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Ask a Paedophile

By floridasun in Culture
Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM EST
Tags: equality, morals, hysteria, sex, society, freedom, relationships (all tags)

No, the subject is not a catch-line.  I really mean it.

This is a difficult topic for many.  If you cannot productively participate in this discussion, please leave it alone for those who can.  Thank you.

Still reading?  Ok.

With today's protracted moral outrage - building up over the last 30 years to the point of national hysteria - I thought it may be interesting to open a discussion on the topic.  Anything's game; anything goes.

It's funny because there seems to have been a rash of think-of-the-children stories on a number of blogs and news sites.  I read comments which rant and ramble about "them."  How "they" are sick, need therapy, castration, execution, and (occasionally) sympathy.  It both amuses and depresses me.  On the one hand, I appreciate that people can form strong opinions over arbitrary things (swearing, an invisible man in the sky, having an orgasm).  But on the other, it's remarkable how destructive these opinions can be, taken to the extreme.

What surprises me is that in these days of Internet anonymity, very few of "us" respond in turn.

I know, statistically speaking, that I'm not alone.  If you have ever used an online usenet picture aggregator, you may have noticed that the groups which generate the most image views (for those that record it) are almost always the young-girl groups, whose subject matter is typically: girls from age 9-12, in their underwear, or less.

These groups consistently beat out the teen erotica groups, and those in turn beat out the "standard" erotica groups, by a wide margin.  As of this writing, both of the two popular "young girl" groups (on one particular aggregator) have over a million picture views over the last couple weeks - by registered, paying members.  And this is one non-anonymous site. Bear in mind that they all have a strict anti-child-porn regulation (which they enforce by deleting/blocking CP images), and that they have hundreds of thousands of subscribers.  These are not seedy backwater sites.

A quick check on any major usenet, freenet, or even web search log, produces similar results.

There are a couple research studies (though procuring funding for one is extremely difficult due to the charged nature of the subject) which have noted that attraction to prepubescent females is common.  One is here:


The test was conducted using an errection test aparatus, and slides of naked women, and the next day naked 10 year old girls, were shown to the test subjects.

It notes that, of the some 80 test subjects, "twenty-six subjects exhibited sexual arousal to the child slides that equaled or exceeded their arousal to the adult slides."

The other, a study done in the UK, has been buried and I cannot find it anymore.  If someone has a link, feel free to post it.

So, here I am - knowing full well that I'm not alone.  And yet, so few of us even take the time to respond anonymously to these self-righteous asshats who rant and ramble about how they would like to murder or castrate us.

In any event, let me introduce myself, and tell my story.  If you have a question you've been burning to ask, now is your chance.

I am a paedophile.  Yes, the "worst kind."  Not an ephibophile - I contend that virtually every red blooded male alive today is an ephibophile (or a liar).

I am attracted emotionally, and (here's the rub) sexually to young girls.  How young?  10.. 11.

While I am lucky in that it's not to the exclusion of women my age, it is also not a passing phase and it is not something I try to ignore.

I've felt the way I do for as far back as I can remember.  My first sexual experience (to confirm the suspicions) was at age 9.  I had a crush on two girls (twins) in grade 5, and one day they decided they'd meet me at a tree fort that my father had built.  We "experimented" (strip poker, making out, and fellacio) for several weeks, and eventually lost interest.

A while later, I had (to the best of my ability) sexual intercourse with my babysitter.  I don't remember how old she was, but she was a teenager.  I was quite mature for my age (10), and it was a wonderful experience.

When my mom found out, however... it was not quite as wonderful.  She threatened to have her charged, and I threatened kill myself if she did.  Eventually she lost interest, but it was years before I saw my babysitter again.

Throughout my teenaged years, I knew something was different.  While boys my age were attracted to the mature, voluptuous and sluttly looking magazine women, I was not.  I was still attracted mainly to the grade 7 and 8 girls.

I went through a period of self-loathing in grade 11.  It was terrible.  Everyone wants to fit in, and in this regard, I certainly did not. Eventually I came to realize that no matter what one does or believes in, someone will be offended.  We can't please everyone.  The best we can do is be honest with ourselves.

Later that year, a new family moved next door.  Their daughter was 11.  She used to come to play with my sister (who was her age), and after a few months, was spending more time hanging around me than her.

My mother would always try to intervene and tell her to "leave me alone."  This drove her nuts.  For a few weeks, she would bring over her homework and we'd lie in bed and work on it.  One day, when my family was gone at a wedding, she came over, and we had sex.

This went on for months - waiting for opportunities where we could both sneak out to the (now creaky) tree fort, or when our families would be gone for some predictable amount of time.  Eventually people began to realize what was going on.  Some accepted it, but most did not.  We had to "cool it off" for a while.

So flash forward to today.

She is 19.  A month and 3 days ago, I proposed to her.  She accepted.  In a year, we will be married.

She is comfortable with my "condition," and in fact shares it (though to a lesser extent).  Porn nights are a very interesting experience.

I recognize that to a devout Christian, we are both going to hell.  We've agreed to cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we're living our lives.

So - that's it.  One person's story.

Do you have a question you'd like to ask?  Here is a quick FAQ to keep the signal-to-noise ratio up:

Q: What do you mean "emotional attraction?"

A: This may seem ridiculous to you, but it's the best way I can explain it.  I don't see girls as property or stupid annoying little "kids."  Sure, some girls are pretty dumb.  More generally, some people are pretty dumb.  But all of the girlfriends I've had over the years have been very intelligent (if sometimes naive), interesting people who I, at the time, fell in love with.

That is, I just liked to be with them, and talk to them.  I felt bad when we were apart.  Eventually I married one.  If you've never talked WITH a young person (as opposed to TO a young person), you won't understand.  It takes a lot of time before they "drop their guard" (we're friends.. I don't tell you what to do) but if you're honest, it can become a wonderful relationship.  Hint: they're not stupid.  Yes, they're usually inexperienced.  But talk to them like they're stupid, and they'll react in turn.  They play "kid" as well as we play "adult."

Q: You're going to burn in hell.  I want to kill you.  Die!

A: Ok.  If you took your own religion seriously, you wouldn't want to kill me.  So you're a hypocrite.  Reevaluate your priorities in life.

Q: I was raped when I was younger, and I blame it on you.

A: I'm sorry you went through that.  I hope you can heal.  Rape is one of the most inhumane acts that can happen.  However, our society has a twisted way of equating sex with rape.  Just because YOU don't approve of sex between people, does NOT mean they're raping each other.  So please don't blame me.  It isn't fair.

Q: Kids don't have the mental capacity blah blah blah.

A: Neither do most adults (yes I've had several adult gfs).

Q: Where do you live?  What's your IP?

A: In the US.  I wish things were different, and I wish I could be more specific.  I wish I didn't have to mask my IP address and set up anonymous email accounts.  Unfortunately, however, there are too many dangerous people out there who are unable to control their emotions and have a "strong moral composition."  Call my crazy, but I think my fiance might get upset if you protected her by killing or jailing me.

Q: You have no morals!  Why don't you have any morals?

A: You're right - I have no morals.  With each and every action I take, I simply take a do-unto-others approach.  Am I hurting someone by doing this?  When I think of so-called morals, I think of the twisted justifications for war, throwing witches down wells, and stoning teenaged girls for illegal sex.  No thanks; I'll make up my own mind on the issues.  And by the way - it wasn't always this way (fear of sex is a new phenominon), and it's not this way in every country.  Gain some perspective.

Q: But you're hurting your partners!

A: Isn't it a little arrogant of you to assume that someone who you don't know and have never met - someone you know NOTHING about - is incapable of deciding for herself whether or not she's being hurt?

Q: I think you should see a psychologist.

A: I've long passed the point where this issue was causing me mental anguish, and as such feel no need to discuss it with a psychologist.  My fiance concurs. :)

Q: Are you new to k5?

A: No.  Many of you know me under a different nym.  Can you guess who I am? :)  In all seriousness, please do not accuse anyone of being me.  The accusation can be devastating, and very few guesses would be right.  Let's not start a witch-hunt.

Q: What does the future hold?

A: Global warming, world war 3, and an asteroid striking the earth.  Hopefully before then, our species will take a step back and realize how ridiculous it is to hate sex and love, and love hate and violence.  We can dream.


One last plea.  Please, TRY not to turn this into a giant flamewar.  If you can't help it, and you MUST post some bile, please keep it short and to the point.  If you're uncomfortable voting on this story, don't vote.

If you're writing words of understanding, support or comiseration, I urge you to consider using an alternate account.  I've seen first-hand what can happen to someone accused of "supporting the pedos."

Rusty, if this topic is illegal to discuss (you'd know better than me, and free speech only goes so far), or inappropriate kuro5hin, please freeze my account.  I won't take it as an insult; I know your hands may be tied.


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This story makes me:
o Happy 31%
o Sad 22%
o Uncomfortable 11%
o Angry 8%
o Confused 17%
o Frustrated 8%

Votes: 35
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Related Links
o Kuro5hin
o http://www .ipce.info/ipceweb/Library/97-048_article.html
o Also by floridasun

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Ask a Paedophile | 668 comments (628 topical, 40 editorial, 24 hidden)
serious question (2.33 / 12) (#1)
by GhostOfTiber on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 04:53:29 PM EST

How much do you hang out on 4chan?

[Nimey's] wife's ass is my cocksheath. - undermyne

-1, NULLO \> (1.61 / 13) (#2)
by buck on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 05:00:13 PM EST

“You, on the other hand, just spew forth your mental phlegmwads all over the place and don't have the goddamned courtesy to throw us a tissue afterwards.” -- kitten
Why do you like anime? (3.00 / 9) (#5)
by The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 05:37:03 PM EST


I'm a pompous windbag, I take myself far too seriously, and I single-handedly messed up K5 by causing the fiction section to be created. --localroger

by MotorMachineMercenary on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 05:40:35 PM EST

Keep banging those rocks together, MMM!
- Kasreyn

I have a question(s) (2.73 / 26) (#7)
by Stjck on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:00:49 PM EST

I have a number of nieces and nephews. Far too many in fact. What are the current market prices for selling them to the sex trade? Will there be any commissions involved? Is now a good time to sell or buy?

What is the aim of this story? (2.61 / 13) (#10)
by livus on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:13:22 PM EST

What's its purpose? The q's are all from straw men, the story rambles, and the point gets lost somewhere. Plus it seems to have moved out of edit too soon.

However, I think the answer to my question is found here:

"Many of you know me under a different nym.  Can you guess who I am? :)  In all seriousness, please do not accuse anyone of being me.  The accusation can be devastating, and very few guesses would be right.  Let's not start a witch-hunt."

HIREZ substitute.
be concrete asshole, or shut up. - CTS
I guess I skipped school or something to drink on the internet? - lonelyhobo
I'd like to hope that any impression you got about us from internet forums was incorrect. - debillitatus
I consider myself trolled more or less just by visiting the site. HollyHopDrive

Troll? (2.50 / 8) (#12)
by imexius on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:21:45 PM EST

Am I the only one who thinks this article is a massive troll?

Let the witch hunt begin (2.37 / 8) (#14)
by loteck on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:22:54 PM EST

I'm guessing LJ.
"You're in tune to the musical sound of loteck hi-fi, the musical sound that moves right round. Keep on moving ya'll." -Mylakovich

There is a serious flaw (2.44 / 9) (#19)
by hamingja on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:40:29 PM EST

in the research study you cited:
"The test was conducted using an errection test aparatus, and slides of naked women, and the next day naked 10 year old girls, were shown to the test subjects.
The authors do not explain the external features of the naked women that were shown to the test subjects. I can easily imagine a selection of women that having been shown naked to the subjects would have reduced their penises to amorphous dead worms.

p(3)=0.3405373296... => even in an infinite universe, not everything is possible...
-1, try posting a few diaries first (2.00 / 6) (#25)
by Egil Skallagrimson on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:48:06 PM EST

We can't tell if you can write any good pr0n yet.


Enterobacteria phage T2 is a virulent bacteriophage of the T4-like viruses genus, in the family Myoviridae. It infects E. coli and is the best known of the T-even phages. Its virion contains linear double-stranded DNA, terminally redundant and circularly permuted.

troll or not, I'm curious to know if you would be (2.60 / 5) (#30)
by hamingja on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:53:03 PM EST

comfortable with your ten year old daughter dating a guy in his forties.

p(3)=0.3405373296... => even in an infinite universe, not everything is possible...
I don't know whether to laugh or cry (2.00 / 5) (#32)
by floridasun on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 06:57:29 PM EST

It's not a fucking troll, people.

I'm sorry I mentioned the witch-hunt bit.  I meant to defuse one, because I was certain some well-meaning asshat would start accusing various people of being the author.  It backfired.

Anyway, it speaks volumes to me personally that so many people think it is a troll.  That shows how deeply rooted the cultural mindset is, if people can't even contemplate this.

Only real intelligent comment was: (1.87 / 8) (#42)
by kitten on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 07:11:15 PM EST

Q: Kids don't have the mental capacity blah blah blah.
A: Neither do most adults (yes I've had several adult gfs).

Which is true. The argument about sex with minors always comes down to someone griping that kids don't have the mental acumen to deal with the consequences of sex and so forth.

Most of the people who say this either haven't looked around at the adult population, or are one of the adults who are too stupid to deal with things (and consequently don't realize it).

We are talking about people who don't understand that things need to be plugged in to work. That Iraq did not attaack the World Trade Center. People who cannot master their native language and such concepts as "punctuation" and "capitalization". People who, when faced with something they're unsure of, would rather scream for help than even attempt to figure it out for themselves. People who would rather believe what they're told to believe than to think for themselves. People who become angry and fearful when they encounter something that they don't approve of.

Stupid people. You think they can handle sex?

On a more direct level, look at all the people with STDs, or who are pregnant and cannot financially care for the child, or who use sex as a weapon, or as a replacement for emotional bonding. These people -- adults -- are no more capable, mentally speaking, of handling the "consequences" of sex.

One wonders where the line is drawn. Where someone gets off saying that a 14 year old is "incapable of understanding" sex but the fucking moron 26 year old in your accounting department, the one who still acts like he's in high school, he's perfectly capable of it.

mirrorshades radio - darkwave, synthpop, industrial, futurepop.
there will always be pedophiles (1.88 / 9) (#46)
by circletimessquare on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 07:15:41 PM EST

always were pedophiles, always will be pedophiles. it's just a natural variation of human sexuality. like homosexuality

however, homosexuality occurs between consenting adults. this makes it acceptable

meanwhile, pedophilia invovles a child that is incapable of informed consent

dear author:



those two words burn away every single argument you have made, or could make. there is no way for you to get beyond that concept

therefore, pedophilia can never ever be accepted


The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.

Needs more images and links. nt (2.00 / 8) (#59)
by onealone on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 07:33:02 PM EST

Age or Power? (2.25 / 4) (#74)
by localroger on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 07:51:57 PM EST

I have seen several analyses that suggest some pedophiles are more motivated by power issues (being the "adult" and therefore guiding / in-charge partner) than the actual youthfulness of their partners. I am curious as to how you see this, and whether there is a dominance/submission element in your relationships with adult women.

I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds -- J. Robert Oppenheimer
+1FP. (2.46 / 15) (#82)
by creature on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 08:11:16 PM EST

I don't know if this is true or not; I don't much care. But there is a slim, slim chance that this gets posted and someoen will get on their high horse, start foaming at the mouth, and start posting some ill-written tripe in response. And money can't buy that kind of entertainment - you have to make it happen.

I'll play along like this isn't a troll (2.88 / 17) (#86)
by godix on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 08:17:07 PM EST

I've known five women who were in sexual relationships when they were under 14 and the man was over 20. Of those four of them were willing. I'll discount the fifth for purposes of this discussion since rape obviously isn't what you're talking about. Out of those four girls all four have turned out to be sluts as adults. I don't mean 'I don't like them and think they sleep around a little too much' type slut. I mean 'each of them sleeps with at least three different men a week, usually within an hour or two of meeting them and none of them has had less than 50 partners in their life" type slut. You know, the type of slut that when talking to her it's obvious within a few minutes she has major issues about sex. All four of them also deeply regret getting involved with a much older man at such a young age. I don't know any females who were in a sexual relationship very young who don't regret it or aren't mentally fucked to some degree because of it. I realize there isn't a magic line you can draw and say 'above this age is a reasonable healthy adult capable of loving relationships and below this age is an older man mentally scarring children' but the fact is there is a difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old and praying on the 12 year old, no matter how willing she may appear at the time, directly harms her.

I realize this is circumstancial evidence but then again, so is most of your article.

- An egotist is someone who thinks they're almost as good as I am.

What is the most realistic depiction of pedophilia (3.00 / 3) (#97)
by MotorMachineMercenary on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 08:35:09 PM EST

in modern fiction - movies or books? And by most realistic I don't mean most graphic.

Keep banging those rocks together, MMM!
- Kasreyn

What is the best way to avoid my future children (2.71 / 7) (#99)
by MotorMachineMercenary on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 08:41:53 PM EST

getting molested by your kind?

And I don't mean this in a disrespectful way. I just don't want to end up with my children being traumatized, and me in jail for chopping some of your brethren to pieces and feeding them to reindeer. So an honest answer to this question benefits both me and your kind.

Keep banging those rocks together, MMM!
- Kasreyn

Paedophiles != child predators (2.90 / 11) (#101)
by it certainly is on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 08:50:29 PM EST

Paedophiles have fucked-up fantasies. As such, they should share the same fate as furries, lactophiles, watersports fans, leather fans, coprophiliacs, agalmatophiliacs and other fucked-up pervs - to be laughed at should they be found out, but otherwise to be left alone and free to think what they like, provided they do not engage in non-consensual acts or try anything on with children.

Most paedophiles realise that acting out their fantasies would irreparably damage a child's psychological development and cause grevious psychosexual trauma, amongst other things. So they responsibly choose not to act out their fetish in real life. And that just suits me fine.

Nobody cares about these "aren't fucking children" paedophiles. People only care about the paedophiles who are evil, selfish and immoral enough to actually try grooming or molesting children. Apparantly, it's not enough that we put these people in jail. They are somehow worse than murders and rapists put together. If you looked at it rationally, murder is still worse than molesting children, and to compare molestation and rape depends entirely on the details of the case. It's only because that there's an entirely irrational moral panic about paedophiles that they're seen as infinitely worse.

(In case anyone thinks thinks I'm "defending" paedophiles - I'm not. And, in case you're thinking it, no I'm not a paedophile. I'm a breasts-loving man myself, and I can't imagine why anyone would be sexually attracted to someone with no secondary sexual characteristics. But that's for them and their psychiatrist to work out.)

kur0shin.org -- it certainly is

Godwin's law [...] is impossible to violate except with an infinitely long thread that doesn't mention nazis.

Tell me something (2.66 / 6) (#121)
by truth rhesus death on Sun Dec 17, 2006 at 11:14:57 PM EST

Why does every single pedophilia-related story get voted to the front page?

Is child pornography, underage sex, and so forth just that interesting? No, it is not.

Do pedophiles write exceptionally well so pedophilia articles are consequently of exceptional quality? Probably not.

Is Kuro5hin.org jam-packed with child molesters who like to read about sexually exploited children? Getting warmer.

Are the perverted pedophiles that populate Kuro5hin.org seeking affirmation of their deviance from each other? I think we have a winner!

rusty on the readership: You're wicked retarded, and you talk like a fag.

let's not ignore sexual predators (2.20 / 5) (#144)
by BottleRocket on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 12:43:42 AM EST

we both know they're out there, otherwise what would be the point of the amber warning system? you have to admit that you are in the company of some very sick individuals. i suppose consenting adults do some pretty sick stuff too- god knows i have some bizarre fetishes- but i contend that it takes a particular level of pathological detachment to rape an extreme minor.

my question is about rehabilitation. is it possible? is it safe? do you know any predatory pedophiles? what are their thoughts on the matter?

wouldn't you agree that there must be cases where the offender lacks both the willpower and the motivation to get rehabilitated? what solutions would you offer?

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Yes I do download [child pornography], but I don't keep it any longer than I need to, so it can yield insight as to how to find more. --MDC
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Water? (2.00 / 4) (#146)
by j1mmy on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 12:54:05 AM EST

Is this why you can't get a date?

Get over yourself. (2.50 / 8) (#147)
by Kasreyn on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 12:54:14 AM EST

Q: Kids don't have the mental capacity blah blah blah.

A: Neither do most adults (yes I've had several adult gfs).

Oh boo fucking hoo. We had to pick an age. We picked (insert age of consent in your area here). We're all well aware that some people over the age are mental children, and some under it are geniuses. As if we could handle this sort of thing on a case by case basis! Do you really want some dumbass social worker or (worse yet) child psychologist put in charge of this sort of decision? A standard age is the best solution.

It seems you think consent is just a minor aspect of the issue, but to me (and I suspect to many here) it IS the issue. Either deal with the consent issue intelligently and respectfully, or don't be surprised when your argument is ignored.

"Extenuating circumstance to be mentioned on Judgement Day:
We never asked to be born in the first place."

R.I.P. Kurt. You will be missed.
We need more trolls like this. (2.20 / 5) (#152)
by Psycho Dave on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 03:04:12 AM EST

Personally, I want to know what floridasun's other username is. Let the witchhunt begin!

IRTT 9/10 (2.60 / 5) (#153)
by daveybaby on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 04:13:40 AM EST

Quality. Obvious subject, but extremely well executed.

There's a basic moral line here (2.80 / 10) (#157)
by nebbish on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 05:38:55 AM EST

Don't fuck kids, it affects their emotional development, no matter how gentle you are about it.

Don't look at child porn, you are supporting making your self implicit in what is perhaps the worst exploitation possible.

But if you keep it in your own head, don't feel guilty. You're not doing anyone any harm.

Kicking someone in the head is like punching them in the foot - Bruce Lee

Question: Please clear up one thing for us (2.75 / 4) (#158)
by livus on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 05:45:04 AM EST

Dear Floridasun,

Binford and I are discussing the probable extent of your sexual activity with girls in your preferred age group.

Binford thinks you've just said that you don't do it; I think you've just said that you do it.

Binford seems to think that all you have ever done (apart from your fiance) is talk to girls; whereas I think you were trying to say that you had a number of these underage "girlfriends" with whom you were sexually active. I also think you indicated that your gf and you consume child porn together. Is this accurate?

Please can you just clarify for us what you actually do, or at least what you are saying exactly?  

HIREZ substitute.
be concrete asshole, or shut up. - CTS
I guess I skipped school or something to drink on the internet? - lonelyhobo
I'd like to hope that any impression you got about us from internet forums was incorrect. - debillitatus
I consider myself trolled more or less just by visiting the site. HollyHopDrive

Author's Username = Underage Softcore Porn Site (2.28 / 7) (#161)
by anaesthetica on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 05:53:09 AM EST

The author of this story is "floridasun". This documentary on underage softcore porn sites clearly shows Florida Sun Models. Their webpage is here.

We have either been trolled or used for free advertising.

—I'm the little engine that didn't.
k5: our trolls go to eleven

*crack* (2.78 / 14) (#172)
by Sgt York on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 09:28:51 AM EST


I mean, asking not to make it a flamewar...the artistry, the blatant artistry. I almost feel like biting and diving into it wholeheartedly, just for the ride.

+1FP, best since FNH. Bravo.

There is a reason for everything. Sometimes, that reason just sucks.

MotorMachineMercenary, (2.11 / 9) (#177)
by Comrade Wonderful on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 10:19:02 AM EST

I am so sorry to hear of the difficulties you have dealing with this condition.  I now recognize your macho posturing to be only a reaction against this inherent weakness you feel.  Allow me to join you in cursing the day that treehouse went up!

hey asshole (2.57 / 7) (#185)
by cDiss on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 12:04:45 PM EST

its people like you that get 90% of exit nodes banned at 4chan

Hmmm (2.00 / 3) (#187)
by HollyHopDrive on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 12:28:10 PM EST

I'll assume you're not a troll. And from that I'll assume it took real guts to spill this to us.

It's not the first article I've read by a paedophile. But the other one I read was about someone who said he felt deeply ashamed of his urges and believed them to be abnormal. He said he would never touch a child, but he was obsessed with images and fantasies and that much he couldn't help. I didn't like it but I appreciated that as long as it stayed in his head it wasn't hurting anyone.

I'm afraid you will never convince me that kids having sex, either with each other or with adults, is ever excusable, much less desirable. I'll admit there's a remote possibility of sexual love existing between a grown man and a ten year old girl which is as pure and sweet as the freshly fallen snow and the dewdrops on the rose, but that would be so rare so as not to figure when we're drafting the sex legislation. And really, why can't it wait a few years if you love each other so much? Perhaps she really is emotionally wise beyond her years, but isn't it better to wait a bit to make sure? Nobody was ever harmed by waiting until they hit puberty before having sex.

I can believe the urges are more common than we like to admit. I actually have a few memories of men stroking my neck and shoulders when I was about ten or 11 (and I was a late developer) and making what I now realise were suggestive comments. I didn't like it and I jumped away but it hasn't scarred me. Still, just because the urges may be common doesn't necessarily mean they are harmless.

If you lose your virginity at 10, it wouldn't exactly be difficult to see why you might never be able to depart from something so intense experienced so early.

I do have one question, though. If you had a ten-year-old daughter, would you be happy for a grown man to have sex with her?

I make too much sense to be on the Internet.

At what point does it start to disturb you? (2.50 / 8) (#193)
by balsamic vinigga on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 02:04:06 PM EST

You mentioned being a junior in Highschool having sex with an 11 year old which despite the odds turned out to be a strong relationship resulting in marriage.  So you were 16 or 17, which means about 5 or 6 years older.  Not much in terms of years, but at that age it is the difference between being a child and nearly an adult.

My question for you, though... is there's a point at which the age difference just seems too fucked up to you and that no ammount of mutual attraction or love would justify a sexual relationship.  Where do you draw the line?  Is a 40 year old having sex with a 9 year old a repulsive thought to you?

And if there is a boundary how do you feel about pedophiles controlling their impulses? I for one, attracted though I may be to teenage girls have no problem at all controlling that attraction. I'm not such a horndog that I need to fuck any 16 year old that I can. I'm prefectly happy to stick to adult women or even celebacy if I must. The excuse that pedophiles have an innate need to act on their impulses is rediculous to me when everybody on the planet controls their impulses most of the time, if not we'd be even more of a fucked up orgy of unfaithful partners than we are already.

Anyway I'm rambling..  I guess to be succinct, while you seem fine with your less extreme case of illicit coupling, are there cases you find objectionable, and at somepoint completely unjustifiable given anybody's sexual and emotional convictions?

Please help fund a Filipino Horror Movie. It's been in limbo since 2007 due to lack of funding. Please donate today!

by CTS's metrics, this is the best story EVAR (2.60 / 5) (#196)
by cDiss on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 02:44:29 PM EST

Do you view child pornography (2.50 / 4) (#200)
by Water on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 03:13:54 PM EST

knowing that it was most likely non consensual? Do you think it should be illegal?

It's unfortunate this story will die (2.50 / 4) (#212)
by rhapsody on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 04:27:08 PM EST

There is some actually real and interesting discussion going on here.  However the story is unlikely to survive.  I'd post my thoughts however I feel that they would be lost and it would be a waste of time.

Heh the double standard (2.35 / 14) (#214)
by balsamic vinigga on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 04:37:14 PM EST

right now people are flipping out over his molesting a girl but are probably thinking "way to go" about fucking his babysitter at age 10.

Now imagine if the author was a woman...

People would be saying that her molestation from the babysitter has fucked her up and emotionally crippled her and that's why she had sex with a young boy (the young boy by the way nobody would care about, good for him, he fucked a 16 year old when he was 11 - a boys dream come true right?)

Eh it all goes back to the antiquated notion that a women's worth is her worth as a wife and mother and as such she should be virginal until marriage.  That is such a vile and barbaric opinion of women, yet it's still in our culture, and taints every aspect of sexuality and our sexual psychology today.

it's just sex people, get over it. If you're going to agonize over your childhood sexuality as an adult, grow the fuck up...  Whenever it becomes socially accpetable to blame any event or person or group of people for your life's woes instead of taking positive action to fix yourself it is to the greater detriment of the people suffering psychologically.

Who cares about your past or the source of your problems, I been through some fucked up shit too but i don't let it hange there as personal demons to blame for everything about me that isn't perfect.  In some ways you gotta wonder if people who are so fucked up over being ass-fisted by their bishop as an alterboy wouldn't be fucked up over some other traumatic event anyway.

Again, i'm not condoning or greenlighting molesting kids, but there's so much bullshit going on with it that's un-PC to discuss and this is the thread to come out and say it.

Please help fund a Filipino Horror Movie. It's been in limbo since 2007 due to lack of funding. Please donate today!

Depending on the age, yes, you have harmed others (2.94 / 18) (#226)
by SocratesGhost on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 06:12:02 PM EST

Many children just want attention. Paedophiles teach them that they get that attention through sex.

The child-adult relationship is one built on trust. Children need room to grow and mature before they can develop into people who are capable of making their own choices. When people interfere with that process, they interfere with the child's ability to make those choices, just as your own ability to control your actions were interupted when you were that age.

I'm not sure if you see that, but you are just acting on something that was acted upon you. Because this happened to you, you find it natural, but this isn't because it was an innate desire in you. Your will, your personality, your desires, and your emotions were altered because of your experience and who you are is the result. In some ways, you're lucky you weren't introduced to heroin at 10. What makes this worse is that you find it acceptable to do this to others, to subvert their will before they developed a mature identity of their own.

Depending on the age in which you interferred with their petri dish minds, it may be impossible for them to adjust. We are sexual creatures and it affects all departments in life, from how we relate to others to how we view ourselves. You might think it's within your rights to interfere that way, but fortunately society in this case truly understands that your ambivalence is a threat.

When I was abused (by a fucked up person like you, I hope you don't mind me saying), it has taken me until now, some 20 years of failed relationships, frequent therapy, and months of reading later in order to begin to dream of having a healthy mature relationship with someone who is my equal. I'm 34, single, successful, and lonely as fuck because I cannot sustain a relationship. Is that what you wish upon others?

Also, the reason this topic is so prevalent on the web may be because of the prevalence of child abuse. In the US, statistics show that about 1 in 10 boys and maybe as high as 1 in 3 women were sexually molested as children. There's a lot of people out there whose identities have been royally screwed because it is difficult to break the cycle of abusing others who will abuse others who will abuse others.

Anyway, I pity you for not being capable of freeing yourself from the prison that someone else put you in. Thank you for writing, though, but truly seek help.

I drank what?

I smell a rat... (2.72 / 11) (#228)
by ktakki on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 06:34:54 PM EST

Q: Where do you live? What's your IP?

A: In the US.
Poster claims to live in the US, but uses the UK spelling "paedophile".

I think it's Hulver.

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people
are really good at heart." - Anne Frank

Ok, here goes (2.75 / 8) (#230)
by admittedly dupe account on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 06:41:41 PM EST

I had to stop and think alot before posting and ven then I had to do it under another name because, well because.

I too would consider myself a paedophile.  I understand the feelings of the original poster.  I have never acted on these feelings in anyway that I consider harmful to another person.  In point of fact I stay away far far away from anyone under a legal age. I distance myself as much as humanly possible from any situation where I might offend.  I stay away from any situation where I might even be accused of offending.

I know I have this attraction.  I have always had it since I was young.  I liked seeing girls my own age in various states of undress until I was 14 or so.  After that well, my desires stayed at that 14 or less point.  Throughout much of my adult life I have satisfied my desires in a number of ways.  

The most satisfing has been to mostly date "small" women.  Mostly under 5 feet tall, with small chests.  It takes the edge off, it keeps the desires from growing absurdly out of control.

Young models also have helped me control the needs and desires.  I'd post more but my time is limited.

so let me get this straight (2.87 / 8) (#232)
by wampswillion on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 06:54:19 PM EST

you are a pedophile.  an active one?  you currently pursue and engage children sexually?  
and you are marrying a woman who approves of this and you do not feel that you need help and you feel that it's society's views on pedophilia that are wrong.  
and your defense of that a child is not able to make such decisions for themselves is that adults are immature as well?  
and you are saying that there is no way to track the computer that you are using?   and to track you from here?  
and that you don't wish to have people critique your actions and your beliefs?
well, tell me this.  WHY did you post this then?  you want us to agree with you?  
you'd like the whole of or some of k5 stand up and say "hey, this guy's right, these laws against pedophilia are wrong and unfair?"  
is that what you were after?  don't look to me for that.  
as for you citing the study of mens' erections to being shown pictures of children, you are saying taht you think this should show that it's normal and healthy to engage a child sexually?  

sorry.  my feeling is that if there were a way to look up your ip and locate you and there were evidence of you actively engaging in pedophilia i'd look you up in a heartbeat  and i'd have you arrested.  

Ohhhh (2.33 / 6) (#235)
by SpaceMonkeyGrif on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 07:05:42 PM EST

"When my mom found out, however... it was not quite as wonderful.  She threatened to have her charged, and I threatened kill myself if she did.  Eventually she lost interest, but it was years before I saw my babysitter again."

There we had it... a turning point.  A chance to have you confront your demons early enough to catch them... <B>and your MOM fucking blew it.</B>

I have a feeling I will be talking to your daughter when she turns 11.    

You will be having kids, and most probably posting pictures of yourself violating them on the internet.

Do the world a favor, right now, and kill yourself.

You are too far gone... I've met too many like you.  

Another Q (2.16 / 6) (#301)
by balsamic vinigga on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 08:43:03 PM EST

Does your wife ever abuse her power over you?

By that I mean something like "If you don't xyz I'll go to the authorities about you fucking me when i was 11 and how i'm all fucked up about it"

where xyz could be any number of:

give me the TV remote
buy me that Gucci purse I want
dump me
shut the fuck up about me being a manipulative twat

Personally I wouldn't want my woman to have that much dirt on me...

Please help fund a Filipino Horror Movie. It's been in limbo since 2007 due to lack of funding. Please donate today!

ok. let me get this straight. (2.40 / 5) (#343)
by redqueen on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 10:49:42 PM EST

You are a pedo, attracted to 10 and 11 year olds. Yet, you are marrying a 19 year old. Well, most women are just that by 19 -- fully developed. So, pick a bizarre sexual tendency to troll with and stick with it!

If you are serious, I can tell you right now, your life is going to be fucked. Chances are you will molest your kids (male and female), they will go on to develop bizarre sexual tendencies at young ages as well, probably get in some trouble with the law at some point, hate you, continue this abusive cycle with their children and so on.

But yet, you are proud you are not "status quo."  Congratulations, you're a freak show!

Best "interesting female" (impersonator): redqueen. - sausalito

I for one (2.50 / 6) (#349)
by Mylakovich on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 11:15:53 PM EST

applaud Michael Crawford for having the courage to come clean like this.

This article's score keeps getting 'younger' and (2.40 / 5) (#360)
by Brick Wall on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 11:52:55 PM EST

younger! Let's keep it legal, guys!
Some people say Beer is unnecessary, too. I don't believe either of them. - minerboy
FUCK YOU (2.00 / 9) (#362)
by the77x42 on Mon Dec 18, 2006 at 11:53:51 PM EST

I'm sick of these 'coming-out' stories. Nobody cares about your life. The internet is turning into one giant self-masturbatory festival of whores who think that their idiosyncrasies are somehow meaningful to other people. They're not.

You want us to ask you questions about being a pedophile. Okay, umm.. "What's your favourite colour?" "Did you think 2001: A Space Odyssey was way ahead of it's time?" Wow, me too. Uh.. "Why can't you just shoot yourself and spare us all grief?"

Is this really a fucking story?

Hey, guess what... most of society thinks that having sex with kids is wrong. We feel angry. We feel even angrier if someone is fucking our own kids. Probably not as angry though as if someone is fucking our spouses. But we don't feel that angry when someone fucks a perfectly normal (i.e. not in a wheelchair -- that's just creepy) 19-year old who was just underage months ago. ISN'T THAT WEIRD??? HOLY FUCK I THINK I DESERVE THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR POINTING OUT AN INCONSISTENCY IN COMMON INTUITION.

Like I said, FUCK YOU.

I don't need to ask you questions. I don't need to hear about your life. I really don't fucking need to ask you questions about your life. I could care less if you fuck underage girls/boys/rodents.

If, however, you touch my kids, I will put a 2x4 through the back of your skull so fucking fast, your nympho wife will have to clean your polluted brain matter off the wall with a fire hose.

"We're not here to educate. We're here to point and laugh." - creature
"You have some pretty stupid ideas." - indubitable ‮

I have a question (3.00 / 3) (#374)
by nightfire on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 12:30:00 AM EST

I have long believed that there is a contradiction in Canada (and the US, and many western societies) wherein people <18 can be charged with a crime, but they can't vote.

In theory if you have the responsibility of following the law, you have the right to change it.  That's what a democracy is.

I was charged with underage drinking when I was 17.  It was only a minor offense, costing me $70.

But it destroyed my faith in the legal system, because it was explained to me like this:

"You're too young to know if you should be drinking or not.  You made a mistake; here's a ticket."

What the fuck?

If I'm too young to know any better, how am I responsible?

Anyway, it seems a little fucked that you can be expected to follow the law, and yet not allowed to challenge it democratically.

So here's the question:

Do you think the voting age should be lowered?  Why/why not?  If so, to what age?

I mean the age-old argument of "they're too young to understand" obviously doesn't resonate with you. :)  And anyway that argument (actually too naive/uninvolved) was used to deny women's voting rights for years..

Oh, and also (2.00 / 2) (#377)
by nightfire on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 12:44:09 AM EST

Although I don't approve of what you did, I guess my approval isn't really sought..

I haven't seen anyone else say it yet, so,

Congratulations on your accepted proposal.  May you live together in peace and happiness.

All I'll add is this (1.00 / 3) (#391)
by psychologist on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 03:34:00 AM EST

Girls at 16 are at their sexual prime. Any man who does not admit this is just lying to himself.

But also, girls at 16 are not at their sexual prime in all societies. In certain conditions, particularly when there is food scarcity because of overpopulation, women become more attractive. Western society is overpopulated, but food is not scarce, so this does not apply.

What's the best thing about fucking 19 year olds? (2.60 / 5) (#415)
by it certainly is on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 11:19:37 AM EST

There are 19 of them.

kur0shin.org -- it certainly is

Godwin's law [...] is impossible to violate except with an infinitely long thread that doesn't mention nazis.

I do have a genuine question (2.50 / 2) (#423)
by it certainly is on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 11:35:08 AM EST

Have you seen the film Hard Candy, and, if so, what did you think of it?

kur0shin.org -- it certainly is

Godwin's law [...] is impossible to violate except with an infinitely long thread that doesn't mention nazis.

How old were you when your wife was 11? (none / 1) (#425)
by kbudha on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 11:43:41 AM EST

Regarding abusers seeking power... statistics, etc (2.50 / 4) (#438)
by StewedSquirrels on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 12:49:07 PM EST

A number of people in this thread have suggested that abusers are more interested in power vs love.  In addition, a number of comments have alluded to the idea that all abuse is inherently devistating to the 'victim'.  Let me address these two things seperately.  I am an outside viewer who wrote some papers in grad school about the topic from a media slant so I would regard myself more knowledgable about the topic than most people.  I'm also an ardent libertarian (some people also call me a moral relativist) so I tend to reject social stigma on premise, in favor of firm research and judgements based on relative individual benefit.  

To continue...

From my reading, there are two types of 'abusers'.

One is a situational abuser, who may not normally be attracted to kids, but is in a bad situation, or is somewhat mentally unstable.  He has a 'trigger', whether it be emotional or environmental, that makes him desperate for power and seek that with a child.  These invariably involve psychological or physical force and are destined to cause great harm to the kids involved.

The second kind is referred to as a "preferential" abuser (aka pedophile) who is actually attracted to kids for their childlike nature and/or physical features.  Fred Berlin's research indicates these are usually non-forced "simple consent" encounters (not addressing the "informed consent" issue) and have much lower coorilation with psychological harm.

So on the most base level, what floridasun is doing is unconsciously rejecting the first category and proclaiming himself in the second category.  Anicdotal research (Sandfordt 92, Levine 01) and isolated statistical studies (Rind 99, Bauserman 98, Money 85) suggests there is a non-trivial likleyhood (up to 50% in some studies) of these relationships resulting in a "net positive" outcome for the "victim's" psychological adjustment.  

Other studies refute this (Finklehor 89, Irving 96), and the data is often taken from the same sources.  However, studies in this area are almost always funded or overseen by someone with a vested interest in the results (Finkelhor is the chair of a child-protection agency), so it is clear the truth probably lies somewhere in between the two, leading me to believe that there is a non-trivial  (but not extremely reliable) possibility that some relationships result in a net-positive outcome, while many result in a net-negative outcome.

Frankly, determining WHAT circumstances result in this would be of great value to society, but people are too caught up in their moral indignation and concerns of the "public policy implications" of this science to even be willing to sit down and draft such a study.

ror YHBT all of u morons (1.33 / 3) (#452)
by cDiss on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 02:10:00 PM EST

Mental Capacity (2.25 / 4) (#467)
by levlafayette on Tue Dec 19, 2006 at 05:29:15 PM EST

Q: Kids don't have the mental capacity blah blah blah.

A: Neither do most adults (yes I've had several adult gfs).

AFIAK Children (perhaps not "gifted children") do not have the capacity to engage in formal cognitive operations (Piaget) or post-conventional moral reasoning (Kohlberg).

Now, it's not as if adults (and by adult I mean the literal sense, "post-pubescent") engage in this either. However they do have the capacity even if (as Kohlberg suggested) they don't use it due to the social environment.

In any case, based on your answer it would seem that you are arguing that children are "off limits" as are most adults. That's an argument I would find it hard to disagree with.

Tell us in ten years (1.50 / 4) (#533)
by ppilot on Wed Dec 20, 2006 at 08:46:41 AM EST

If K5 still exists that is.  Ten years from now, tell us about how your marriage ended (because it will.)

NAMBLA etc, why not? (2.50 / 4) (#541)
by tert on Wed Dec 20, 2006 at 12:00:34 PM EST

Let me start with myself, since that's easiest.  My parents were very reserved Catholics when I was little.  They didn't like to express affection.  They're kind of archetypical awkward nerds, really.  My parents were divorced and when I was 7 I lived with my mother for the first time since I was little, and I noticed that she was very uncomfortable with me being nude (for example when bathing).  Kids tend to be astoundingly innocent about such things, and this idea that there is something unwholesome to nudity or affection left a strong imprint on my mind.  Which is to say, in my adult life I have all sorts of intimacy issues and so on.  It's easy for me to see that my views on human relations are warped in an unhealthy way because of my childhood, though it's hard for me to see alternatives.

It is from this perspective that I find NAMBLA's percepts fascinating.  I'm not particularly into man-boy sex.  In fact it "creeps me out" a little when older men make moves on me (I'm now in my twenties, and it's happened to me maybe 3 times, never in a way I would actually consider inappropriate), though it doesn't really offend me.  And so far as I know, little boys don't turn me on at all.  But nonetheless, the idea is intriguing.  Once you assume that we grew up in a sexually dysfunctional society, you have to consider all of the alternatives, and NAMBLA is certainly one of them.  I grew up with completely stand-offish closed male role models, and the fact that the opposite experience is possible naturally makes me curious.

More generally, I wonder about other societies where any number of permutations may occur.  Everything from openness about masturbation to boy-girl to man-boy to man-girl to incest could exist out there in the open in a stable society, it seems to me.  But I don't happen to know of any cultures that embrace anything really all that different from American puritanicalism.

Which brings me to my question: Why do you think that is so?  Why are societies which embrace such radically different roles of sex in childhood not very prevalent today?  I have a vague idea that several African cultures practice various sex acts with children, but these cultures seem even more dysfunctional to me (genital mutilation, inability to grasp the concept of HIV, the use of sand in intercourse).  Is this due entirely to my warped perspective?

At any rate, thanks for bringing this up.  It takes some balls.  And if I ever have a daughter I think I would thank you kindly for staying away from her, but don't take it personally alright :)

p.s., I've been reading k5 almost since the start and /. since like 1997 and I've never heard of 4chan until today.

a more personal question (1.50 / 1) (#604)
by tert on Thu Dec 21, 2006 at 02:42:55 PM EST

Someone asked you to provide a statement from your fiance, and then when you provided it, she was accused of writing like a ten year old.  I happen to agree that she writes like a ten year old, but I feel this way about most 19 year olds, and this is in fact a major part of why I no longer date 19 year olds.

But it raises an issue...she knows that you find little girls attractive, and she knows that you specifically found her at age ten attractive.  Do you think that this gives her an incentive to alter her behaviour/mannerisms/appearance to be more child-like?  Do you think this has a good or bad effect on her?  Do you think it might stunt her development?

Please don't take this as an attack, I am just curious.  I have seen many relationships between "consenting adults" in which harmful role-plays were reinforced in this manner (is this one of the hallmarks of co-dependence?).  It just seems like an issue that you would have a unique perspective on.

Leaving (1.50 / 2) (#609)
by floridasun on Thu Dec 21, 2006 at 10:49:09 PM EST

My fiance would prefer it if I left this conversation, and she's right..  I think we've shared enough of our private lives. ;)

I want to say in summary thanks to those of you who were at least willing to talk reasonably about all of this.  I think it's positive to have SOME amount of balance to the horrible media reports we hear again and again about sex (and other) crimes.

Yes there are some evil people out there who rape, kill, abuse and manipulate.  I want to see them in jail probably more than you do, especially when they target young people.  I am, after all, attracted to young people.

But these people are the MINORITY.  Please keep in mind that every time you hear about a horrible crime, there are millions of others out there who can act as responsible, loving people.


so i herd this story's popular [nt] (2.75 / 4) (#611)
by Aurochs on Fri Dec 22, 2006 at 12:28:29 AM EST

you're a worthless cocknozzle no matter who or what you post about or pay attention to. shut the fuck up.
answers from a pedo (2.25 / 4) (#630)
by realperson on Sat Dec 30, 2006 at 11:46:46 PM EST

yes, that's the shorthand we use (pedo).  this has been a very informative thread.  i have been very impressed that most of the members here have been able to intelligently discuss this topic, without all the hyperbole and vitriol.

allow me to let you peek into my world.  feel free to curse me out if you wish.  i would rather hear your cogent and sincere thoughts on what i have to say.  FIRST, LET ME QUALIFY THIS BY SAYING THAT MY PEDO FANTASIES ARE JUST THAT - FANTASIES.  I HAVE NEVER ACTED OUT THIS FANTASY, AND NEVER WILL!

the link to this thread was posted in a forum that caters to people like me, who trade pics and vids of underage girls.  i actually stopped trading a long time ago, and just occassionaly view such pictures, but i never keep them.  i destroyed everything i had, and dont keep them (pics or vids) anymore, because it's too dangerous.  the cops could bust down my door tomorrow, and wouldnt find anything to charge me with.  i know how to properly wash and bleach my PC, so there is zero trace of any illegal pics.

i now visit the board just to chat, read and post interesting threads, and play on-line games.  and no, the particular board that i visit doesnt contain hard-core cp - no sexually suggestive activity at all.  even a vid of a fully clothed girl was deleted, because she was sucking a cucumber that was dripping with a seamen-like substance - that was just too suggestive.  the board does contain links to pictures (on various safe hosts) of fully nude underage girls, some of them very explicit.

the general age-range preference is between 10-14 - the "budding" years.  yes, there have been many polls at the board, so i know.  that is my age-range preference for that VIRTUAL world as well.  in real life, i dont bother with underage girls, although i certainly do admire them.  i admire their beauty, as i would admire a flower, or a good landscape view.  i.e., i admire them as being beautiful.  i also like their innocence, their wonder, and so on.  i admire this in all children, although, i dont have any sexual attraction to males.

again, it's important to note that this fantasy is in a virtual world.  in real life, i have a girlfriend, and i very much enjoy adult sexual relationships.

another important point already recognized in this thread is that just because a person has a sexual attraction to underage girls, this doesnt mean that they are a molester, or that they would ever act on that attraction.  believe me, i have had many opportunities to act on that, but i never did, because i knew it was wrong.

our society today does not want to recognize that our children are becoming sexualized at younger and younger ages.  someone referred to the southpark slut episode, which dealt with this phenom.  all the opportunities i mentioned earlier were from young girls coming on to me.  yes, some jackass (in the threads below) was in total denial that this happens, but believe me, it does.

just a couple examples:

  1.  i was baby-sitting for 2 young girls (ages around 10yo).  i was 17 at the time (im over 40 now), and hadnt even realized my attraction yet.  i was watching TV, and the girls came out and starting flashing their butts (a "BA").  when i ignored this, they came on even stronger.  finally, 1 of them asked me if i would fuck her.  i didnt really want to have sex with such a young girl, but decided to play along.  long story short, there was no molestation.  but, it eventually get to the point where i could have penetrated her, but i didnt.  i went to the other girl (in another bedroom), and asked her if she wanted to do anything (i had no intention of doing anything, but i did want to find out what the heck was up with her).  i was fascinated that these young girls said they wanted to fuck.  well, the second girl sheepishly said no, and i said okay.  about a year later, i saw the first girl at the complex pool, swaggering down the patio with half her ass hanging out.  the point of this anecdote is that some girls really do want to explore.  imho, they are already sexualized by society and poor parenting, and are just looking for the right guy and the right opportunity to explore that.  an active pedo will seek this type of girl out, and exploit that.  but in reality, who is really exploiting who?  peope dont want to recognize that their sweet innocent little girl has sexual desires, and wants to explore that.  i was easily able to discren that the second girl was not interested in this activity.  SO, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!!

  2.  i cant count the number of times girls came on to me in high school.  one memorable event was when a couple of freshmen offered to give me a BJ, if i would give them a ride home (i didnt take them up on the offer - guess i was weird for not accepting).

  3.  my little buddy from the neighborhood (remember, im not into guys) brought over some of his female friends.  the 11yo was literally all over me.  it was hot, so i had my shirt off.  she was constantly finding excuses to touch me, to make physical contact.  at one point, she found an excuse to bury her face in my chest.

some thoughts on the threads above:

i have found that most of the guys on the forum do tend to be control freaks, or above average in the control area.  i am a bit like that too.  i think this does play into the pedo scenario, of sexual control.  for me, the fantasy is that IT IS SO WRONG to be doing that with a young girl.

give them lots of love and attention.  dont mistify sex, and dont place a stigma on it.  explain that it is something natural that 2 adults do, preferably, if they are in love.

pay attention to those who pay attention to your kids.  


i found the thread started by SocratesGhost to be the most informed and right on the mark, about the possible damage that can be done when a child is coerced into sexual activity.  she seems very knowlegable.

when determining if "damage" will be done, i think we need to make a distinction between the girls that desire to be sexually active, and the "easy prey" girls that can be coerced into sexual activity.  in my #1 example above, the first girl seemed to be ready and willing and have sex.  the second girl clearly did not want to, but if i was a predator, i think i could have coerced her into it.

i also agree that we DO need to set an arbitrary age limit, even though one size doesnt fit all.  i agree that in western society, we have the luxury of allowing our children much longer childhoods (we marry at a much later age than most of the rest of the world).  having a longer childhood is a good thing.  but, this is in conflict with the natural human desire for sexual intimacy that starts to bud long before children are mature enough to appropriately handle sexual issues.

he reminds me of many of the guys on the board (maybe 1/3).  they never really came to terms with the fact that they like underage girls.  so, they try and romanticize their attraction, saying how much they "love" these girls, not only sexually, but emotionally.  they shudder at the thought of anyone "hurting" these girls (i.e., anyone sticking their dick into these girls).  they have to wrap themselves up in a psuedo boyfriend-girlfriend "relationship" in order to justify being intimate with the girl.  look, i undertand how they feel - i "love" kids too, but i dont stick my dick in them (or do anything else sexual with them).  it's worth noting that NOBODY on my board EVER talks about actually acting out this fantasy.  it is quite taboo to do so.  this is because when you get all of the intellectual arguments and crap, we all know that IT IS WRONG to fuck young girls.

lauree makes a good point that a true pedo, by definition, would never hurt the girls, because he loves them.

i wont even go into girls that have reached puberty, have more womanly features, and are fertile.  like i mentioned, western society has the luxury of extending their children's childhood, and that's a cool thing.  but dont for one minute ever think that biologically, these 13 year old girls arent ready to be with a man, and to bear children.  and dont think for a minute, NOT EVEN A MINUTE, that 99% of all single men, regardless of age, wouldnt wet his pants at the thought of sleeping with a hot, young, celulite free 14yo, before she chopped off her hair, died it blonde or auburn, chunked-up, and got a piss-ass american woman attitude.  what's so fucked up about western society is that they are in denial about human sexuality, all the while, glorifying girls and young women who dress and act like sluts.  yah yah, i know, it's a double-standard, so stfu all you feminists.

imho, coercing or leading an underage girl into sexual activity is wrong.  but, we should recognize that plenty of girls are ready to explore that, and agressive in doing so.  while i would NEVER act on that (even with these agressive girls), i wouldnt condemn someone who did.  we dont realy know much about floridasun's girl, so we cannot say.  from her single post, it is incredibly clear that she is supremely immature and SO not ready for an adult relationship, even at her present age of 19.  suffice to say that her marriage to floridasun will last less than 5 years, and end with divorce and child support.  i hope that floridasun thinks fulfilling his fantasy is worth it (i bet it will be for him, but that's for him to decide).

PS - how did i get into this interest, and how did i find this stuff on the internet?  i dont normally watch oprah, but happened to see a catchy promo about how underage girls were being exploited on girl modeling sites.  i watched the episode, and learned the names of these "horrible men" who were exploiting these innocent young girls.  from there, it was easy to find.  i included this little tidbit to show that all this titilating media sensationalism is not helping to solve the problem of child molestation, or even child exploitation.  thanks oprah!
----- Real estate agent from Brooklin.

I wish some one would write a rape fetish article (none / 0) (#644)
by Egil Skallagrimson on Mon Jan 08, 2007 at 11:30:56 AM EST

It'd be great to hear the various justifications for perverts that like to think about rape all day long but never act on it. And, then it would be gret to hear from their spouses who they have raped or something.


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