprehensible to me, math was not any longer.

fast forward, years and years later, and i am in education.  and i am frustrated with my field.  and so i read a lot about education in my country and in others.  and i read about the difference between math education in japan as compared to the united states.  and you know what seems to make the difference according to what i read?  it's not the amount of time spent in school. it's not the "tracking" that japan does in it's upper grades, it's that they spend an enormous amount of time in the early grades making sure that kids are proficient with the basic concepts and the basic manipulation of numbers.   they don't try to be as broad in scope, they don't try to accelerate students through a curriculum quickly. they don't try to teach them goofy stuff like your example.  they teach simply, then they drill, they drill, they drill, they drill.  until something is "overlearned."  and that gives them a good foundation for higher level skills. if that's where a student chooses to go.  

i sincerely believe that it's when the government gets too involved in education and tries to micromanage what we do and how we do it because "business" wants to see results like kids are coming off a factory line, that we drown the baby in the bathwater.  all the new math came about because of a fear of not keeping up with other countries and getting to the moon or something first.   and while yes, the education system needed (and needs) some overhaul, it seems i watch over and over again, mistaken methods for meeting the challenges.  

i believe whole heartedly that public education needs to be preserved, changed, and strengthened. to not do so, in my mind, spells the absolute end of democracy.  however what the government needs to learn to do is SUPPORT public education, not undermine it by telling it how to do things.   i think THAT is what has created this mish-mash that we have now.

TERC (1.40 / 5) (#126)
by bugmaster on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 12:06:18 AM EST

Huh... so, instead of having students mechanically memorize "The Standard Algorithm" (tm), and execute it flawlessly on each problem, the TERC book encourages them to actually figure out their own algorithms for doing things -- as though being able to think was actually an important skill ! Oh noes ! Alert the media !

Bah. My fascination with computer science, and math in general, began when I understood exactly why the multiplication algorithm worked. I am grateful to my teachers for this. That's what all math teachrs should be teaching, not robotic multiplication skills.

proving multiplication (1.60 / 5) (#132)
by cronian on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 03:25:32 AM EST

Multiplication is complicated, and most leave out the details. First, you have to understand addition. Next, you can get multiplication intuitively through the concept of area. Although, I think it can be tricky to use that to prove the multiplication algorithm.

Axiomatically, you can define multiplication inductively, with something like a*(n+1)=a*n+a, probably by example. However, without an existing knowledge of algebra this is difficult to understand. Furthermore, generalizing to fractions may be quite tough.

Furthermore, all modern multiplication systems rely upon our number system. However, our number system relies upon exponents, which are probably learned after multiplication. It is probably quite difficult to teach exponentiation without a solid grasp of multiplication.

I suppose the best solution is through art. For instance consider the following picture to describe base 2: a ab aabb aaaabbbb aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb ... A similar picture could be drawn for base 10, but the important point is the indivisibility of certain groups. Next, the question becomes how to select so many widgets under such constraints. Understanding this requires a bit of intuition, along with comprehending the continuance ad infinitum. This can be tough to make in itself. Further, it is complicated, because one cannot understand the motivation without understanding multiplication algorithm, and motivation for multiplication.

Story problems potentially provide motivation for multiplication, but like many mathematical concepts I think it is difficult to see use in multiplication without first understanding it.

Properly understand, I think the question of how best to teach mathematics is more a question of art than mathematics. The proportions, ratios, and abstractions are much useful, especially for highly elementry mathematics than axioms or even algorithms. I think the real problem is a lack of artistic mathematical expression.

We perfect it; Congress kills it; They make it; We Import it; It must be anti-Americanism
My math education (2.00 / 5) (#136)
by Rainy on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 12:52:24 PM EST

I disagree, from my experience. My problem with standard way of multiplication was that I didn't understand why it works and no teacher or a textbook ever tried to explain the "why". The new way of multiplication appeals to me because it's apparent how it works and it is less robotic since you are prompted to experiment and try to use it in a different way, as you mention.

My opinion is that the standard multiplication method and similar teaching patterns killed, or almost killed, any love for math that I had. I'm not a math dummy, I was on a math team in HS and I was one of the top in class. I barely passed Calculus AP in HS. I thought math team was much more fun than regular classes.

When I was first taught standard method of multiplication and similar math techniques, I felt a distinct aversion and repulsion of the method, teacher, classroom, textbook and everything associated with these, including the math itself and the general concept of trying to do things analytically. Sometimes I would find the idea of mathematical insight exciting, as it naturally is, but I always felt that if I wished to do some studies, I'd have to seriously and constantly fight the aversion that accumulated during the school days.

However, I'm not sure what fraction of blame should I assign to the teaching methods similar to multiplication. It's really been a lot of things: the fact that teachers were constantly bored and annoyed while teaching us (boredom and annoyance are contagious), pressure to study math when you are not inclined for some reason, etc.

Perhaps the most important thing is having a good teacher. Other things like teaching methods or textbooks may simply be insignificant compared to that. Every time I learned something in class and out of class was only due to having a good teacher, I don't remember a good textbook or a teaching method playing a large part. A good teacher is someone who has the energy to teach inventively and have a good feel for whether students understand something and to what extent. It's a tough job, and there are very few who are good at it.

Out of three dozen of teachers I may have had, about 3 were very good. I don't think I was particularly unlucky, I bet that's pretty much the usual percentage of really good teachers. And even then I'm not sure I could call them excellent teachers, it's just that they stood out very favorably compared to a lousy average teacher performance. Not that I want to blame the poor lot of them, it's quite likely that if I were a teacher I would be one of the bottom 10%.

I mean, repeating the same things over and over to a class of 30, 25 of which are bored out of their minds and the remaining 5 are slightly interested half the time.. That's just such an inhuman job, isn't it? But, I guess, most jobs are.

But, the hope lives that a new way of multiplying numbers will change that.. I don't see that happening.
Rainy "Collect all zero" Day

Editorial on TERC in American Journal of Physics (2.00 / 5) (#142)
by glor on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 06:48:45 PM EST

February 2007; subscription required. This editorial has a stronger focus on how these programs get funded, specifically on the involvement of the National Science Foundation. Some excerpts: the sample problem
Problem: Find the slope and y-intercept of the equation 10=x−2.5.

Solution: The equation 10=x−2.5 is a specific case of the equation y=x−2.5, which has a slope of 1 and a y-intercept of −2.5.

This problem comes from a 7th grade math quiz that accompanies a widely used textbook series for grades 6 to 8 called Connected Mathematics Program or CMP.1 The solution appears in the CMP Teacher's Guide and is supported by a discussion of sample student work.

leads to the conclusion
The root cause is money badly spent. The NSF and corporate foundations maintain a gravy train of education grants and awards that stifle competent mathematics education. Although it is conceivable that ongoing NSF grants for new editions of defective math programs, such as those I have described, will improve matters, that is a poor strategy. It amounts to throwing good money after bad. The most that we can realistically hope for is that the original NSF-funded math programs will eventually rise to the level of mediocrity.

The organization's strategy is analogous to placing in charge of the hospital the surgeon who consistently amputates the wrong leg. School district grant recipients involved in implementing low quality K-12 math education programs gain prestige from their association with the NSF and often gain authority over school district math programs. But the reputation of the NSF is suffering from this association. The National Science Foundation logo, prominently displayed on promotional materials for its math programs, has become a warning symbol for parents of school children. It identifies programs that are best avoided, much like the skull-and-cross-bones symbol on poisons. The NSF should drastically change course, or get out of the business of funding K-12 mathematics education altogether.

Disclaimer: I am not the most intelligent kuron.

Stitching tables together (2.66 / 6) (#150)
by Alan Crowe on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 08:44:45 PM EST

When I was a volunteer tutor with an adult numeracy charity I developed an approach I called Number runs to enrich the experience of learning tables.

Coryoth makes a valid criticism of these

math programs complete aversion to teaching students the classic methods for performing multi-digit multiplication and division. Indeed, these programs not only fail to teach such a method, they go so far as to actively discourage the method ever being taught, preferring that students didn't learn it outside class either.
but he fails to see why this is so bad and fails to see that the core of the criticism applies equally to traditional mathematics education.

The central puzzle of mathematics education is that there is not all that much to learn. Compare learning tables with learning the vocabulary of a foreign language. The ten times table has at most one hundred entries. Only 64 are non-trivial. The commutivity of multiplication reduces that to 36 cases. Learning 36 words of vocabulary is a tiny task, yet learning the times tables looms very large. What is going on?

The maths teacher's problem is to make the facts of his subject mean something to his pupils so that they will stick in his pupils memories. If he can make them sticky at all he will soon find that he has little to teach compared to other subjects.

The methods that Coryoth criticises are reactionary. Educators notice that traditional methods of drilling pupils in traditional systematic algorithms for performing multiplication and division involve vast amounts of drill and produce disappointing results. They react against these methods, and try to use other methods instead.

If the pupil can find a perspective from which rules of arithmetic makes sense to him or her then the traditional methods make sense and are easily learnt. All that is left to do is a modest amount of drill to aquire facility so that the methods may be practised with high accuracy.

The difficulty lies in finding such a perspective. Study of the traditional methods themselves works for some pupils. Working out areas on squared paper can help. Manipulating numbers in the playful way described in the article sometimes unlocks the mystery for a pupil.

Both the reactionary methods criticised in the article and the tradition methods of drilling specific methods have the same central flaw: they do not roam over the range of possible perspectives trying to find vistas from which individual pupils will have their "Aha!" momnent and see what is going on. The different perspectives are mutually illuminating. When a teacher decides to focus on one particular technique wether "traditional" or "modern" he obviously fails the pupils who needed exposure to the techniques he omits, but he also causes difficulties for all his pupils. Whichever technique provides a pupil with a way in to understanding arithmetic, that technique unlocks the whole puzzle, and is more easily apprehended by pupils who have had sight of the whole puzzle and can see what is being unlocked.

The core issue is that there is not very much to be learned, but pupils are unable to learn it at all because it doesn't make sense to them. Intellectual stimulation that raises the pupils level of mathematic sophistication to the point at which it starts to make sense allows pupils to learn in weeks what rote drilling may fail to teach in years. However there is a catch. What kinds of activities are intellectually stimulating?

When I was studying category theory I thought to myself "Oh shit, I'm not getting this." So I settled down to learn axioms for categories, functors, and adjoints by rote. If I couldn't understand it, I could at least be familiar with it, and that would provide opportunities for understanding later.

This applies just as much to arithmetic. If a child is stuck he will not become unstuck by waiting. He has to continue working with the material. Learning some routines by rote drilling them provides material for curiosity. If one can do the necessary carrying for multidigit arithmetic but do not understand, one will soon forget it, or get it muddled and get wrong answers. That brief period of knowing what to do without knowing why to do it is a very promising time for realising why, and once that realisation is attained it will not be lost.

Abstraction is fundamental to software development (2.14 / 7) (#151)
by skyknight on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 08:49:23 PM EST

More generally, abstraction is fundamental to higher order thinking of any kind. One cannot solve complex problems without a divide-and-conquer strategy of attacking sub-problems, packaging the solutions to those sub-problems tidily, and building in turn larger solutions from them. The argument for concise mathematical notation is the same argument for higher level programming languages. Without the ability to momentarily and selectively ignore implementation details, a complex problem simply becomes impossible to fit within the confines of a human skull, thus rendering it utterly intractable.

It's not much fun at the top. I envy the common people, their hearty meals and Bruce Springsteen and voting. --SIGNOR SPAGHETTI
online math tutors. (2.50 / 4) (#153)
by joeclark07 on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 09:22:34 PM EST

Even my son had problem in learning math at school and I was not in a postition to afford to get him math tutor locally. Then , friend of mine suggested me to use online tutor www.tutorswithoutlimits.com or www.tutorvista.com
Begining I was reluctant to use online tutoring serive because I was not sure how some one can teach online from another country and how would my son react to that.
But after some , my son started feeling good about online tutors.
It's very flexible and very cheap.
good luck all

Practicality. (2.00 / 4) (#154)
by TDS on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 09:28:23 PM EST

There is another reason to use set techniques and "show your working", so the teacher can check you've applied the technique. If they do long multiplication/divison wrong, their error can only stem from (a) applying the method wrongly, and implicitly part of the method is showing your working anyway, (b) making an arithmetical error.

My question is how, if you don't do this, the teacher is supposed to figure out where a kid has gone wrong if they off on some sort of error-prone arithmetical safari.  One would imagine that if they are making mistakes they might not be great at recording everything brilliantly anyway. And if every solution is novel, showing working will be harder anyway, its less of a filling the boxes activity. If you imagine the maths teacher trogging home on the weekend with a hundred exercise books (x 30 problems) to mark, I don't see how they are going to manage it after a point purely in terms of time if not lack of mindreading ability.

A red cross next an answer is utterly worthless in and of itself.

So I think the implication of this problem are actually wider than you say.

And when we die, we will die with our hands unbound. This is why we fight.

welcome diggers (1.80 / 10) (#155)
by blackbart on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 09:34:55 PM EST

you may wonder who this "kitten" poster is, for more information go to his home page.

"I use this dupe for modbombing and impersonating a highly paid government worker"
- army of phred

Quadratic equation is the gateway to NONLINEARITY (1.50 / 6) (#160)
by lyapunov on Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 10:23:48 PM EST

Why is Bill Gates so much richer than other workers?
Why is it important to stop Global Warming now, instead of 10 years from now?
Why is it that my co-worker/classmate/roommate has so many more sex partners than I do?

These are just a few examples of non-linear phenomena. So many posters take it for granted that the quadratic equation is "useless" beyond 7th grade. What's important is the idea, not how to solve x^2=-1.

The comments above tell me that most poster didn't learn the idea. Believe you me, the quadratic equation affects us everyday; you just have to open your eyes.

-Anonymous Physicist

to register your vote to ban this user (2.00 / 3) (#169)
by cattleprod of peace on Sun Jan 28, 2007 at 03:24:41 AM EST

click here: www.kuro5hin.org/abuse_report?uid=68339

Missing (1.40 / 5) (#175)
by izzyd3434 on Sun Jan 28, 2007 at 12:37:27 PM EST

Although the author genuinely hopes to improve math education, I think that s/he is simply basing the recommendations off of his/her experiences with math.  And since s/he is a Mathematician and works with college kids in mathematics the "other" side becomes increasingly difficult to see.  Whether you look at our standardized Math test scores or self-reported accounts of how good we are at Math, the results are not good.  The reality is that most kids do not like math (starting with K-6 which is when a lot of kids decide which subjects they are "good" at and which ones they are not).  The reason being that we have traditionally focused on these rote memorization skills that are very boring for someone who is not naturally interested in numbers and not applicable to the outside world which involves people and things and situations, not just numbers written on a piece of paper.  So the move to relating math to the real world and focusing on "thinking" rather than memorizing IS A GOOD THING.  You could argue all day as to how far this should go etc. but this should be the foundation of Math if we hope to produce future adults who can calculate the tip on a dinner bill or give proper change at a store.  These are the capacities in which 95% of people use math in their lives and it seems that lots of people cannot do these simple things....but give them a piece of paper and pencil and some numbers and they can usually figure it out.  I bet that if  you polled adults regarding use of trig or Calculus or algebra skills in their lives it would be virtually 0....yet there are so many real world situations that actually do involve these concepts...but since they were taught as memorization to a particular problem in a classroom, the connection to the outside world is never made.


Pfft, all I need to know is that 2 + 2 = 5 (1.12 / 8) (#182)
by nlscb on Sun Jan 28, 2007 at 04:19:59 PM EST

God damn know it all eggheads.

Europhile Hippies and the Christian Right are the ones who know how to teach.

Comment Search has returned - Like a beaten wife, I am pathetically grateful. - mr strange

This sums it up (1.20 / 5) (#184)
by greenthumbstocks on Sun Jan 28, 2007 at 04:43:37 PM EST

This is a great article on math education.  Teaching K - K12 math in 20 contact hours using a 1898 math book as the text.. http://www.besthomeschooling.org/articles/math_david_albert.html

Three things (1.85 / 7) (#201)
by trhurler on Sun Jan 28, 2007 at 10:38:41 PM EST

1) Most students are never going to learn any math beyond geometry and a bit of trig. I realize this appalls you. It is also true, and probably will always be true, because honestly you have to be somewhat more intelligent than the average bear to go much farther than that in mathematics, period.

2) Young students don't think abstractly much at all, save a gifted few, which is why traditional mathematics programs for them were all about memorization and so on. There's no point in trying to get an eight year old to grasp the abstract notion of, say, functions on integers, and really even of specific ones such as summation - unless he's a rare exception to the rule.

3) The smart students will gain the skills you're talking about pretty much no matter what the curriculum might be - most of them would have figured out a lot of it if left to their own devices with a textbook and too much spare time, in fact.

The obvious solution is that you may as well coddle the average and separate the smart ones. The curriculum for the former should be whatever will allow them to one day balance a checkbook and count change. And for the latter? Almost anything will work, honestly.

'God dammit, your posts make me hard.' --LilDebbie

ATTN: DIGGFAGGS (1.00 / 10) (#204)
by local host unknown on Mon Jan 29, 2007 at 02:11:16 PM EST


When you Limeys (1.50 / 4) (#215)
by kitten on Tue Jan 30, 2007 at 02:01:36 PM EST

can figure out subject/verb agreement, then you can quibble over abbreviations which aren't meant to follow any sort of pattern.
mirrorshades radio - darkwave, synthpop, industrial, futurepop.
Mathmatics (none / 0) (#233)
by Geno on Sun Feb 04, 2007 at 02:02:50 PM EST

I think the first reality that one has to face is: Education is like the measles, just because it's there, and someone is exposed to it, doesn't necessarily mean that everyone exposed to it is going to get it.  There are many who get it, and many more who will not, no matter how you approach it.  Wouldn't it be better to direct those who will not (or cannot) get it to an area that might be more beneficial and productive to their innate abilities?

The Declining Quality of Mathematics Education in the US | 248 comments (243 topical, 5 editorial, 6 hidden)
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