Where is all the Holistic Porn?
By greenrd in greenrd's Diary Tue Oct 01, 2002 at 08:33:54 PM EST Tags: (all tags)
I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to know.
Let me explain what I mean by Holistic Porn. What it would be is porn that would appeal strongly to both genders, and would encompass both visual titillation, passionate romance, and whatever it is in textual sex stories that is so popular with certain women (apart from passionate romance - I understand it's not just that?)
I understand that not everyone finds romance a plus point for porn, so some holistic porn could leave out the romance aspect, but still keep the other two bits.
Holistic porn, if it [could be / is being] done, would address four issues (in no particular order):
- Sex educators complain that porn gives people a skewed view of real relationships. Holistic porn could have more realistic depictions of relationships that are still arousing, and could even be educational. As Judith Levine points out perceptively in her sterling book Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex, remarkable for its uniform absence is any discussion, let alone celebration, of pleasure in even "progressive" sex education.
- Some men (and I know I'm not the only one), while not necessarily denigrating ordinary porn, would like to find more porn that combines visual titillation with romantic "mushiness", or whatever you want to call it. It would have to be watchable and well-done, of course, not some ham acting rubbish.
- Many women say that most/all porn that they've seen is boring/unarousing for them. It would be nice to have a whole genre of porn that straight couples could enjoy watching/viewing together, without having to search through mountains of junk for something interesting. (Some gay porn might be very arousing for some women, but it's not really suitable for viewing with a straight boyfriend).
- If it portrayed a realistic story and portrayed women with great respect, it would stand as a concrete counterexample to the argument that porn is inherently degrading to women. (OK, gay male porn is already a counterexample to that, surely! - but still, I would appreciate having a highly compelling straight counterexample as well.)
Any suggestions? Where would those of us who are interested in this sort of thing find it? (And which keywords would we search for to find more of it?) Is it simply uneconomic to produce (eh? really?), or is it an untapped market, or is tapped and we're just looking in the wrong place? Maybe these are stupid questions, but like I said, I know I'm not the only one who'd like to know, and I'm sure others would be grateful to find out as well if it is available.
I don't care if you call it "erotica" or "porn" or something else - or whether it's produced by Hollywood or by two lovers in their back garden - none of that really enters into my definition. To me, porn is anything that is intended primarily to sexually arouse - so even fully-clothed cam godesses flaunting their stuff on camrecord.com can count as pornographic. I know that's a very broad, transgressive definition, but that's what I mean for the purposes of scoping out what "Holistic Porn" is.
P.S. No predictable infantile jokes based around the word "hole", please.