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Your Ideals Are Well Within Your Reach

By Merk00 in Merk00's Diary
Thu Oct 10, 2002 at 11:32:58 PM EST
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After eating Chinese food for lunch, I got the following fortune: "Your ideals are well within your reach." What precisely does that mean? I think they meant goals when they said ideals but if they mean ideals, I should be getting around to world peace sometime in the near future. The other strange thing about this fortune is that where it normally has a "Learn Chinese" was instead occupied by the companies website. So now I've been reduced to not learning Chinese because of the internet. What's next? I won't be able to trust the music industry to tell me what to listen to because of the internet? Or something like that.

Poll: Is FAQ pronounced fac or eff aeeh queue?

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Today would've been the one year anniversary for B and I. I think you can't get an impression of how my day went based on that statement alone. Now, nothing particularly amazing happened, but I did end up thinking about it throughout the day. I honestly thought I was destined to run into her today and actually talk with her but it didn't happen. I suppose my feelings aren't always right on issues such as that. Talking with Jeff, I found out (yet again actually) that it would have been his three year anniversary with an ex-girlfriend (and one he cared about quite a bit). We decided that in the future we need to rent violent movies and combine it with copious amounts of hard liquor. The sad part is that we've planned this for the next two years in advance (given that the next day will be a weekend). This should be particularly fun since I don't drink.

I got to make eye contact with the hot girl in my history class today. She, for once, got to class ahead of me and was sitting down when I walked in. She was looking at me as I walked in but it's probably just because I happened to be walking into the room. But one can dream. I think I live vicariously through random occurances such as this.

I think my central theory about the Middle East is that the British and French greatly messed up the area after World War 1 and the US has been left to clean things up. It's really a lose-lose situation for the US as it either supports the unjust borders drawn after World War 1 or it destablises the entire region. I find it mostly funny that the French seem to be against anything that the US tries to do in the Middle East.

I talked to Christina for the first time in quite awhile tonight. I'm not sure why she hasn't talked to me but I was waiting for her to contact me. Obviously, she hasn't and so I just relented and IMed her. Not sure if there was any reason for her ignoring me but I doubt it. I'll have to ask her. Anyway, I'm now picking Pat up from the bus station (originally written as "bust station") tomorrow. This requires me to actually remember how to get to the bus station and circumnavigating downtown Rochester. Luckily, I've been there before so it's not too much trouble. I find it amusing that Pat referred to the bus station as being in the "main shopping district." If only such a place existed in Rochester.

I found out a bit more about Gay/Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Deaf Week. There are five days worth of activities and only a single one has any relation to deafness. And on that day, someone who is both deaf and gay will speak (er, sign or whatnot). The more I learn about it the sillier the concept of this particular week seems. I wonder if they've (yes, the mysterious "they" that inhabit college campuses) actually accomplished something through this week. Probably not.

Yesterday, I went to the BS/MS orientation. It basically centered around talking about the thesis process. Now, so far, I've managed to ignore the fact that in about two years I'm going to have to start thinking about writing a thesis. I was fairly happy with this state of affairs. Now I know exactly what I'm going to have to do. Luckily, I get to procrastinate about the whole thing for another two years (as I really can't start until I finish classes anyway). The only really interesting part of the process is that I'm required to actually publish part of my research. Generally, it's just a conference publication but there is the ability to publish in a journal. It'll be interesting to actually have something published at some point in time but that's still awhile off. I still have another two years to figure out what topic I want to research (let alone what specific problem I want to write my thesis about). I will start taking requests now.

It looks more and more like I'll be returning to APL for the winter. Not that it's a bad job but I would like something different. So, if anyone knows of any Coop or Internship positions for the winter in the Computer Engineering field, tell me.


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Is FAQ pronounced fac or eff aeeh queue?
o fac (one word) 63%
o eff aeeh queue (pronounce each letter) 36%
o Your a bit anal don't you think? 0%

Votes: 11
Results | Other Polls

Related Links
o Merk00's Diary

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Your Ideals Are Well Within Your Reach | 3 comments (3 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
hmm perhaps option 4, at least for me that is. (none / 0) (#1)
by Iron Chef on Thu Oct 10, 2002 at 11:30:30 PM EST

I see FAQ and I say
"Frequently asked questions"

pronounciation (none / 0) (#2)
by crazycanuck on Thu Oct 10, 2002 at 11:37:24 PM EST

I say it the same as in "faq off"

The sound of silence (none / 0) (#3)
by Skwirl on Fri Oct 11, 2002 at 02:05:41 AM EST

I agree about the Middle East and the vicarious hot girls, but you lost me with deaf week. You mean there's a week dedicated to deaf GLBTs? Wow. That's pretty specific.

My school's GLBT folks had a day of silence and they'd go around wearing buttons and not speaking. That's one heck of a strong statement, although I think it'd be hella difficult.

"Nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself." -- Herman Hesse

Your Ideals Are Well Within Your Reach | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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