Nasty shit
Somebody attempted to break into my mother's house at the weekend. Aside from the usual worries, what gets me about this attempt is that whoever it was forced a small window about 7 or 8 feet off the ground that is tiny. Unless they have a magical bendy grabbing stick, it would appear that a child was going to enter the house through that window. How touching.
I am a genius
Got a C in AS-level Classical Civilisation. Of no use whatsoever, it was an interesting course that taught me that I have forgotten how to study. I won't go on to the full A level as the second year subjects are less interesting to me (trends in pottery etc.).
I have kept a vague notion of going back for a masters. If I were to, a full A level could be a good warm-up for it. My few years of work have already mulched my brain.
Belgium is dull
Officially, as my mum said so. She has been to many countries.
Somebody start a lawsuit
Outlook puts half of the "tiny teen fuck movies" spam into my inbox, but consistently flags anything from Sun as spam.