How to install Scoop in Windows 2000/XP
By TimF , Section Help! [] Posted on Wed Jul 17, 2002 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I have recently succesfully installed scoop in Windows XP. The only thing that is not working properly is account creation. It seems to randomly decide to work (most of the time it doesn't). I have no idea what the cause is. It could be, it could be my router, it could be my ISP's SMTP server. If you have any thoughts, feel free to comment.
How-To Install Scoop in Windows
- Install the Apache webserver (current version of the 1.x series is 1.3.26). You can download the Windows Apache binaries by clicking here.
- Install the MySQL database. Current version as of this writing is 3.23.51. You can download the Windows MySQL binaries by clicking here.
- Install the ActiveState ActivePerl distribution. Current version as of this writing is You can download ActivePerl by clicking here.
- Install Scoop. You should grab the 0.9 Scoop nightly. It can be obtained by clicking here. I installed Scoop in 'C:\Scoop', and will be using that directory throughout the rest of this how-to.
- Setup MySQL:
- Start MySql:
- Open up a Dos prompt, and type 'c:\mysql\bin\mysqld --install'
- Open Administrative Tools in the Control Panel.
- Double click on the Services icon.
- You can change the properties so that the MySQL service is started automatically or manually.
- Setup the Scoop database:
- Type: 'c:\mysql\bin\mysql' at the dos prompt.
- Type: 'create database scoop;'.
- Type: 'grant insert, update, delete, select on scoop.* to root@localhost identified by 'password';'.
- Type: 'exit'. You will now be back at the command prompt.
- Type: 'c:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p scoop <c:\scoop\struct\scoop.sql'.
- Type: 'c:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p scoop'.
- Type: 'update vars set value='/<path>' where name='rootdir';' if you would like scoop to run from a path within your domain, type that path instead of '/<path>' (eg: /scoop), otherwise leave it blank.
- Type: 'update vars set value='putyouremailaddresshere' where name='local_email';'. Put your email address where it says put your email address here.
- Type: 'update blocks set block='putyouremailaddresshere' where bid='admin_alert';'. Put your email address where it says put your email address here.
- Type: 'update vars set value='' where name='logout_url';'. Replace with your site address.
- Type: 'update vars set value='' where name='site_url';'. Replace with your site address.
- Setup ActivePerl:
- Open up the dos prompt again.
- Type: 'ppm install DBD-mysql'.
- Type: 'ppm install Digest-MD5'.
- Type: 'ppm install ApacheDBI'.
- Type: 'ppm install'.
- Type: 'ppm install'.
- Type: 'ppm install Class-Singleton'.
- Type: 'ppm install Crypt-UnixCrypt'.
- Type: 'ppm install Mail-Sendmail'.
- Type: 'ppm install String-Random'.
- Type: 'ppm install Time-Modules'.
- Type: 'ppm install Crypt-CBC'.
- Type: 'ppm install Crypt-Blowfish'.
- Type: 'ppm install XML-RSS'.
- Type: 'ppm install'. This will install mod_perl. You will need to supply it with your Apache modules directory.
- Edit the Scoop config file
- Open the file 'C:\Scoop\etc\httpd-location.conf' in your favourite text editor.
- Whenever you need to supply a local path in the config file (eg. C:\Scoop) you will need to change the backslash to a forward slash (so C:\Scoop becomes C:/Scoop).
- Edit line 48, so that it reads 'use lib qw( C:/scoop/lib );'.
- Edit line 53 so it reads '<Location>'. This will have Scoop show up from the root directory of the server. If you don't like this, change it to the appropriate path.
- Edit line 76: 'PerlSetVar mysql_version __MYSQL_VER__', replace __MYSQL_VER__ with your version of MySQL.
- Edit line 91 so that it reads 'PerlSetVar db_name scoop'.
- Edit line 94 so it reads 'PerlSetVar db_host localhost'. If it is running on another server, replace 'localhost' with the name of that server.
- Edit line 97: 'PerlSetVar db_user __DBUSER__'. Replace __DBUSER__ with the username that will connect to the scoop database.
- Edit line 100: 'PerlSetVar db_pass __DBPASS__'. Replace __DBPASS__ with the password of the database.
- Edit line 112 so that it reads 'my $vfile = 'C:/scoop/VERSION';'.
- Edit line 114 so that it reads 'push(@{ $Location{'/'}->{PerlSetVar} },'.
- Edit line 128: 'PerlSetVar cookie_host __COOKIE_HOST__'. Replace __COOKIE_HOST__ with the name of your cookie server.
- Edit line 131: 'PerlSetVar SMTP __SMTP_SERVER__'. Replace __SMTP_SERVER__ with the name of your SMTP server.
- Edit line 135: 'PerlSetVar site_id __SITE_ID__'. Replace __SITE_ID__ with whatever you would like to call your site.
- Edit line 144: Add an unguessable key.
- Edit line 168 so that it reads 'PerlRequire c:/scoop/etc/'.
- Edit line 175 so that it reads 'Alias /scoopimages/ "C:/scoop/htmlimages/"'.
- Edit the Apache config file
- Open the file 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf'.
- Add the following line to the Load Modules section: 'LoadModule perl_module modules/'.
- Add the following line to the Add Modules section: 'AddModule mod_perl.c'.
- Put an email address at which you can be reached in the Server Admin section: 'ServerAdmin'.
- Modify the Server Name section to reflect your real server name: 'ServerName'.
- Modify the Document Root section to point to the htdocs directory of your Apache install. In this case: 'DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs"'.
- Two sections below the Document Root section will need to read as follows: '<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs">'.
- Add the following line to the bottom of the file: 'Include c:/scoop/etc/httpd-location.conf'.
- Last minute things
- Change the password for the scoop account.
- Create a new administrator account.
- Delete the scoop account.
Enjoy your new Scoop instalation!
With this, everything works so far. Except account creation. It seems to not work. I have set my ISP's smtp server in both httpd-location.conf, and in After install I can succesfully setup one account, and then that is it. Every single attempt after that results in a "bad email" message and account creation failure. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to comment.
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