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Billions and Billions in Servitude

By MisterQueue in Culture
Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 12:55:20 PM EST
Tags: Humour (all tags)

There is a truth brewing on the horizon; one which you cannot ignore, and it is this: McDonald's encourages Fascist Police-State Regimes.

Look at this image. It contains some of the old cast and crew of the McDonalds bunch. Now, note Mayor McCheese and Officer Big Mac. Don't they look frighteningly similar here? It is my postulation that they are brothers, and that Mayor McCheese's darker nose here implies the only difference is in the brown-nosing done by governmental officials, whereas Officer Big Mac needs only brute force to do his duties. He's listed as a "peace officer", but I would estimate that is in the same way that "war is peace".

So we have a family in power of both the legislation and enforcement of that legislation; a pseudo Oligarchy if you will, but what of the others? Well, first we have Ronald McDonald himself. He is the named after the fast food chain, and thus we must assume important to this whole fiasco. Well, because he is the central character, we must assume that he has some importance in what they are presenting. Since McDonald's has an image of "feeding the masses" or being the "working man's cheap and fast meal", it is clear that he is the everyman. For reference on how the McDonald's Corporation supports this view of being one of the masses, examine their vision:

We're not just a hamburger company serving people; we're a people company serving hamburgers.

Hence, Ronald represents the proletariat, always clowning and wasting time on silly hopes and desires. Being a clown, one could argue he is doing his job, but that is just how they view the proles they represent; doing merely their job and never reaching beyond.

Now, how does Ronald interact with this structure? Again, the proles in this, for lack of a better term, Donaldian society are basically harmless. Though they sometimes are a nuisance to the governing body, but not so much as they have to be watched all that closely. So, if Mayor McCheese and Officer Big Mac (the gruesome twosome) aren't so concerned about the proles, who does concern them? Well it's obvious that there are those amongst the rabble that will not be harmless and will go against the will of the governing body. It is these types that Officer Big Mac is there to keep the "Peace" over. Originally, this was represented by both Captain Crook and the Hamburgler, but since it was redundant, and the Donaldian society would look TOO out of control with that much crime amongst the small cast of characters, they have since retired Captain Crook. So is that it then? Is one placed either in a category of Prole or Crook? No, there is another, and that is Grimace.

Grimace is an interesting case. In early Donaldian theory, he was "Evil Grimace", and his specialty was nabbing milkshakes from children. Around the same time that Captain Crook was ousted, "Evil Grimace" became just Grimace. The assumption is that, again, they didn't want their idea of a perfect society to be marred by the fact that Officer Big Mac could be so corrupt as to not have control over that many in such a small community. Grimace, however, was useful to them as a symbol of the other sub-class of their community; the bourgeois. Seemingly fat and happy, the bourgeois are not interested in knowledge or progression in essence; merely the instant gratification of their wants. Grimace is fat on his lust for shakes, or as it were a glutton for the material. These are the people Mayor McCheese and Officer Big Mac truly try to appease, for as long as they can keep the "shakes" flowing, the bourgeois do not care what else they do.

Times change though, and a corporation (being a separate entity from its owners as it's considered in this country) has to change slightly with it in order to prosper. So we move into more Politically correct times, and it's much harder to feed the masses a Donaldian police state by the time the late 1980's roll around. So they decide to suddenly drop BOTH Mayor McCheese and Officer Big Mac from the front line-up. Interesting don't you think? Well, this site inquired as to the whereabouts of Mayor McCheese, and I can only assume it holds true for his brother as well. Here is the response they received:

"You may be interested to know that Mayor McCheese is alive and well and still presiding over McDonaldland. You may not see him as often because he stepped aside for awhile so that Ronald McDonald could introduce some of his newer friends ...

Keep your eyes out, though... you never know when he might make another appearance. In the meantime, he sends a big "hello" to you, and hopes to see you back at his favorite restaurant -- McDonald's!"

This situation is sort of eerie if one thinks of it. Suddenly Mayor McCheese is behind the scenes; "still presiding" and yet has "stepped aside". You never know when he might make another appearance? Is he watching from the shadows then? Officer Big Brother and Mayor McLenin indeed. I think this subterfuge has worked though, as a very sad few remember any of the original line-up. They haven't stopped on their need to push forward with their ideals though, as they had one more important introduction.

Boys clubs were decidedly illegal by the early 90's as they were put to a vote by the Supreme Court, and it was pretty obvious that up to that point the representation of a perfect Donaldian society was entirely male dominated. What they needed was some way to introduce a main female character so they could seem innocuous and yet still maintain their image of perfection. Enter Birdie. Birdie is the ultimate in female existence to the prime Donaldian theorist. Birdie has no power or influence over McDonaldland, yet she is the only one who can fly. On the surface, this looks to be an advantage, but in reality it is a metaphor for women not being "grounded" enough in the everyday to affect or control anything in their surroundings. Her head is as vacuous as her influence is, and sadly, this is what a Donaldian society reduces our poor human sisters to.

It is the author's hope that these revelations truly show the connection between McDonald's characters and their continued influence in the world to subvert and spread their societal theory about. Someday, maybe just someday, their characters will take on a more responsible and full role in the surrounding environment so that our children can learn a more meaningful way for a community to exist, but it does not seem likely. Until then, no super-size for me please.



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Golden Arches?
o Yes, the Arch of a jackboot! 19%
o Gold like the booty of Captain Crook! 5%
o The Gateway to a New Dawn. 9%
o You think that's bad, wait till you find out about the Monarchy of the Burger King. 26%
o That Wendy needs to go down too! 9%
o Go down on Ronald.. ROWR. 4%
o I prefer Arby's, and I am a sick puppy. 12%
o Inoshiroshima 13%

Votes: 172
Results | Other Polls

Related Links
o this
o himself
o We're not just a hamburger company serving people; we're a people company serving hamburgers.
o governing body
o rabble
o Grimace
o this [2]
o Birdie
o Also by MisterQueue

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Billions and Billions in Servitude | 143 comments (123 topical, 20 editorial, 0 hidden)
notes on Birdie (3.50 / 8) (#1)
by Joh3n on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 04:46:38 PM EST

I must point out that your interpretation of Birdie is indeed far from the truth.  You assert that Birdie has no power or influence over McDonaldland which is so far from the truth, it saddens me.

In fact, Birdie is symbolic of the clandestine, yet ever present, stranglehold over the citizens the Oligarcy in McDonaldland has.  Birdie, if you will, is the 'eye in the sky' keeping ever present surveilance on the population.  Some argue that reveling her existence was a mistake, which I scoff at, as the populace had been long aware that their every move was monitored.

It is a shame that you leave out this crucial point, out of fear perhaps?
You can learn a lot about someone by popping in their un-rewound pr0n tape and seeing where exactly they came.

Shhhh (4.83 / 6) (#9)
by imrdkl on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 05:12:31 PM EST

Have another happy meal.

yeah yeah (3.66 / 3) (#14)
by /dev/trash on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 05:17:12 PM EST

And The Smurfs are the cartoon manifestation of the US versus the Soviet Union.

Updated 02/20/2004
New Site
What's the over/under... (4.00 / 3) (#16)
by leviramsey on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 05:18:51 PM EST

...on how soon greenrd posts on how McDonalds is uber-evil?

I think he should just chill out and have a Double Quarter Pounder... ;o)

Evil Grimace you say? (4.60 / 5) (#23)
by VoxLobster on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 05:41:13 PM EST

I know what I'm dressing up as next Hallowe`en

I was raised by a cup of coffee! -- Homsar

The company slogan (4.90 / 10) (#27)
by fluffy grue on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 05:57:32 PM EST

We're not just a hamburger company serving people; we're a people company serving hamburgers.
This takes on a more sinister meaning when you reverse the connotations of "serve." They're serving people to hamburgers!

Which also fits in with the whole "Mayor McCheese" thing. They all serve McCheese.
"Is a sentence fragment" is a sentence fragment.
"Is not a quine" is not a quine.

[ Hug Your Trikuare ]

My favorite characters (4.33 / 6) (#30)
by Work on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 06:10:14 PM EST

Has to be the Hammurderer

Followed closely by the Grapist, a purple monster who sodomizes thirsty children.

"biases of the intellectual classes" (4.00 / 1) (#39)
by sye on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 06:48:46 PM EST

Your talk is cheaper than a Mac. And so is this one

commentary - For a better sye@K5
ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in crypto-cash
rubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL
Hey! at least he was in a stable relationship. - procrasti
Enter K5 via my lair

The evil virus that will destroy us all (4.50 / 2) (#41)
by jaymz168 on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 07:19:11 PM EST

Nothing can kill the Grimace!

You realize... (4.91 / 12) (#44)
by blixco on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 07:36:13 PM EST

....as noted below in my editorial comment, that your article here will be responsible for the end of the US world.

There are some terrible secrets that should remain terrible secrets: the coup that got us our bush, the sinister secret of mcdonalds, and the terrible secret of my garage.

I will tell you this, MisterQueue: who will feed the children when the McDonalds of the world go up in flames? Who will employ the high school kids, the unemployable masses? Who will we turn to when we wish for nothing more than the comforting smell of artificial food?

Damn you Queue. Damn you to the depths of hell!

But I still love you. You bastard.
don't panic

To summarize your thesis (4.42 / 7) (#46)
by Jonathan Walther on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 08:34:55 PM EST

  • Birdie, the only female, is meant to represent women everywhere as being flighty and feather-brained.

  • Ronald McDonald, the Everyman, represents the view of the ruling class that the proletarians are just clowns, who can be laughed at and dismissed.

  • Grimace is meant to represent the intellectual class; being powerless and marginalized, they are continually begging for food.  Their sour expression comes from their educated awareness of their disenfranchisment.

Apart from that, your analysis looks good and I agree with it :-)  Where can I find out about Captain Crook, Hamburger Junction, and the island?

(Luke '22:36 '19:13) => ("Sell your coat and buy a gun." . "Occupy until I come.")

What's in the background? (4.92 / 13) (#47)
by IHCOYC on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 08:39:32 PM EST

To me, the most striking thing about these images are the pictures they have put in the background.

Mayor McCheese has spinning wheels and steam locomotives, images of nineteenth century technology. Hamburglar apparently daydreams of rock stars and women in décolletage; fair enough.

But what the hell is going on behind Officer Big Mac? Human skeletons, disembodied brains, various detached body parts, and some kind of twisted biology experiment? What is the meaning of these symbols? Slightly less sinister, but almost as odd, is Grimace's apparent association with dinosaur bones and coelacanths.

I think we had ought to check McDonalds hamburgers for their lysine content. . .

Choke the last Santa with the guts of the last reindeer!

Who let you out with the semiotics textbook? (4.40 / 10) (#48)
by bigbtommy on Sat Dec 14, 2002 at 09:07:38 PM EST

If you want to complete this essay, make sure you add the following:
  • Constant references to semiotics, ontology and epistomology.
  • The use of the word 'zeitgeist' or 'postmodern' in every paragraph or so.
  • Witter on about underlying metaphors and anthropology for a few paragraphs.
  • Dialetics.
  • Contextualisation.
  • Deconstructivists.
  • "Neocultural".

Still, you haven't turned in to a screaming feminist yet, so you can't get the full title of "pseudo-intellectual master" yet, you young metaphorical rapscallion.
-- bbCity.co.uk - When I see kids, I speed up
And the struggle for power is represented by.... (4.83 / 6) (#55)
by Elkor on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 02:17:27 AM EST

The constant competition between Ronald and his primary competitor. A Monarchy that tries to lure away citizens of McDonaldland to their own kingdom. Promises of royalty for all turn out to be nothing more than cheap imagery (paper crowns) meant to foster an elitist belief undermining the complacent teachings of McDonald.

This struggle could further represent the two party system of government present in the US. Neither party really cares about its constituents. They merely come up with further ways to syphon money to further their own objectives.

While not explicitly targeted in either organizations campaigning (about the only dissimilarity with "real" politics) it is obvious that these two giants are locked in a fierce struggle for the minds and souls of the consumers of the world.

The solution? A freckle faced maiden who is the totem of a loving father. Whose only desire is to be the father for all the world and make sure they get good food at an affordable price so they won't have to live at home.


"I won't tell you how to love God if you don't tell me how to love myself."
-Margo Eve
The original McDonalds gang (3.00 / 5) (#58)
by Trollificus on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 07:01:01 AM EST

I've heard the only thing Hamburgler craves these days is cock.

And don't you think Ronald shows a little TOO much affection toward little children?

"The separation of church and state is a fiction. The nation is the kingdom of God, period."
--Bishop Harold Calvin Ray of West Palm Beach, FL

Amusing Article; Here is Additional Info (4.80 / 5) (#66)
by jck2000 on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 01:49:25 PM EST

1. Check this out: H.R. Pufnstuf Connection

2. What were the mop-topped little creatures who like fries called? Embarassingly enough, I believe I tried to make one as a child circa 1974 (the most embarassing year in history) out of yarn, a styrofoam hemisphere, some pipecleaners and paper.

3. The global consistency of McDonald's is amazing: in both the U.S. and Europe, within 45 minutes of ingesting their food, I must rush to the bathroom.

4. When the commercials involving McDonald's hiring retarded people came out, I often told my co-workers that we too were going to be similarly replaced.

5. The Michael Jackson/Ronald McDonald connection needs to be further explored.

6. The one McDonald's action that impressed me most was that they incorporated street slang for their company -- Mickey D's -- into official advertising.

You missed something (4.00 / 1) (#67)
by LilDebbie on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 02:42:03 PM EST

Ronald McDonald, indeed symbolizing the everyman, also serves another purpose. Through his constant, helpful nature, providing food and fun for the children of the world, he is revealed as the respectful, generous slave. By encouraging the lower classes through Ronald's example, we have a large body of people willing to volunteer in order to help their fellow slaves. By focusing the People on trying to help out each other, the true rulers of the world keep them from helping themselves. Upward class mobility is held down by the guilt provided by those who remain poor.

My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden.
- hugin -

Too Much Credit (4.50 / 2) (#68)
by virtualjay222 on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 03:07:59 PM EST

A very interesting premise - however, why would a tremendous conglomerate whose very livelihood is based upon the current system of capitalism (of which it has always been a symbol, since its appearance in the USSR came at the same time as the decay of the communist structure there) look to promote a social theory in contrast to this? While the connections made are astute, it is comparable to saying that Nike is promoting an elitist society consisting of only the best of athletes. You are overestimating the intelligence and ability of simple businessmen who were lucky enough to devise a winning scheme at the right time.


I'm not in denial, I'm just selective about the reality I choose to accept.

-Calvin and Hobbes

Why's this under Culture? (3.50 / 2) (#75)
by exceed on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 06:25:06 PM EST

When it was in the queue it was under the "Humour" topic... that's why I voted for it.

I was in no way taking this article seriously :D

void women (float money, time_t time);
The Parking Lot is Full (4.50 / 2) (#79)
by it certainly is on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 08:29:17 PM EST

likes McDonalds:

kur0shin.org -- it certainly is

Godwin's law [...] is impossible to violate except with an infinitely long thread that doesn't mention nazis.

Missed the most important problem with McDonald La (3.00 / 1) (#80)
by fsk on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 10:09:34 PM EST

Grimace used to have six hands, and in each hand he held a shake. What happed to the four missing hands? Were the removed as part of his "rehabilitation"?

When punk rock is outlawed, only outlaws will have punk rock.

Did anyone else notice... (3.00 / 1) (#81)
by Mox on Sun Dec 15, 2002 at 11:00:21 PM EST

That hamburglar looks rather stoned in his picture? Not to mention the groovy rebellious thoughts going on in his heathen mind, I mean, rock music and loose women? c'mon! Also note the drooping hat (a classic cartoon sign of intoxication) and the dark sunglasses to hide his bloodshot red eyes. It's obvious that the hamburglar's marijuana habit drives him uncontrollably to crime, and what better to steal than greasy hamburgers to quench his insatiable appetite for junk food?

Also note: unfortunately due to the low image quality we cannot see that his pants are encrusted with semen from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim. (not to mention this would do little to help McD's image as your friendly neighborhood gut-stuffing establishment.)

It's just marketing (none / 0) (#91)
by vile on Mon Dec 16, 2002 at 07:14:32 AM EST

Personally, I believe that McDonalds promotes as many types of human desire as possible. Well, even marketing rules says that they would have to in order to be as successful as they are.

But, even to the extent of cannabalism? I mean come on people, characters with heads of burgers? What are they saying here?

The money is in the treatment, not the cure.
Grimace, Trump and the Illuminati (4.50 / 2) (#93)
by belldandi on Mon Dec 16, 2002 at 09:55:55 AM EST

Ever since my husband first saw the new commercials with Grimace, he just keeps saying it's the Illuminati. I haven't yet heard how they are related, but he seems very adamant about there being some sort of relationship.


Every time I hear an OO purist talk, I want to pick up my bat object, come to their house object, and start bashing their skull object. -- hardburn
You forgot the Fry-Guys! (none / 0) (#94)
by krek on Mon Dec 16, 2002 at 10:00:36 AM EST


I can't help it... (1.20 / 5) (#98)
by lb008d on Mon Dec 16, 2002 at 11:57:24 AM EST


you serve McDonalds!

"Kuro5hin: politics and pretension, from the $3,000 leather recliners on the hill overlooking the trenches."DarkZero

Time to reboot the conspiracy (none / 0) (#105)
by mveloso on Mon Dec 16, 2002 at 02:11:36 PM EST

Looks like we've been found out. Must now move to Plan B. Start guava bean production immediately.

Was voting on this story (3.00 / 2) (#112)
by stpna5 on Mon Dec 16, 2002 at 11:50:09 PM EST

restricted to the sixth or seventh graders?...it's hard to tell which.

How on Earth (3.00 / 6) (#115)
by dcodea on Tue Dec 17, 2002 at 12:24:49 AM EST

did this get to the front page? No, honestly? This is a terrible high-school English paper, never mind suitable front page material. Even if you liked it, does it need to be the frist thing someone sees when they come here? Jeez, k5 continues it's slide into whatever-the-opposite-of-what-it-used-to-be-is.

Who Dares Wins

hahah (3.00 / 2) (#117)
by rev ine on Tue Dec 17, 2002 at 01:39:58 AM EST

I have NO idea what this article is about. +1 FP!!!!!!!!111

Officer Big Mac's white shoelaces (4.00 / 2) (#118)
by buglord on Tue Dec 17, 2002 at 04:16:45 AM EST

I couldn't help but noticing Officer Big Mac's white shoelaces on black boots. They are a pervasive symbol of right-wing extremists in Germany. Possibly in America, too, I don't know.

And WTF exactly do the brain, eye, mouth and ear symbol mean? Fucking eerie! Please, somebody explain the connection between these symbols and the executive branch to me.

I'm happy so much now I know how to use a gun!
Die Technik bereit und stabil... wir wollen zurück ins Telespiel!
welle:erdball - telespiel

That's what happened to adequacy... (3.50 / 4) (#119)
by Wiggy on Tue Dec 17, 2002 at 07:56:05 AM EST

I was wondering where all the kids from adequacy.org went to - this is SO their style it's just not funny. It just goes to show: if you write something stupid but use big words, people get impressed and FP it. Ho-hum.

First time, no clue - Bring some context! (none / 0) (#128)
by Enocasiones on Tue Dec 17, 2002 at 07:19:55 PM EST

This is a first for me: I read the article, clicked the links, looked at the Beatles-style cards (or McDonald's, it seems) and still, I didn't understand a single word.

I infered some things: the author seems to be trying to hang a lable of fascism or something nasty on McDonald's because of some cards they published who knows where. Well, actually I have an idea of where that is, but I'm not getting into that.

I'm not sure if he is trolling (don't think so after reading the first few comments, not very enlightening, btw) or if he really thinks McDonald's encourages Fascist Police-State Regimes. The problem is I am not in a position to discuss the subject, so I will read the comments to see what all the fuss is about ...

I see, I shouldn't be reading this article: who the hell uses a burger chain as a model, i.e., what is the relevance of the story? We already knew the tits of America, those two archs in praise of money, were evil. What really made me post a comment was a pledge for article writers: please put things in context, even if just a bit. Just for the ignorant rest of the world. And if you use two lines, use them wisely.



PS: about 80% through the comments I see it's about humour... ah, I can feign ignorance due to distance and avoid being called humourless! Here McD is really seen as evil!

The comments are better than the story (none / 0) (#129)
by seeS on Tue Dec 17, 2002 at 11:54:09 PM EST

Damn, I didn't get here to vote this guy +1 FP, but at least fellow stirrers have taken care of it. The story is not important, the indignant comments are all that matter. BTW, the reason why Mayor McCheese was retired and Ronald is more prominent is that Maccas realised that to be a real politician you have to be a complete clown. (I'm real surprised the politician-clown joke hasn't made it previously)
Where's a policeman when you need one to blame the World Wide Web?
Billions and Billions in Servitude | 143 comments (123 topical, 20 editorial, 0 hidden)
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