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The Psychology and Neuroscience of Alien Abduction

By Vaughan in Culture
Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 06:26:14 PM EST
Tags: Science (all tags)

If the figures are to be believed, up to 4 million people have been abducted by aliens in the US, with many millions more captured world wide. Although the existence of human hungry aliens might be impossible to disprove per se, it is unlikely that extra-terrestrials could manage such mass kidnappings without being commonly noticed. This suggests that there are many people who falsely believe they have been seized by creatures from outer-space, perhaps after experiencing unusual and bizarre phenomena. The purpose of this article is to communicate some of the recent research in psychology and neuroscience that gives us some clues as to how and why these experiences and beliefs occur.

Some of the many thousands of people who claim to have been abducted are likely to be fortune seekers, bar-room braggers, publicity hounds and maybe even some genuine abductees. Yet with the high numbers of people reporting abductions, many of the people who believe they have been captured will likely have been mistaken.

Sleep paralysis
Awareness during sleep paralysis is a common explanation for this confusion, most probably as abduction experiences and conscious sleep paralysis attacks often share many of the same features, such as waking whilst unable to move, feelings of fear, dread or unease and a feeling of pressure on the body. Normal sleep paralysis happens when the body enters the REM stage of the sleep cycle. The brain stem blocks movement signals that would normally travel from the brain to the muscles, probably to stop us carrying out the movements we dream about doing. The frightening aspect of this occurs when a sleeper awakens, becomes conscious, but who's movement control is not reinstated by the brain. This state can also be accompanied by what are known as 'hypnopompic' hallucinations which occur naturally to many people whilst awakening. These hallucinations can take the form of voices, lights, figures or any number of strange bodily sensations. It is little wonder that when combined with fearful paralysis such uncanny experiences might be interpreted as alien in origin.

Temporal lobe disturbance
Another commonly cited source of internal spookiness are the temporal lobes of the brain. Electrical stimulation of the surface of the temporal lobes (usually done on an awake patient when they are undergoing brain surgery) can produce unusual auditory sensations. Similarly, Michael Persinger, a Canadian scientist, has produced strange sensations in his research participants by using magnets to influence temporal lobe function from outside the skull. Such sensations have included feelings of a 'presence', disorientation and fear. It would seem unlikely that a possible abductee would fail to notice if someone placed large magnets near his or her head (or even that they were subject to brain surgery !) before the 'abduction' experience. However, similar effects can be caused by epileptic or similar seizures in the temporal lobes. Many epilepsy sufferers who have temporal lobe seizures report mystical experiences, missing time, out of body feelings or even strange smells or 'atmospheres' prior to, during or after a seizure. It must be remembered that not all forms of epilepsy cause dramatic shaking of the body, and many simply result in brief lapses of consciousness or experiences such as those noted above. This leads us to wonder whether disturbances in the temporal lobes may also contribute to experiences which some people may interpret as an alien abduction.

Mental illness
Surprisingly, overt mental illness may be one of the least likely explanations for abduction experiences. Research has previously suggested that alien contactees are no more likely to show signs of mental illness than the general population, a finding which has been backed up by several other studies. However, many features once thought present only in mental illness have now been discovered to be held by much of the population. If we look at the healthy population as a whole, these features seem to exist on a continuum with some people reporting anomalous thoughts and feelings or having certain traits more than others. In this vein, it seems people who report themselves as abductees are more likely to endorse unusual experiences, be creative and imaginative, have depressive ideas, be suspicious, have dissociative tendencies and to have suffered childhood trauma. So whilst it seems unlikely that the bizarre experiences reported by most 'abductees' stem from severe mental illness (which can produce equally bizarre and seemingly real experiences) it is certainly the case that this group has characteristics that differentiate them from the general population. It is possible that these dispositions may increase the tendency for them to explain an anomalous experience in terms of alien contact.

Memory distortion
Our memories are often infuriatingly fallible, leading us to forget information we want to remember, remember information we'd rather forget, or often confidently recall something that later turns out to be inaccurate. A recent study has investigated memory distortions in people claiming to have been subject to alien capture. Participants in the study were read several lists of similarly themed words then given tests of recall and recognition. The results of the study indicated that 'abductees' were able to remember words from the original list as well as 'non-abductees', but tended to show a higher rate of recall and recognition for words that were never actually read out in the first place. This suggests that the 'abductees' are more likely to misidentify the source of memories, perhaps suggesting that some elements of their abduction experience may have been culled from other sources such as the media or their own imagination.

This effect may also work retrospectively, allowing people to co-opt previous memories to support an abduction account. An early memory study conducted by Frederic Bartlett demonstrated that we reconstruct memories as they are recalled to create a coherent story. This reconstruction takes place using cultural references that give us a frame on which to hang the various remembered experiences. The alien abduction experience is well known to almost everyone, due to the popularity of shows such as the X-Files, and famous cases which have hit the headlines. This may give some people a cultural framework on which they can hang memories from a bizarre, unusual or traumatic experience. Unfortunately it is even the case that naïve or even unscrupulous therapists may push alien abduction as a explanation for a bizarre experience that a client may have undergone. Many examples of therapists willing to use hypnotic regression, a technique noted for its tendency to cause false recall, to recover abduction experiences can be found on the internet. Perhaps giving an off-the-shelf explanation for strange experiences that the brain is quite capable of generating, without the need for extra-terrestrial intervention.

It would certainly be foolish to discount the possibility of anything unlikely, simply because of its improbability. Yet we must also remember that we can often find explanations for anomalous experience within ourselves. As the old doctor's adage goes 'When you hear hoof beats, start by thinking horses not zebras'. This would seem to work as well for zebras as it does for visitors from outer-space.

Further Reading
This article is largely a summary of two recent scientific papers, both of which are well worth reading if you require further information, detailed references or simply enjoy interesting science.

Holden, K.J. & French, C.C. (2002) Alien abduction experiences: Some clues from neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 7 (3),163-178
Click here for a summary.

Clancy, S.A., McNally, R.J., Schacter, D.L., Lenzenweger, M.F. & Pitman, R.K. (2002) Memory distortion in people reporting abduction by aliens. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111 (3), 455-461
Click here for a summary.


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The Psychology and Neuroscience of Alien Abduction | 67 comments (64 topical, 3 editorial, 0 hidden)
The truth is not here (3.00 / 8) (#1)
by imrdkl on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 02:04:47 PM EST

but it's a good diversion. +1FP

you've left out the most common explanation (3.66 / 9) (#5)
by semaphore on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 03:53:19 PM EST

seeking attention. in a mundane world you need something more interesting than what you had for dinner or what what was on tv last night. and who's going to say that you're bullshitting when it's on tv all the time?

and btw the figure 4 million is bullshit. in fact on average only three people per week are abducted. i should know, i've been up twelve times this year so far ...

"you want enlightenment? stare into the sun."

sleep paralysis is fun (3.83 / 6) (#6)
by zephc on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 04:19:48 PM EST

I've become conscious several times while waking up, and I think it's FUN! Your mind is still half asleep, and you think the part of you that wont move is paralyzed (which it is)... it's really a trip.  I'm sure it would suck if it were for more than a few minutes.  the best thing to do is just go back to sleep and wake up again, full this time.  Trying to move your arms, or even flex your muscles, is useless, but I find it fun trying to do so anyway.  Color me weird =P

Interesting (4.60 / 5) (#8)
by TheophileEscargot on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 05:29:03 PM EST

Nice article. UFO sightings themselves are an interesting phenomenon, regardless of what you think of their origin.

Can't remember the exact book, but I think it was Jenny Randles also did an interesting study comparing UFO sightings to "space junk" sightings: of orbital debris burning up in the atmosphere, i.e. genuine spacecraft entering the atmosphere. The real spacecraft tend to be reported by thousands of people independently, as you;d expect since high objects are visible over vast areas. "UFO" sightings tend to be reported by one person or group only. This tends to suggest that UFOs are not real physical objects.

The same author also made some interesting observations on the way the experiences spread. Originally there was regional diversity in alien experiences, with different types of aliens being seen in different countries, but the sightings became more standardized over the years; possibly due to the media "teaching" what aliens should look like. This tends to suggest that there is a strong social component to these experiences, not just a simple biochemical explanation.
Support the nascent Mad Open Science movement... when we talk about "hundreds of eyeballs," we really mean it. Lagged2Death

Group sightings (3.75 / 4) (#9)
by sludge on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 06:35:00 PM EST

None of these items attempt to explain events recollectable by more than one person.

I've heard people mention "Group hallucination" before, but it's always in some tongue-in-cheek manner. Is this something that can actually be used to assist explanation of unclear events?
Hiring in the Vancouver, British Columbia area

Sigh, if I just knew why I was left out - (3.00 / 2) (#12)
by mami on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 07:27:56 PM EST

why have the aliens overlooked exactly me and not you?

You left out the most obvious explanation... (3.33 / 3) (#21)
by SIGFPE on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 09:58:49 PM EST

...that fits much of the data very well. It's one that many people don't like to admit because it doesn't fuel funding for research and it's hard for authors to make money publishing books about it. But it's very simple. Those 4 million people were lying.
Some notes of interest. . . (2.53 / 13) (#22)
by Fantastic Lad on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 10:03:41 PM EST

1. The Nuts n' Bolts alien (non-military) UFO is, according to my reading, not real. The 'real' things being what are described as 3d projections from a 4 dimensional reality, where time works very differently.

2. Actual abductions, if they are done right, happen in a split second and leave no trace on memory. Many, many more people than one might realize, including the abductees themselves, have been taken. --Abductees are taken, manipulated upon in another state of reality and time, and then returned in the same instant of our 'time'. Curiously, only when things go wrong is the victim aware of the abduction while it is taking place. Even memories of the abduction are designed not to raise after the fact, though they tend to over time and after enough instances. In some cases, people are put back in a different physical orientation than when they left, (with their head at the wrong end of the bed, or with their clothes on backwards, etc.), and in some extreme cases, people are returned out of sync with the instant they left, being returned a few seconds or even minutes before or after the moment when they were taken. In very rare cases, the victim has been returned to a point in 'time' a couple of years before the event. In such cases, the victim has gone mad.

3. While they do happen, most abductions are for the most part not physical in nature, (weird concept, eh?). Instead, what more commonly happens is that either a) the soul-matrix is removed from the body, or a copy of the soul-matrix is made and worked upon.

4. When under hypnosis, victims often have one or more misleading cover memories implanted for searchers to dig through before the meat of the real event is found. There is some detailed reading material available on the studies which has been done.

5. Abductions are performed for many reasons. Among them: a) Programming and 'downloading' of information and memories from 'agents' (susceptible persons who are deposited into scenarios in order to negatively influence activities on Earth. b) Genetics manipulation in preparation for the 'big bang' cross over. c) Interference with souled individuals, (as opposed to the human-reaction machines which make up as much as 1/4 of the population), to influence them in numerous ways.

Why? Good question.

The world is ending its current cycle folks, and there is a great deal at stake. The bible is propaganda and was heavily influenced by alien intelligence. As the signs of the apocalypse pop up one after the other, (as they have been; plagues, flooding, war, anti-christs, "Raising armies on every shore, turning man against his brother until man is no more", etc.), they have been made to line up with the scriptures. --Which is no big deal for aliens where time travel is no more difficult than walking across a room is for us. But for the ignorant cattle humanity is, this throws the several billion or so religious cultists into a fervor of pre-programmed reactions which will benefit certain groups.

What those benefits are (with some debate), are understood to a degree, so I won't go into that now. Some of the following items, however, which are generally agreed upon by virtually all those in the know, raise some points of interest. . .

When one dies, the soul travels to a plane of reality where time and matter are entirely at the whim of the consciousness. A soul often enters a time of sleep or dreaming before reawakening to review the lessons learned from the recently lived life, after which new directions can be determined for the next life. I was reading one account where a recently deceased man had chosen to live in his own recreation of a 1940's Chicago neighborhood, and to forget that it was a recreation. When a soul is very deeply retreated into such dreaming, it becomes the 'duty' of friends to enter it and try to coax the soul out so that the game of existence can continue.

Souls at our level of existence spend exactly one half of their 'time' living physicals lives and the other half living as ephemeral beings.

Now the problem is that there are also beings which feed on negative emotion. --One of the reasons humanity is so plagued with misery as it is. According to some schools of thought on the subject, if people create for themselves after death personal hells in which to torment themselves, the negative energy given off by them becomes an excellent food source.

Now this is just a theory in progress as far as I am concerned, because there also exists the strong possibility that recently departed souls are protected from this kind of feeding. Nonetheless, with all the religious programming received by people at our level of reality, when they die, is is possible that they may send themselves to a version of Hell in which they might become powerful food sources of negative energy. But this is clunky thinking where I am still sketchy on several of the details. More questions, meditation required!

Now beyond that. . , among the things which are more immediate in the living realm where the alien presence is focusing its agenda. . ,

Ah, that's more than enough for now. Too much writing involved and I have other work to do.

As per usual, absorb at your own risk.

-Fantastic Lad

Reminds me of the old Kids in the Hall skit... (3.66 / 6) (#23)
by LukeyBoy on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 10:23:56 PM EST

Sir, we've been anal probing country folk for years - and all we've learned is that four out of ten like it.

Liars (5.00 / 5) (#29)
by DeadBaby on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 11:13:03 PM EST

The thing that upsets me the most about these people is the fact they've totally corrupted the national dialog about space. Instead of talking about real goals the vast majority of the "man on the street" discussion on space is about abductions and UFO sightings. Instead of people being excited about real science news they'd rather buy the newest book on why little grey men from space seem to be so fascinated by the human anus.
"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us." - Carl Sagan
My God, there's nothing here! (1.00 / 2) (#31)
by cb on Sun Sep 01, 2002 at 11:32:01 PM EST


Faeries, demons, centrifuges (4.33 / 3) (#32)
by Pseudonym on Mon Sep 02, 2002 at 12:12:44 AM EST

Alien abduction reports also have much in common with reports of faerie abduction and demon attack.

The incubi and succubi, for example, were demons which supposedly sexually attacked you at night by sitting on top of you, making you feel suffocated. The victim would often smell the demon and even hear its voice. The symptoms sound extremely similar to what we now know as temporal lobe seizure.

Interesting factoid: The term "night-mare" comes from the Old English word for daemon ("mare"), and originally referred to a demon which attacked in the night.

Another interesting factoid: Someone I know used to suffer from temporal lobe seizures. The main effect in this case was something very close to bipolar disorder with a very fast cycle, on the order of five days. The person in question never reported alien abduction, but some of the symptoms mentioned above (the "presence", the mystical experiences) were present.

Anyway, those who are suggesting that so-called alien abduction is due to attention seeking or lying, well, that may be true in some cases. However, this isn't necessarily even the simplest explanation, especially considering odd that the symptoms are very similar to otherwise unrelated phenomena from centuries ago.

Even some symptoms of "near death experience" (e.g. tunnel vision, bright lights etc), which are often reported by pilots subjected to lots of g's, many aspects in common with "abduction". This strongly suggests that there is at least some physiological effects at work here.

sub f{($f)=@_;print"$f(q{$f});";}f(q{sub f{($f)=@_;print"$f(q{$f});";}f});
Seems strange (2.50 / 2) (#35)
by Graham Thomas on Mon Sep 02, 2002 at 02:57:36 AM EST

That most UFO sightings happen in certain parts of the United States of America. This localisation alone suggests that it's unlikely that these stories are more than delusions, fancies, or fabrications.

it seems people who report themselves as abductees are more likely to endorse unusual experiences,

If you don't consider this mentally ill, what do you consider mentally ill?

be creative and imaginative,

Fine, let's just assume that this is true. There are more creative and imaginative people who have not been "abducted by aliens" than those who have. The difference being, the creative amd imaginative people who were abducted were probably mentally ill.

have depressive ideas, be suspicious, have dissociative tendencies

With respect, Vaughan, these sound like common symptoms of various mental illnesses.

sexual abuse or zenophobia? (2.00 / 2) (#37)
by livus on Mon Sep 02, 2002 at 06:58:30 AM EST

Did you find any data on studies about the proportion of abductees who are also victims of sexual abuse?

The other thing about this which interests me is the correlation between aliens and 'strangers' - back when the world was flat people would ascribe all sorts of scary stuff to unknown people, or, for the religious, on demons, etc. I wonder if this fixation on aliens may be partly because there is no one left in this world for people to reasonably be quite this afraid of.

HIREZ substitute.
be concrete asshole, or shut up. - CTS
I guess I skipped school or something to drink on the internet? - lonelyhobo
I'd like to hope that any impression you got about us from internet forums was incorrect. - debillitatus
I consider myself trolled more or less just by visiting the site. HollyHopDrive

The cultural framework ? (4.00 / 1) (#39)
by Shubin on Mon Sep 02, 2002 at 08:52:45 AM EST

> This may give some people a cultural framework > on which they can hang memories from a bizarre, > unusual or traumatic experience. It is easy to check this hypothesis. Just compare number of alien victims among different cultures and cultural frameworks. Where there are more abductions - in England or in Thailand ? Finland or Algeria ? And comare this with the number of articles in newspapers, describing similar cases. I think it is possible to calculate a bias towards aliens in different cultures.

More Items (5.00 / 1) (#43)
by SEWilco on Mon Sep 02, 2002 at 03:21:00 PM EST

  • Reality is what people remember. We obviously attach tags such as "experienced","read of", "imagination", and "dream" to memories. Ever dream of school? You just remembered that it was a dream. Now imagine being in that same place. (Well, that's short-term memory -- do you have a memory of imagining something about school?) Now remember actually being in that part of the school. If someone loses or changes one of those tags, the memory becomes of that type. A dream or imagination can become a memory of something real.
  • People can live dreams. Sometimes people are conscious during a dream and can experience and affect the dream. This can confuse memories, particularly if there is no "dream" tag -- perhaps due to someone not realizing it is a dream.
  • Brains have creative components. Well-known experiments were done with people who had surgery which destroyed the part of the brain which normally carries information between the halves of the brain. These showed that if one half performed an action which the other side was not involved in, the other half could come up with reasons/excuses for that action (often lame or far-fetched excuses). So there are parts of the brain which try to explain things, and they could come up with stories which get remembered as fact.

Interpretation (5.00 / 2) (#45)
by czolgosz on Tue Sep 03, 2002 at 12:11:17 AM EST

I think that alien abduction memories might be real. Strange beings doing inexplicable things while you're helpless, some of those acts involving your private parts or horrible pain. Fragmentary but vivid recollections.

Sounds to me like memories of diaper changes and shots from infancy, given a retrospective sci-fi interpretation.
Why should I let the toad work squat on my life? --Larkin
Side comment (5.00 / 1) (#47)
by slippytoad on Tue Sep 03, 2002 at 11:33:05 AM EST

I have owned an 8-inch dobsonian mount telescope for almost 10 years now. While I don't get out with it as much as I used to, I did spend a lot of nights around 1994-95 looking up. At the time I had also heard the 4 million abducted Americans figure, and with that I did a little math, and figured out with various start dates that there should have been anywhere from 100-500 abductions going on every night.

I then decided there was a fairly high probability of me spotting one or of these spaceships on their way down or up, since I was spending so much time looking up at the sky. Of course, I have yet to see something through the telescope that I couldn't explain. More importantly, despite the proliferation of high-power telescopes with CCD cameras attached, no one has reliably seen or photographed anything really stunning. I mean, I catch a plane or two, but I can see that they're planes. I've even caught the Shuttle and the Space Station. But never anything more exotic than that -- except, of course, the stars and planets themselves, which are extremely exotic and interesting but no one seems to talk about anymore. Of course posts like this continue to prove to me that the purveyors of this kind of nonsense won't let the utter lack of emperical data stop them from pimping a good fairy tale. When the physical facts just won't do, remove the argument from the physical realm.
If I were the al Qaeda people right now I would be planning a lot of attacks in the next few days and weeks -- John "Bring 'em On" McCain

Communion (none / 0) (#56)
by tralfamadore on Tue Sep 03, 2002 at 03:45:45 PM EST

the only alien abduction story i've read is whitley streiber's "communion" which was a very honest account of something he just couldn't explain. it definitely changed my thoughts on the subject, as i believe he's relating his experience truthfully. and  if it was supposed to be a pr stunt, it certainly didn't work. anyways, great book regardless.

The Psychology and Neuroscience of Alien Abduction | 67 comments (64 topical, 3 editorial, 0 hidden)
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