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No Black Scorpion

By 1419 in 1419's Diary
Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:25:17 AM EST
Tags: b.f.skinner, thankyougustad, verbal behavior, alfred north whitehead (all tags)

a reply to thankyougustad's comment on B.F.Skinner involving a paraphrase and some quoting from the second of two epilogues from B.F.Skinnner's book "Verbal Behavior".

No Black Scorpion Is Falling Upon This Table

Where I think I'm going (none / 0) (#19)
by thankyougustad on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 05:53:06 PM PDT

I've always interpreted Whitehead's comment as an example of a behavoir that cannot be explained by behavoirism, and Skinner's interpretation as a good example of how clueless and Freudian he was.

Verbal responses might differ quite widely in how much "clue" Skinner might have. However, Freudian is not one of his deficiencies. Radical Behaviorism has been, and continues to be, one of the strongest of the anti-Freudian doctrines in psychology.

Specifically, in terms of his discussion with Whitehead, I offer a brief summary of the epilogue which is alluded to above.

In the second of two personal epilogues that ends Skinner's 1958 Verbal Behavior he recounts a story where A. N. Whitehead makes a friendly challenge for him to explain his uttering "No Black Scorpion is Falling upon this table". This followed his earlier willingness to concede that Behaviorism could explain human behavior, except for speech. Whitehead felt that speech was a uniquely human domain.

In his epilogue, Skinner makes many replies. The first is that it would be unfair to ask another science to account for almost any instance of something it had very little information about.  Skinner indicates that there was, in fact, no scorpion falling on the table, so it couldn't be the case that he was under the control of a scorpion when he said it (or, alternately, that Skinner was wearing a Scorpions t-shirt, for example). Thus, Skinner concludes, "But this is, of course, the kind of material the Freudians relish, for it is under just such circumstances that other variables get their chance." However, Skinner concludes that weak determining, but not "free" forces are at work here. "I suggest, then, that black scorpion was a metaphorical response to the topic under discussion. The black scorpion was behaviorism."

Skinner did not say that there was a repressed wish, projection, a defective defense mechanism, a problem with fixation or some poorly inhibited id. In short, calling it a metaphor isn't Freudian, at least the way I read it.

I don't think that Freudians have a lock on metaphor. In fact, I am unable to immediately think of any freudian mechanisms that rely primarily or exclusively on metaphor. Anyone?

Skinner then fleshes out the next paragraph explaining how science has displaced the place of humanity as the center of the universe, as the unique creation of a loving god, and so on. Behaviorism, too, reduces the special place of human conduct, and like previous reactions to scientific accounts the bruised ego of humanity struggles along.

Skinner then offers another possible interpretation that the black scorpion was a metaphor for progress. This is based on "those who knew" Professor Whitehead. Presumably Dr. Skinner was one such person. It was intended as a sort of consolation for the pessimism that might be had at science.

Skinner then assures us that science must be applied to human affairs and that we should not stop out of fear.

"I have found it necessary from time to time to attack traditional concepts which assign spontaneous control to the special inner self called the speaker. Only in this way could I make room for the alternative explanation of action which it is the business of the science of verbal behavior to construct. But whatever the reader may think of the success of this venture, I hope he will agree that the analysis has show respect for human achievement and that it is compatible with a sense of dignity - in short, that no black scorpion has fallen upon this table." B.F. Skinner, Verbal Behavior p.460 1958.


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Skinner was using metaphor
o As a radical behaviorist would 25%
o as only a freudian would 0%
o as neither a behaviorist nor a freudian would 25%
o incorrectly. 50%

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No Black Scorpion | 16 comments (16 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
SKIN ME ALIVE (none / 0) (#1)
by adventure games import export on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:27:05 AM EST

I suppose I should read all these... (none / 0) (#2)
by claes on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:34:11 AM EST

and learn something about psychology. Oh well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions (or is that unbought stuffed dogs?).

-- claes

is it really a fear of science? (none / 0) (#3)
by army of phred on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:55:18 AM EST

Or could we also say that b f skinners clinging to science is his own defense against the unknowable, ie., his own fear of the supernatural?

When religion isn't a discussion of human events (the Gospel for example), its often a theory of life, the universe and everything, and I've never felt that this sort of philosophising needed to be an anti science, but rather that it was the atheistic scientists who looked down on religion as mere superstition.

Whats interesting to me is that non atheist philosophers are able to consider everything a scientist does, and can also contemplate what atheist scientists from necessity must abstain from reasoning about, lest they become nonatheists. So the religious have an advantage of a greater world of existance to consider than atheist scientists will ever have.

"Republicans are evil." lildebbie
"I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about." motormachinemercenary
"my wife is getting a blowjob" ghostoft1ber

Hah (3.00 / 2) (#6)
by tetsuwan on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 10:06:06 AM EST

I get Whitehead's comment now. Skinner and you do not.

Njal's Saga: Just like Romeo & Juliet without the romance

ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (none / 0) (#7)
by the spins on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 11:42:53 AM EST

laughable social "science" -->

( )

Excellent...a behavorialist troll (none / 0) (#8)
by cr8dle2grave on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 12:03:44 PM EST

Might I make recommendation concerning the topic of your next missive?

How about offering up a somewhat plausible behavioralist account of those distinctively human behaviors surrounding the use of propositional content? And, mind you, no bootstrapping allowed. You can't simply assume the existence of semantic content and then shoehorn it into the operant conditioning schema. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will require of you a behavioralist account of sapient (nee rational) behavior itself.

Alternately, a behavioralist account of playing a game of chess might prove amusing.

Unity of mankind means: No escape for anyone anywhere. - Milan Kundera

why? (none / 1) (#12)
by wampswillion on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 07:59:25 PM EST

are you doing all this to us?  

stop it.   it's annoying us.  nobody here likes skinner.  

now- whenever we see your user name we have associated it with an article about skinner, therefore the behavior of reading your diaries has decreased and we avoid anything at all with the number 1419.  

(:   the cuter smiley- the one without the nose.  

Freudian metaphor is called Condensation (none / 1) (#13)
by livus on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:24:38 PM EST

it's one of the two primary mechanisms in disguising wishes etc. Skinner is suggesting that Whitehead is condensing his wish about behaviourism into the metaphor of the scorpion.

However, under those conditions I'd be very surprised if Freud would accept anything of the kind. For a start, Skinner seems to be attributing the cause of the speech to the context (the discussion on behaviourism).

HIREZ substitute.
be concrete asshole, or shut up. - CTS
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No Black Scorpion | 16 comments (16 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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