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HOWTO: Crisco Sex!

By vasudeva in vasudeva's Diary
Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 01:42:10 PM EST
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Everybody loves HOWTOs. The brave souls out there distilling their knowledge into intricate technical documents have inspired me; I'd like to continue the trend of documenting certain of life's more important manuevers.

So today, I offer you my HOWTO Crisco Sex entry.

It has pictures in it.

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Tools and implements.

I think a common misconception about Crisco Sex is that it requires a lot of tools and a lot of time. This is pretty much untrue. You'll want to stock up and do it right, but you can get by with just a few essential ingredients. Here we have plastic sheeting and duct tape(crucial if you value your home as a non-greasy place), a small cutter, various kinds of alcohol and related implements, and, of course, Crisco. You can go with generic shortening: it's all the same stuff.

The deconstructed hard disk you can get from work when someone tries to throw it out, and if you feel the sad history of cheap beer is important, well, you can obtain that too. But that part'll take a while.

Collecting these components -- minus the misery stack of Labatt cases -- should take at most an hour.

So you've got your ingredients, you're all set up, and hopefully you've already nipped into the tequila a time or two. It's time to fix up the bed. (You can just tape the plastic sheeting to the floor if you like, but only if you have a lot of self-loathing onboard.)

The prepared bed.

Lay out the plastic sheeting and arrange it tautly over the bare mattress, and then tape the shit out of it. You really want this stuff staying down, because when you get all greased up and you've got your dick out, the last thing you want to do is muck about fixing up some plastic tarp instead of continuing to put your cock places.

Here, we've used some nice SciFi-looking yellow duct tape LOki gave me when my car window fell in the door. I wonder if he imagined its future path through my life. In any case, this stuff is very strong, comes off cleanly, and is very pleasing to the eye. You'll feel like you're taping up a crime scene, which, if you think about it, is exactly what you're doing.

Sodomy rules.

A good taping job.

Here you can see the wrap-around tape job we did. It's important to tape the plastic down everywhere you can. I think Crisco might leave stains. I dunno.

Also, if you can obtain a NetFrame, pictured here stage right, do so. Instruct your girlfriend to refer to it as "The Tardis," and you'll feel like Dr. Who whizzing around with animal lard on your cock.

Remember: no slugfuk experience is complete without ancient computing devices!

Don't forget to take a break for more booze. This entire experience should last several hours at best; it took you about thirty minutes to set up, so why not take your time?

The can of Crisco: an integral part of the experience.

Your girlfriend may encourage you to fuk the thing of Crisco. If this occurs, you should try your best to please her.

Go slowly at first -- you don't want the Crisco to get up your urethra.

The bed after.

Then here's where you do all the crazy fuking. Rock out. When your lover is greased up and you're greased up, there's no reason not to fuk a foot, an armpit, the inner crease of the elbow -- whatever. You're the king; go nuts.

If you taped up right, this is how the bed will look when you're done. The plastic stays down and there are no unhappy grease marks! The towel is definitely crucial. Also, it's smart to leave a little piece of plastic on the floor as a runner to wipe your feet off of when you're done, or else you'll have little Criscoey foot prints all across your nice tile. I have them anway. Fuk it.

A note: being covered in grease magnifies every little speck of dust or grime you'll come across. You can worry about these and spend your time picking them off each other, or you can just ignore them. I vote for ignoring them. Did I mention a good shower is in order beforehand?

Crisco Sex is definitely not for the weak of heart. The simple act of making love octuples in difficulty and exertion when neither of you have any sort of friction at all. You'll find yourself sliding all over the sheeting; this is to be expected. Also normal is getting Crisco on pretty much every square inch of your body: ears, hair, finger-webs, foot-soles. Don't worry; it comes off very easily with soap and water.

Expect your lover to get messy.

If you do a Good Job, this is how your lover will look in a few hours when you're done: well-greased and happy.

Actually, if you've done a Good Job, she won't be walking to the fridge. She'll be crumpled in a heap of used puppet-flesh, and you'll wrap her up in the spare plastic sheeting and stash her in a public trashcan far from your house. I didn't do a very Good Job. :(

Expect yourself to get messy.

If you got a lot of sunburns as a kid and are also pretty freckly on your back area for some reason, this is how you'll look when you're done.

All this grease comes off in the shower right quick, so no worries there. The ladies will be pleased to hear that it seems to soften your skin a bit, so you get to enjoy a bit of crisco sex while lathering yourself in moisturizing nutrients. Whore.

So, we're pretty much done here. One last round-up for posterity:

A roundup!


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Crisco Sex?
o Rock. 60%
o Decent. 0%
o Cannot commit. 20%
o Nah. 0%
o You should burn, 20%

Votes: 5
Results | Other Polls

Related Links
o Tools and implements
o The prepared bed
o A good taping job
o NetFrame
o The can of Crisco: an integral part of the experience
o The bed after
o Expect your lover to get messy
o Expect yourself to get messy
o A roundup
o vasudeva's Diary

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HOWTO: Crisco Sex! | 10 comments (10 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
wicked infidel! (none / 0) (#1)
by The Terrorists on Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 01:48:02 PM EST

Starving Ethiopian children would love that can of Crisco which you use so wastefully!

Watch your mouth, pigfucker. -- Rusty Foster

Wow... (none / 0) (#2)
by Mohammed Niyal Sayeed on Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 01:59:26 PM EST

Best HOWTO evar! If you submit it to the queue, I will gladly vote +1FP.

"You need to get your own point, then we can have an elaborate dance fight." - jmzero

I fucked a can of crisco in the dairy aisle (3.00 / 6) (#5)
by Tex Bigballs on Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 02:19:53 PM EST

at the grocery store. They tried to make me pay for it but I protested after pointing out all the pubic hairs and jizz that was inside of it.

Here's a (probably) dumb question: (none / 0) (#6)
by Vesperto on Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 02:44:05 PM EST

What is Crisco? And what do you mean by Crisco sex? And why would hardware be important? Etc...

La blua plago!
Blasphemer!!! (none / 0) (#7)
by ad hoc on Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 03:12:51 PM EST

Imitation Crisco®!?!?

You, sir, are in volation of the trades description act. This should be properly labeled as "HOWTO: Vegetable Shortening¹ Sex" or, perhaps "HOWTO: Trans Fatty Acid Sex".

¹ Imitation Butter-like flavor optional


yeah! (5.00 / 1) (#9)
by dearest helpless on Tue Jun 24, 2003 at 04:15:18 PM EST

This totally would be excellent for...
ANAL SEX!!!!!!!!

Also... good article, post it to the queue.

I just ate easy mac, now i cant feel my arm!-Tiff
HOWTO: Crisco Sex! | 10 comments (10 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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